Stanek weekend Q #1: Predictions for abortion in 2015?
U.S. News & World Report predicts “2014’s Republican wave will encourage lawmakers to consider more restrictions on abortion rights” in 2015, adding:
The recent surge in abortion laws – more were enacted between 2011 and 2013 than in the previous decade - met both success and defeat in court challenges in 2014. That fight over women’s access to abortion likely will continue in the months to come, as both houses of U.S. Congress will be Republican-led, as will even more state houses. What issues will be at the battle lines?
20 Week Abortion Bans…
Admitting Privileges and Other Requirements for Abortion Clinics…
Medical Abortion…
There’s more to stopping abortion than passing pro-life laws, of course. Operation Rescue reported on December 29 that - by my count, comparing last year’s OR report with this year’s - saw a net drop of 20 surgical/medical abortion clinics in 2014 – down to 739 in total, from a high of 2,176 in 1991.
When we come to the end of 2015 and look back, what changes do you think we’ll see in the U.S./International abortion landscape?
New Mexico governor Susana Martinez, who claims to be pro-life, will actually do something *anything* to mitigate her own abortion hypocrisy and the states pro-abortion reputation.
Nationally, I hope to see an increase in pro-life support as measured in public opinion polls.
Several factors working in our favor:
– Legislation and lawsuits increase conversations.
– Exposure of the sub-standard conditions within the abortion industry.
– More women “in the wild” telling their personal stories.
– Especially celebrity women expressing their pain.
– Increasing education and awareness of fetal development.
– Increasing awareness and use of Pregnancy Care Centers, and appreciation of their contributions to the community.
– Gallup’s poll will be pretty close to what it has been for years. The Pro-life side will will celebrate that 70ish percent of people say abortions should be illegal or only legal in certain circumstances. The pro-choice side will celebrate that 70ish percent of people say abortion should be completely legal, or legal in certain circumstances. Both sides will accuse the other of misinterpreting data. A lot of babies will be aborted during those arguments.
– A dozen or so new regulations will pass states around the country. The big winner will be lawyers as they’ll routinely be challenged and go through many layers of court review. A few will stand – a few will fall – millions and million will be spent. At the end of the day, it might impact abortion rates a half percent or maybe even a full percent. A lot of babies will be aborted during those arguments.
– The federal level will be pretty quiet regarding abortion, as the right doesn’t want to ruffle too many feathers as they head into an election year.
– Late in 2015, the GOP’s field will be whittled down to about 15 possible candidates. The Dems will have Hillary and Bernie Sanders, and will quickly be moving to mobilize around Hillary
– Abortion numbers will continue to decrease with a better economy, health care stability brought on through health care reform, and the minimum wage increases in many states and cities. Large issues that would help decrease abortion – maternity coverage, paid parental leave, child card costs – those issues will continue to be largely ignored.
Concise and accurate Ex-GOP, well put.
The federal GOP won’t tackle abortion, they already have a shrinking base. And yes, healthcare reform and a minimum wage which will actually sustain life will have a bigger impact on abortion rates than anything else.