Stanek Sunday funnies, “Islamic terrorists (try to) massacre free speech” edition
This week two Islamic terrorists massacred 12 people in France over offensive cartoons penned against Mohammed by cartoonists at a satirist newspaper.
This violent attack against free speech gripped the world, and of course, their American counterparts. Here are the top five six I thought most insightful. Be sure to vote for your favorite in the poll at the bottom of this post.
by Ruben L. Oppenheimer on Twitter…
by Robert Ariail at…
by Bob Gorrell at…
a twofer by Glenn McCoy at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
I gotta go with #2 this week. It perfectly demonstrates why attempte to silence others with violence will always fail.
I voted for #3 because it is such a great synopsis of BO’s weird claims, but #1 is visually powerful. Wish I could have voted for more than one!
Number #3 was my second choice because while it exposes BO’s propensity for telling lies, it implies that he’s just ignorant. Deep down, he knows the truth. But he’s a career politician who’s mastered the arts of spin, subterfuge and deception.
Number #4 was my favorite because it illustrates how his attempts to appease islamic radicals by sucking up to them effectively embolden their violence.
Deep down, he knows the truth. But he’s a career politician who’s mastered the arts of spin, subterfuge and deception.
I agree. To me, the caption There is none so blind as he who will not see makes this very clear.
IIRC, that’s a line from a classic oldie by Ray Stevens called “Everything is Beautiful.” How true that is.
When I first heard the news about the slain cartoonists in Paris, my first thought was this terror plot would backfire. If they were trying to silence Charlie Hebdo, the terrorists just gave them a bigger voice. I never heard of Charlie Hebdo until now. Now, the whole world knows and cares.
When I multitask, often my grammar suffers, 1:25 pm: “emboldening”.
I should have added this to my previous comment:
IIRC, that’s a line from a classic oldie by Ray Stevens called “Everything is Beautiful.” How true that is.
“That” referred to the line of his lyric (There is none so blind as he who will not see). We know that such attacks are not beautiful. :(