Stanek Sunday funnies 2-1-15
Good morning, and Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Here were my top five favorite political cartoons this week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Gary McCoy at…
by Rick McKee at…
by ViewsAmerica at…
and a couple in honor of the big day, first by Steve Kelley at…
by Walt Handelsman at…
I’m voting for #1 because it’s sad but true.
Yup, one for sure. Two is good too but when you compare the number of innocent children killed by abortion to the number killed by Islamic terrorism, well there is no comparison.
BO is depicted as being evil in number one and clueless in number two.
I think he’s both. You’re right JDC, sad but true.
I recommend just posting the Sarah Palin Freedom Summit speech as the funny thing from the week. That was high-larious!
What did you find so funny about it, X?
Del – are you kidding or have you not seen coverage of it?
I was torn between #2 and #3 — love ’em both for sad reasons, as someone else said. Ended up voting for #3. I seriously hope that never comes to pass. If it did, I figure Michelle would get a pass. :-)
X, you didn’t answer Del’s question.
Claire – I’m serious in my question to Del – the whole thing was this funny train wreck – I’m assuming he saw coverage of it – if not, I was going to post some articles – if so, then it’s a little odd he’s asking – don’t you think?
What’s crazy is that some people would honestly still vote for her if she ran for something.
1 and 2 are tying for my favorite!
Sorry Ex… I didn’t mean to ignore you there. But we’ve had enough exchanges by now that I hope you can trust me: If I ask you a question, it is because I am curious to here your answer.
I did not see or hear any coverage of the Freedom Summit, except for some polling which indicates at Scott Walker is still resonating with real folks outside of Wisconsin.
Now, I still really like Walker as our governor — and we will be without good and adequate leadership if he abandons his governorship. I will be sad if he runs for president, where he (like Obama) won’t be able to do anything helpful even if he tries.
Whatever… I am genuinely curious if Sarah Palin really did something sad or funny, or if you are just parroting the rhetoric of the usual anti-TEA Party chattering. Mrs. Palin usually gives an inspiring talk and crowds come to hear her. She speaks common sense that resonates with American families.
And yet voices on the left always say that she is stupid, and folks are stupid for listening to her. Stooopid! — As they hiss the name of Palin with venom. There is a reason why the TEA Party is genuine force in American politics, and why the chattering Left was unable to bring any clout to the 2014 elections. People who engage don’t like being called “Stupid.”
My mind is still open, because I don’t attend too much to political posturing. If Mrs. Palin has lost her edge, I would like to know it. Because I may have to vote again for her someday, if she is running against a candidate who supports abortion, euthanasia, or the redefining of natural human marriage or genders.
I personally think that guys like Ex-RINO hate gals like Sarah Palin because they realize that (assuming both were single) she would never go out on a date with him.
Hi Prax,
I think men are jealous of Sarah. She’s got a bigger pair than most of them. Good grief John Boehner cries more than she does.
Bigger pair of what?
Sarah Palin is now even being ditched by right wingers. It was largely incoherent – she complained a long time, said some really bizarre rambling statements. Some have said maybe her teleprompter went out. It was odd. She went on this rambling component of about only getting ridden when your back is bent. Here’s a good summation of it – if somebody had said she was on drugs or alcohol, I wouldn’t have been surprised.
Prax –
Honest to God, I had never voted for a Democrat until Sarah Palin was a VP candidate – I was always a straight ticket GOPer. She turned me.
Hi Prax,
Your posts are a joke and if a may be so bold…horse manure. Everybody on this site knows you for your severe case of Bush derangement syndrome. As a true pro-lifer and real conservative I bid you good riddance!
I have observed Ex-GOP’s comments over the last couple of years.
I find him firmly in the anti-choice camp. No doubt about it.
The fact that he is not a rabid rightist who froths and exclaims pointless, meaningless, unproductive and hate-filled rants and raves does not change that fact.
His different political position to yours =/= pro-choice
anti-choice =/= ‘real’ conservative
Nobody can argue what I posted was true. Ex-RINO spent tears exposing us to his Bush derangement syndrome. To come to this thread, which had cartoons about or references to Sarah Palin, and claim she is the reason he quit voting GOP is just BS. In fact he also said that he hasn’t voted GOP since Sarah Palin ran on the GOP ticket. In his words she ‘turned’ him. But he has stated in the past that he voted for Walker. But then you like to BS too so you might not even notice.
Sorry, should have read:
“To come to this thread, which had NO cartoons about or references to Sarah Palin, and claim she is the reason he quit voting GOP is just BS”
Do you have any questions or thoughts?
Sarah Palin was not my sole reason – the GOP was in the process of transitioning from compassionate conservationism to the new brand of demonizing the poor and middle class.
Adding Sarah Palin to the ticket simply showed a completely lack of respect for the future of the country. The thought that she could have been one heartbeat away from the Presidency should scare anybody.
Again, if it came out she was high on something or had been drinking – it would explain the speech a lot more.
I liked Sarah’s speech.
Prax –
It is one great speech – she be bold!
I love that she isn’t bound to our rules about things like grammar. Proper sentences can’t beat her down!
Nobody can argue what I posted was true. – well yes, they can actually.
Let’s see. In your first post you stated Your posts are a joke and if a may be so bold…horse manure. – the fact that you don’t like Ex-GOP’s politics might render his posts a joke to you but that’s merely opinion. And they most certainly are not horse manure. They are much more factual and backed up than anything I’ve seen from you.
Then you went on to say Everybody on this site knows you for your severe case of Bush derangement syndrome. – I think you mean “Bush’s deranged syndrome”.
And then As a true pro-lifer and real conservative I bid you good riddance! – the fact that Ex-GOP may not be whatever you consider a ‘real’ conservative to be does not mean he is any less anti-choice than you are.
and claim she is the reason he quit voting GOP is just BS. – you have no basis whatsoever on which to make such a claim. Have you.
And she still wouldn’t date you if you were the last man on earth.
I’d find that something to be proud of.
EGV 10:47PM,
Has Sarah been to all 57 states and spoken to corpse-men?
I prefer women who can speak complete sentences and who don’t whine so much.
There is absolutely nothing I find attractive about Palin.
“There is absolutely nothing I find attractive about Palin.”
LOL. I’ve worked around enough immature teenage boys to know that the girls they do the most bellyaching about are the ones they are attracted to but who they know don’t feel the same way about them.
Try being nice.
I dislike Palin as a politician and a speaker, but I don’t believe unless I have some unconscious bias I’m unaware of that it’s due to gender. I’m pretty sure I dislike her for the same reasons I dislike hard right male politicians. As a person she seems fine for what little I know, seems to love and support her kids and I haven’t heard of any cheating or sex scandals connected to male politicians on both sides of the aisle.
I enjoyed the last comic.. At least the Seahawks, terrible last minute calls asides, got to the Bowl on talent alone, not just on Tom Brady and blatant cheating. Always hated the Pats.
@ Ex-GOP:
Thank you for the link to Sarah Palin’s talk. I have to agree…. It is a rambling thing. Not her best effort.
I’m not sure it deserves the scorn that you heap upon it.
However… her accent is probably ‘hilarious’ to someone who is not from the upper Midwest. There are people who make fun of us and ridicule our values.
Del – agreed.
She won’t run for President – she’ll fall out of the spotlight soon.
2016 is Clinton vs Bush. I’d bet money on it. I’m not excited – but it just seems to be almost inevitable.
“Has Sarah been to all 57 states and spoken to corpse-men? ”
Obama is way stupider than Palin. Did you see his NBC interview during the superbowl where he said he is the first president since George Washington to brew beer in the White House? One problem, George Washington didn’t live in the White House. If Palin said that the drive-by media would be all over her. Obama says it and he is still the smartest guy the DemocRATs have ever had in office.
wtf is Obama doing about ISIS? Would all these thousands of people have been butchered and run out of their homes in Iraq if Obama had left US forces?
How did the mind of the Obama administration get so warped that it can call a terrorist group the Islamic State but deny that the members of the group are Islamic? Palin isn’t that stupid.
XGOP, I’d vote for Sarah Palin in a heartbeat over Obama, Hillary, or Pelosi. She has more brains and good sense than all of them put together.
Claire –
Every American is entitled to their opinions – so you can surely feel however you would like to feel. Heck, if you’d like to write in your next door neighbor for President, nobody is stopping you. If you have a question for me, I’ll surely answer it – as to your statement though -thanks for your opinion.
The saddest part of the Obama presidency has been to watch the 30-40% of Americans who support him ‘no matter what’. Even when the Obama administration uses the IRS to go after conservatives and the justice department to go after Gibson Guitars. As a conservative I would never support ANY elected official using the government to attack political opponents. But it has become apparent that almost the entire elected Democratic party (and the majority of the DemocRATic voters) are willing accomplices to their ruthless Chicago style thuggery.
If you are going to support Obama and say how smart you think he is then you could at least answer a couple of questions for me and help me understand his rationale. 1)How does the Obama administration rationalize calling a terrorist group the Islamic State but deny that the members of the group are Islamic? 2) Why the change in stance about the Taliban where they now refuse to call the Taliban a terrorist group but instead now call them an ‘armed insurgency’?
truth –
Here’s an answer to your first question – some direct quotes from the White House:
truth –
Here’s an answer to your second question:
Ex-RINO, regarding question #2
The questioner from the press told the WH spokesperson that the Taliban is certainly a terrorist group and WH spokesperson said that the Taliban is not a terrorist group. I get that and I already saw that presser where the WH announced the change in designation of the Taliban from a terrorist organization to an armed insurgency. But I didn’t hear the WH spokesperson tell us the ‘why’ so I wanted to know why you think they made the change? Especially given the fact that the Taliban just blew up a school full of children and killed 128 children and maimed hundreds more, why did the WH choose now to make the change in designation? Again, no more links, I already saw all the pressers, I want to know why ‘you’ think the Obama administration made the change in stance about the Taliban where they now refuse to call the Taliban a terrorist group but instead now call them an ‘armed insurgency’?
truth –
I’m sorry man – you must have me mistaken for somebody that works for Obama. I don’t. So if you ask a question on a White House position, I’m going to find an article that gives you the position of the White House. It’s almost bizarre not to. It’s like asking what the Bible says about something, but demanding no verses be posed.
Do some research on it – I’m sure you’ll find plenty of opinions.
I had already seen that presser you linked to on question #1 also. Obama says that because they are a minority of all Muslims that he can ostensibly deny that they Muslims at all. Even though they are a minority, That does not make it rational to to deny they are Muslims when everybody else in the world sees them as Sunni Muslims terrorizing in the name of Allah. So tell me in your own words, do you think ISIS is made up of Muslims? And do you think they are terrorists?
“So if you ask a question on a White House position, I’m going to find an article that gives you the position of the White House.”
That is precisely why nobody on this site respects you very much. You have no identity to offer anything of your own to the conversation. Your are nothing more than a parrot trained in WH talking points.
truth –
Two things:
– I’m not going to try to read the mind of the White House when you are perfectly capable of reading articles in which they explain themselves.
– The personal attacks are getting old. Furthermore, feel free to speak for yourself and your feelings for me. Others are adults – you don’t need to speak for them.
I am telling you that I am not not the first to tell you that you incessantly parrot WH talking points. I guess that could be construed as an insult. Maybe you should try thinking for yourself?
Lets play a game called ‘Smarter than Sarah’. I ask you questions that Sarah Palin knows the answers to and you tell me if you know the answer.
1) Do you think ISIS is made up of Muslims?
2) Do you think they are terrorists?
So you didn’t read the links Ex-GOP provided you with truthseeker.
The answers are there.
I had already seen those pressers. I have asked quite a few questions at this point. Which specific answers are you referring to?
The answers to your questions posed at 12:38am.
They were answered in a far more rational, accurate and intelligent manner than palin could ever hope to achieve.
Lets play a game called ‘Smarter than Sarah’. I ask you two questions and you tell me your answer. Then we will compare your answers to Sarah Palin’s and see who is smarter.
1) Do you think ISIS is made up of Muslims?
2) Do you think they are terrorists?
Hint – Obama says ISIS is not made up of Muslims.
“I’m not sure it deserves the scorn that you heap upon it.”
I am sure it doesn’t deserve the scorn that has been heaped on it. Sarah was talking to her audience like she would to a group of equals and friends. If you listen to people’s average, everyday conversations, they tend to ramble. She is not being paid to put on an act and remember all her lines for crying in the rain.
From the top of this thread, it has been insinuated that Sarah was high during her speech. I worked in bars for years and Sarah didn’t sound high, drunk or stoned to me. She sounded sincere and passionate.
“That was high-larious!”
Someone once started a rumor that they saw me doing drugs at a party. This was years after I had even had an alcoholic drink. I countered on the order of, “I guess she must attend drug parties then and druggies feel comfortable letting her see their drugs.” To recognize when someone is high, you must be running those circles, eh? If you sincerely thought she was high, as a fellow prolifer why wouldn’t you express concerns that you hope she gets help?
“What’s crazy is that some people would honestly still vote for her if she ran for something.”
Yeah, people who vote for someone you don’t care for must have a screw loose.
“It was largely incoherent – she complained a long time, said some really bizarre rambling statements.”
Kinda like some of your posts in my opinion. If you are high, please get some help.
“I’m pretty sure I dislike her for the same reasons I dislike hard right male politicians.”
Those reasons would be what? That she has nice boots and doesn’t have gages and tats? You didn’t say you dislike her politics. You said you dislike her. You dislike an outspoken prolife woman who has taken a lot of flack for not choosing to kill her special needs son. Nice.
“I have to agree…. It is a rambling thing. Not her best effort.”
Maybe it was her best effort. How do you know what was going on in her day?
You three men are all regulars here and vehemently state over and over how prolife you are but you still have no problem ripping on one of the most outspoken prolife women in our country. I can’t speak for Sarah but if she were single, I doubt she would date any of you. And if she ever thought about dating guys like you, I would try my best to talk her out of it.
If you all are a cross-section of the best men we have in the prolife movement, it’s no wonder abortion is still legal.
In my world, prolife men support and defend prolife women. They don’t rip on them for communicating differently than they do.
Oh yeah. Rant over.
“Those reasons would be what? That she has nice boots and doesn’t have gages and tats?”
I love gauges and tats so…. :)
“You didn’t say you dislike her politics. You said you dislike her.”
Considering I said, specifically, I think she seems fine as a human being and I like that she’s seems to be a great mom who supports her children and loves them, and doesn’t get involved in nasty scandals like a lot of the male politicians have, I don’t know why you’re making up that I dislike her personally. I am sorry for not being very specific with my language, that I dislike her politics (but I thought that was clear when I spoke of hard right politicians, not hard right men in general or hard right women in general). As a human being, she seems fine. Don’t really like or respect the reality show but I guess that’s her deal.
I hate her politics, I hate that she subscribes to the “bootstraps” philosophy that I hate hearing coming from ANYONE. I dislike her views on gay rights. I dislike her views on foreign policy. I dislike her views on lots of things. About the only thing her and I agree on is disability rights and pro-life. Again, the exact same reasons I dislike hard righty male politicians.
“You dislike an outspoken prolife woman who has taken a lot of flack for not choosing to kill her special needs son. Nice.”
I’m super happy that she never killed her child, and I’ve pointed out that trashing she took multiple times on this blog if you care to remember or seek out my comments. I can think she’s a terrible politician. In fact, it would be pretty sexist if I pretended to like her politics just because of her gender.
Obama says ISIS is not made up of Muslims – Hint. He said no such thing. Maybe you should have read the articles Ex-GOP provided you with links to.
“I think we all recognize that this is a particular problem that has roots in Muslim communities” said Obama, obviously meaning that since it isn’t in the christian community, the atheist community, the Buddhist community, the chocolate cake eating community or whatever, it must be muslim. He went on to say “the overwhelming majority of Muslims who reject the radical ideology and tactics of terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda.” – unless you think muslim = terrorist truthseeker?
And the headline itself on the second link says “ISIS a terrorist group”
So his answer to your questions is yes and yes. And they were answered in a far more rational, accurate and intelligent manner than palin could ever hope to achieve.
Oh and considering I’m like two decades younger than her, I’m her children’s age for goodness sakes. I certainly hope she wouldn’t date me. Haha.
And thanks for the personal attacks. That’s not the way I speak to you and I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve simultaneous attacks on my pro-life views, my view of women, and my manhood because I don’t like right wing politicians. I don’t think immunity to criticism is part of respect for women either.
“So his answer to your questions is yes and yes. And they were answered in a far more rational, accurate and intelligent manner than Palin could ever hope to achieve.”
Then obama must be really dense because you say that he knows ISIS are Muslim and he knows ISIS are terrorists but he is unable to put two thoughts together and call them Muslim terrorists. Sounds like he is quite a bit dumber than Palin and dumber than almost everybody else.
“In fact, it would be pretty sexist if I pretended to like her politics just because of her gender.”
Who said you should pretend to like her politics? You never came to her defense when other men here alluded that she was high or drunk and is crazy, stupid and incoherent. She was not high or drunk and is not crazy, stupid or incoherent.
If the name Ellen Degeneres was substituted for the name Sarah Palin here, I bet you’d be doing some squawking in her defense. Rightly so I might add.
“Oh and considering I’m like two decades younger than her, I’m her children’s age for goodness sakes. I certainly hope she wouldn’t date me.”
If you were both the same age, she’d be foolish to date you especially if you were honest with her about your high-risk bisexual behaviors.
“I don’t like right wing politicians.”
How would you react if someone here said, “I don’t like gays.”?
“and my manhood”
LOL. I can only ride ya when your back is bent. So straighten up.
Oh btw, how is your new church family? I guess it’s been awhile so they are probably not new to you anymore.
Oh wait…Obama seems to have evolved again and it may have taken him years longer than it Sarah Palin to figure it out but he said that ISIS is committing terror in the ‘name of Islam’. Now if he could just figure out that means they are Islamic terrorists he could show everyone that he has at least a half a brain.
No truthseeker, dumb would be those who quotemine and expect others to believe it. So try again. Or is the whole thing simply too nuanced for you? Muslim extremists? Islamic terrorists? Does it confuse you?
Hello LDPL, good to ‘see’ you. I must say there are times when this site seems more akin to an extremist right-wing site than an anti-choice site. The ‘required’ political position to avoid denigration by others seems to be more important than the abortion stance.
Selecting a few of Obama’s words here and there and then just making up stuff you then claim he said doesn’t cut it truthseeker.
Palin is all but incoherent. She is so limited she simplifies most topics into meaninglessness.
“You never came to her defense when other men here alluded that she was high or drunk and is crazy, stupid and incoherent. She was not high or drunk and is not crazy, stupid or incoherent.”
I am very sorry my comment didn’t cover what you wanted to (I’m only being a bit sarcastic there, I should have mentioned that no, she didn’t sound high or drunk, people can have their opinions on whether her words were stupid or not but they shouldn’t call HER stupid, that’s mean).
“If the name Ellen Degeneres was substituted for the name Sarah Palin here, I bet you’d be doing some squawking in her defense. Rightly so I might add.”
Well, Ellen is rather famous for being really cruel to the people who work under her show so I probably wouldn’t defend her personally. “If you want to know the measure of a (wo)man, see how (s)he treats his/her inferiors, not his/her equals” or something to that effect. Sarah treats a lot of people that others considered “inferior” (like the mentally disabled) with respect and love, that’s something she’s got on Ellen. Other “inferiors” like gay people or the poor, not as much. I wouldn’t stand for gendered slurs towards either, or attacks on Ellen’s sexuality or Sarah’s amount of children or whatever, it’s quite irrelevant to their political views or whether or not they are good people.
“If you were both the same age, she’d be foolish to date you especially if you were honest with her about your high-risk bisexual behaviors.”
Wow Prax. Now that was hurtful. My pastor told me that regardless of what I’ve done in the past (or rather considering I was a minor for the VAST majority of “bisexual” behaviors I’ve engaged in, the rapes I’ve endured) that I can behave just as good as anyone else who’s admitted that they’ve messed up and tries to do their best to be moral. I get that simply being bisexual makes me more wrong and immoral inherently than straight people, it’s been months since I denied that but I don’t understand why you want to randomly use that to hurt me. Why would that be the thing you attack? Why not my former drug use? Why not my mental illness? Do you really think that being bisexual means I’m inherently bad for women or something? That’s just unnecessarily cruel to say to me Prax. I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting me, not that I think we’d be a good couple lol, but come on. Unnecessary attack.
“How would you react if someone here said, “I don’t like gays.”?”
People say that here all the time, at least when I commented more regularly and it was commonly brought up. I rarely reacted well until I accepted that it’s a disorder and there are reasons people don’t like people like me. I don’t think that means that we deserve less rights but some people simply don’t like us because of it, and I can’t really find arguments against it anymore. Again, I don’t think this is fair criticism.
“LOL. I can only ride ya when your back is bent. So straighten up.”
Should I say the same about Sarah? Does she deserve unnecessary personal attacks because I disagree with many of her views? Of course not. Attack my politics or even say that you hate me, I guess, but blaming me for your personal attacks when I said nothing that can be considered a personal attack, and even deliberately said I wouldn’t personally attack her, is just unnecessary. Maybe be nice to me? I haven’t said anything to warrant this type of attitude from you I think, if I have then it wasn’t my intent and I think you’re misconstruing me here.
“Oh btw, how is your new church family? I guess it’s been awhile so they are probably not new to you anymore.”
They’re good. Pretty supportive when I got committed for suicide attempt a few months back, they visited me and helped make sure my babies were okay and all. I got to go to family dinners for holidays for one of the very few times and that helped, my kids were ecstatic at the love and presents they got from those families. They tell me Jesus loves me as much as he loves everyone else even if I feel I am and have done worse. Only a few people there know about the bisexual issue and I’m not planning on telling anyone considering I don’t think there’s much support to be found in general in churches for things like me so I am selective and just told the pastors and a couple people I think are my friends. I get to volunteer at a youth rehab and a homeless teen shelter which is great and I think I’m helping show love to those kids, the church helped me get into that. Overall they’ve been great and a help.
I don’t understand the mood whiplash here from you. If you think I’m a bad person then why do you care how I’m doing with my church family? I really don’t understand why you’re attacking me or what happened here, I haven’t talked to you in months really.
Oh, and a much better analogy to “I don’t like right wing politicians” is “I don’t like liberal politicians”. Which is said over and over and over and over and over and over and over, among much less flattering ways of stating that same idea. Is that wrong to say as well? I don’t think any of us are fond of people in power putting laws and ideas in place we strongly disagree with. Got nothing to do with people on an individual level, I don’t dislike you, or Carla, or other hard righties on this board. I dislike your favorite politicians because they are putting in policies that I think are directly harming my country, my family, and me.
“Hello LDPL, good to ‘see’ you. I must say there are times when this site seems more akin to an extremist right-wing site than an anti-choice site. The ‘required’ political position to avoid denigration by others seems to be more important than the abortion stance.”
Well she can denigrate if she wants, I’m sure some of it is warranted whether or not it hurts my poooooorr feelers (I’m way too sensitive). I just don’t understand, I thought my comment was mild and fair and I didn’t personally attack anyone. I think it’s more that Prax is very quick to root out sexism, which is admirable but I don’t think I was picking on anyone for their gender or that I’m necessarily an all bad man that’s bad for women. I think I might be okay for liberal pro-life women.
“The ‘required’ political position to avoid denigration by others seems to be more important than the abortion stance.”
Not necessarily ‘required but it’s no surprise that it is the way it is. What kind of person would want to support a party that espouses a pro-abort political platform. Certainly not a sane pro-life person.
Okay you may actually be right about that one then, Reality, considering truthseeker confirmed it basically.
And why in the world is dating Sarah Palin, married for decades with five kids, even the watermark here for whether someone is a pro-life guy or not? This is one of the more confusing conversations I’ve ever been in on this blog. And the quickest I’ve seen personal attacks for for what I can tell basically no reason. And some of the quickest “straight for the weakest point” attacks I’ve ever seen you make towards me Prax. I really don’t understand what I did.
Sorry – just doing a drive by – 16 messages stacked up – so I’m not going to read them all – but I skimmed through – and a few thoughts:
– Prax – I think you feel it’s a slam on this odd dating and Sarah Palin thing. I”m happily married and in my 30s – no interest, and if I met Sarah Palin, and somebody mentioned we should date, I would hope she would indicate she’s happily married as well
– General thought on Palin – she gave a rambling speech that many in the right have panned. She’s really barely worth talking about anyways as she’s won one big election in her life with no even 120K votes, and since then, she has a resume pretty equivalent to Whoopi Goldberg. It is my opinion that the speech was a trainwreck. It is also the opinion of many conservatives – I posted a link earlier. I’m okay with people saying that I’m a blind follower of Obama. I’ll say this – I can, have, and will point out a lot of flaws in Obama. I feel like those on this thread defending Palin have a blind devotion that I’ll never come anywhere close to with Obama. Nowhere close.
And for the record – if I was a mod, I’d suspend Prax for that attack on DLPL. Low class.
I don’t think Prax should be suspended, I would like us to talk it out and come to respectful conclusions. But thank you for the support Ex, that attack honestly surprised me.
You just think that because you haven’t thought it through because you keep thinking about how much you LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE Sarah Palin.
Yeah, I’m really into married mothers twice my age. It’s kinda my thing. Haha.
DLPL – The total package – you get a mom, wife, new friends, and sisters all in one!
I’d marry into the Kardasian family before i’d marry into the Palin family…
Only a progressive liberal could even consider bending logic far enough call themselves pro-life and support abortion…you would have be either ignorant or insane. The hypocrisy of the ‘progressive’ reminds of Planned Parenthood claiming they support adoption….it is sheer lunacy and it doesn’t even phase them to look you in the eye and speak such bs.
Ban Praxedes….lol
you have it right when you say honest dialogue is what is called for. You know you are free to come on the site and express that you engage in high-risk sexual behavior and therefore Praxedes has a right to reference that behavior. Ex-RINO started the whole Palin bashing out of nowhere and has managed to derail this whole thread and now he is trying to encourage a personal battle between you and Praxedes.
Ex-RINO, if you don’t like honest dialogue then take your PC hatred somewhere else. I already told you that you are little more than an Obama parrot and your only purpose here seems to be to derail threads…can anyone say ‘troll’?
“Do you really think that being bisexual means I’m inherently bad for women or something?”
Since you still identify yourself as a bisexual, I would absolutely advise women not to date you. If you take that as a personal attack, so be it.
“and helped make sure my babies were okay”
I hope your children were not with you when you attempted suicide and sincerely hope they are in a stable environment now.
If I were a moderator Ex-RINO I would have warned you a long time ago to stop trolling and derailing threads. And if you kept posting your bs I would be rid of you.
“Since you still identify yourself as a bisexual, I would absolutely advise women not to date you. If you take that as a personal attack, so be it.”
What else am I supposed to call myself? Bisexual is literally what I am in regards to sexual orientation. I could lie and pretend to have no attraction to men, which I repeat is lying and a pretty poor basis to start any relationship on, or I can be honest and admit I’ll probably always be attracted to men as well as women even though I choose not to engage in same-sex relationships or sex. If that makes me a bad man I guess I am. I’d rather not lie to someone I am supposed to love.
“I hope your children were not with you when you attempted suicide and sincerely hope they are in a stable environment now.”
They weren’t. I gave up custody to my ex’s aunt and uncle, very loving and stable people when I started going downhill and hallucinating and that was well before I attempted suicide. I didn’t get them back until I leveled out. They are doing very well. And I am doing well in case it’s something that concerns you about the kids.
I wish you would reference what I’ve said and we can have a conversation about what I’ve done that’s offensive. I really don’t understand where your animosity towards me is coming from. I didn’t know you viewed me so poorly.
“You know you are free to come on the site and express that you engage in high-risk sexual behavior and therefore Praxedes has a right to reference that behavior.”
I don’t engage in any sexual behavior, which I’ve only said a million times, so I don’t understand why it’s being used as proof of my moral failings. I have in the past.
Oh no. Without Ex-RINO we wouldn’t have endless links to all the Obama WH pressers!!
Kudos. I had not heard you say that a million times. I am glad to hear you have had the strength to be celibate. I know you were battling within yourself to avoid the bar scene and the drinking and sex that inevitably came from it.
Can people ever forgive me for past behaviors? Come on I’m 26 years old and most of that happened when I was a teen. I don’t understand what I can do to make it better, repentance and admitting openly I used to do these things and trying to be a better person doesn’t work. I don’t use prior bad actions against you all.
I don’t understand how I barely comment anymore, come back for one day and yet another thread turns into this.
And I specifically told you, truthseeker, in one of our long, long arguments about homosexuality and how bad or not LGBT people are, that I abstain, so I don’t know why you act like I have never told you ever single time someone brings it up.
You are the one who demonstrates ‘PC hatred’ truthseeker. And the fact that you don’t like what Ex-GOP says and are unable to refute it does not render it ‘bs’.
LDPL – I think the style, or content, of attacks from some of those who attack you says more about their own failings.
Deluded, In our most recent conversation we had you told me about your struggle with the temptation when friends call and invite you to the bars. It was in an email several months ago right before you went on a hiatus from this site. I wont re-post excerpts in detail here unless you want me to cause we had intentionally taken it off site.
I really, honestly don’t understand what I am doing wrong and I wish someone who agrees with what’s been said would politely explain it to me. I would take it under consideration and work on it. I think I’ll take another couple months commenting break though, I don’t think I am helping a pro-life tone on this blog by commenting I just seem to make threads terrible and a nasty argument.
Truthseeker I remember that. I’ll email you now and explain.
truth –
I can’t force people to talk about other issues. I just brought up Sarah Palin’s speech, and Del and I talked about it – other people jumped in. If you only want to stay in the confines of the five cartoons, do that. Feel 100% free to see my name and skip past those posts. My feelings won’t be hurt.
On the links – you asked specifically why the White House did some things – I provided info. It would be weird, for instance, if I said “tell me about Paul Ryan’s plan – but don’t link to it – you have to answer”. I mean, don’t ask about what they felt if you don’t want to read about what they felt. I feel like you’re getting mad for me directly answering the question that you asked. Very weird.
“And the fact that you don’t like what Ex-GOP says and are unable to refute it does not render it ‘bs’.”
No Reality, it isn’t bs cause I say it is; it is bs cause it is bs.
No Ex-RINO, what is ‘very wierd’ is for a person to get asked their personal opinion on something and instead of engaging in dialogue with other people (the purpose of blogs) they incessantly post links for their responses and refuse to speak for themselves.
truth – you asked me this:
“1)How does the Obama administration rationalize calling a terrorist group the Islamic State but deny that the members of the group are Islamic? 2) Why the change in stance about the Taliban where they now refuse to call the Taliban a terrorist group but instead now call them an ‘armed insurgency’?”
I posted the answers.
Again, you’re welcome!
That’s all you needed to say.
Anyway I’m sorry Praxedes I’m not sure what I did but I’m sorry I upset you. God bless and have a good day, I hope you and the family are well and I’m sorry.
“I really, honestly don’t understand what I am doing wrong”
Any time you agree with Ex-RINO it should raise a big red flag…lol
You aren’t doing anything wrong on these threads. Come back more often.
Reread my February 4th 9:46 pm post and you will see that YOU did not answer my questions. Seriously, nobody can be that thick-headed. You are just trolling as usual Ex-RINO. I am not even interested in your answers at this point. Reality already answered for you.
I really, honestly don’t understand what I am doing wrong – you’re not thumping right-wing extremist catch phrases into a spittle-flecked keyboard. That’s all.
No Reality, it isn’t bs cause I say it is; it is bs cause it is bs. – what I said is completely correct. Ex-GOP provided links which demonstrated quite clearly that what you claimed of obama was utter hogwash.
I just pointed Ex-GOP’s answer out to you. You labelling Ex-GOP a troll is the most hilarious thing I’ve heard since palin’s last speech.
Truthseeker, I really don’t get how agreeing with Ex on a few topics (I disagree with him on others, so there’s that) means that my failings as a person should be talked about, again, for the 1000th time on this blog. I’m so tired of hearing how bad I am. I think I get it by now. You guys get personal, I’ve not said anything like that about you, I don’t use struggles you’ve shared to hurt you. I don’t understand. I really thought God forgives this type of stuff and that part of our jobs as Christians is to try and be uplifting of each other after we’ve messed up, I don’t understand trying to knock me down. At least explain what I am doing wrong.
Ex, thanks, but I just seem to make things awful here. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing helping the pro-life cause arguing about whether women should date me or exactly how awful am I.
“You aren’t doing anything wrong on these threads”
Except for listening to you use Obama 101 on him and make friendly with him by trying to get him to fight with someone else. Praxedes is a better friend to Deluded than you will ever be so be gone with you and let Deluded and Praxedes stay.
Not necessarily ‘agreeing’ with him that is the problem. I was just letting you know to take his comments with a grain of salt. He was trying to get you fighting with Praxedes. It is just one more way he derails threads.
I’ve talked to Ex for like four years and I still don’t like Obama, he didn’t start anything between me and Prax, her and I are both adults and chose to engage with each other like we did, though I am still not clear what the issue was there. And I wouldn’t leave because of healthy debate with Ex or Prax or anyone else, I would just choose to leave because I don’t want to keep turning threads into “Jack sucks because he’s [insert personal failing]” because I just don’t know how to stop that from happening.
“I could lie and pretend to have no attraction to men”
But yet you are hurt because I would advise a woman not to date you. I would never recommend a woman date a man who is sexually attracted to men. Until you are certain that you are no longer sexually attracted to men, I hope you don’t date women.
And yes, there is hope and help.
I wish you and your family nothing but the best, DLPL.
I’m out of here.
“Truthseeker, I really don’t get how agreeing with Ex on a few topics (I disagree with him on others, so there’s that) means that my failings as a person should be talked about, again, for the 1000th time on this blog”
Deluded, In a nutshell…the reason it came up is because Ex-RINO was dissing Sarah Palin and the discussion morphed into who Sarah Palin would date and that is where you jumped in agreeing with Ex-RINO so sexuality became part of the back and forth.
Prax my pastor says he believes some people are born like that, or childhood abuse like happened to me can warp your brain like that, and it may not be fixable for some people like diabetes isn’t fixable. Can’t you try and view it like a disease that needs to be managed or something, instead of me just failing over and over? Some people are just never going to be straight, just like some people will always struggle with wanting to drink or whatever. Why do you judge me so harshly but have grace for others who still struggle with whatever sin they are attracted to? Why is it different? And why do you use it against me over and over? There wasn’t any reason to bring it up, it wasn’t under discussion and had no relevance, neither did any other personal stuff.
No truth, I jumped in and said that I don’t like Sarah Palin and didn’t think it was due to gender (I foolishly didn’t make it clear that it’s her politics, not her as a person, I dislike), and actually said I think she’s fine as a person and that she seems to love and support her children and stay out of nasty scandals. I still don’t understand why it warranted the response it got. But it doesn’t really matter I guess.
pfox? Seriously, pfox? One of the most misleading and downright science ignoring groups there is. What a joke. There’s no such thing as an ‘ex-gay’, just repressed or denying gays. Celibacy is the nearest they will ever get to the concept of ‘ex-gay’. Even their website asks ‘Why do some ex-gays still have same-sex attractions?’ – it’s because they’re still gay! An alcoholic who hasn’t touched alcohol for decades is still an alcoholic.
“he didn’t start anything between me and Prax”
Go back and reread your posts Deluded. You were having a good old time getting into Palin bashing back and forth with Ex-RINO. Then Ex-RINO took it up a notch and said the mods should ban Praxedes. IMO Ex-RINO couldn’t give a rats ass about you or anyone else and he leading you around like a bully on a playground.
My posts were literally “here’s what I don’t like about Sarah Palin’s politics” and “here is what I like about her personally and why I wouldn’t personally attack her”. That’s literally all I wrote on her. I even said she’s a better person imo than Ellen! I don’t see how I was bashing her. Is this why I deserve the personal attacks? I don’t see how I can lie and pretend to like things I don’t and pretend to agree with stuff I don’t for fear of personal attacks, it seems like not commenting at all would be the thing I’m supposed to be doing.
Ex is not bullying, and I am pretty sure I wrote my comments and I’m responsible for what I did wrong there, not him.
“An alcoholic who hasn’t touched alcohol for decades is still an alcoholic.”
lol. Easy on the cliche’s Reality. Try having an original thought.
A celibate person with same sex attraction who drinks excessive alcohol is likely to lose their celibacy.
Nah, Reality is right on that part. I’m still a drug addict, still crave on occasion after being clean for years. No matter how long I’ve been clean I’ll always be an addict, if I forget that and think I can just take “one”, I will be right back into the same use I did before. Some things don’t go away and you just manage them. It’s like a disease, bi and homosexuality is like a disease too. It’s when you think you’re “cured” when you end up messing up.
lol. Easy on the cliche’s Reality. Try having an original thought. – in this particular case truthseeker, the cliché is more accurate than any ‘original thought’. Being able to differentiate when such is or is not the case is what is required. Seemingly, for you that may be a struggle?
A celibate person with same sex attraction who drinks excessive alcohol is likely to lose their celibacy. – quite likely. Same goes for everyone, not just same-sex folk. So where did you hear or read that?
“here is what I like about her personally and why I wouldn’t personally attack her”
Deluded, open your eyes. Your post at 8:20 pm could easily be construed as insensitive at best. You may claim you didn’t agree with all of Ex-RINO’s insults but you were content to keep yakking it up on the Ex-RINO insult train.
“Ex is not bullying, and I am pretty sure I wrote my comments and I’m responsible for what I did wrong there, not him.”
You may not see it that way Deluded, but it is obvious to me that he was leading you on.
“Nah, Reality is right on that part. I’m still a drug addict, still crave on occasion after being clean for years”
I wasn’t disagreeing with the cliche. Refrain from addictive habits
Do other Christians agree that you are actively sinning if you have attraction to the same sex? My pastor thinks that it isn’t a sin if you’re not being lustful or acting on it, like just having am inclination for an anger problem isn’t sinful but obsessing in your mind on anger or acting on your anger is wrong. Is he totally wrong? I get that there’s something inherently wrong with not being straight but it’s only sinful if you give into it. What do other Christians think?
What do you consider ‘clean’. Do you consider alcohol a drug?
Truthseeker let’s agree to disagree. I will think I’m a man responsible for my own thoughts and comments no matter how awful, and you can believe I’m just being led.
alcohol is a drug but I generally refer to clean as I haven’t used heroin and sober as I haven’t used alcohol. I’ve been sober for several months. I’ve been clean for eight years.
“That’s literally all I wrote on her.”
Deluded, your 8:20 pm post was not literally “here’s what I don’t like about Sarah Palin’s politics” and “here is what I like about her personally and why I wouldn’t personally attack her”. It was insensitive at best and at worst you were having fun with egging on Ex-RINO’s insults and you are in denial.
I think you are projecting truthseeker.
“Do other Christians agree that you are actively sinning if you have attraction to the same sex?”
IMO you are not homosexual unless you have sex with men. But lust is also a sin and does not require physical contact.
This was my first comment on the thread about Palin (sadly no one wanted to argue about how much the Pats suck, I would have preferred that argument and I doubt it would have been so personal!)
“I dislike Palin as a politician and a speaker, but I don’t believe unless I have some unconscious bias I’m unaware of that it’s due to gender. I’m pretty sure I dislike her for the same reasons I dislike hard right male politicians. As a person she seems fine for what little I know, seems to love and support her kids and I haven’t heard of any cheating or sex scandals connected to male politicians on both sides of the aisle.”
See, I referred to disliking her as a politician and a speaker, and focused on some positives about her personally as well.
My 8:20 post was:
“Yeah, I’m really into married mothers twice my age. It’s kinda my thing. Haha.”
Now, unless you think that I’m required to be attracted to married mothers twice my age, I’m not sure I’m insulting her here. I’m not, I was poking fun at the idea that I would want to date her, which was poking fun at Prax’s insults that decent women should never date me. I am sorry I was hurt by Prax’s comments and poked fun at her, that wasn’t nice of me towards PRAX, not Palin.
But you can be attracted to people and not be lustful right, and you’re not sinning right? I mean you have to be attracted to women other than your wife, but you control yourself and attempt to not be lustful about it, right? I get that bisexuality is worse and it’s worse to be attracted to be men, but it can’t be an active sin just to be attracted to men, because otherwise I really am just doomed to hell and I thought that God gave everyone a chance.
“I think you are projecting truthseeker.”
Reality, my guess is that you are one of the two ‘likes’ on Ex-RINO’s 8:22pm post. Was Deluded the other like? If he was then he was bs’ing about not having taken part in the Sarah Palin insults.
I didn’t “like” the 8:22 post. I liked the post before that because I thought it was funny, and I’m sorry. It wasn’t poking fun at Palin, again, it was poking fun at the thought that I’m secretly in love with Palin and that’s why I don’t like her politics.
“alcohol is a drug but I generally refer to clean as I haven’t used heroin and sober as I haven’t used alcohol. I’ve been sober for several months. I’ve been clean for eight years.”
Careful, alcohol will impair your judgement and if you drink in excess it could easily knock you off the train.
IMO you are not homosexual unless you have sex with men. – which goes to show just how little you know about the subject.
But lust is also a sin and does not require physical contact. – is it still a sin if it is only felt towards your own spouse?
I just looked and only saw one ‘like’ against that post. It’s two now though :-)
How on earth could I know who the other is? Good grief man!
I’m not drinking truthseeker. I drank when I was hallucinating and deluded (like, medical delusions, not my joking name here) for some stupid reason. I didn’t “fall off the wagon” in regards to sex or heroin, I just attempted suicide. Alcohol probably assisted in my decline there and I can’t control my intake anyway so abstinence is the only way to go with alcohol for me.
“But lust is also a sin and does not require physical contact. – is it still a sin if it is only felt towards your own spouse?”
Well if you objectify your spouse and treat them like a sex object, sure that’s sinful. Sex is supposed to bring people together as husband and wife, not just treat someone as a toy to get your rocks off and married couples can treat each other like that. But normal married attraction and sex isn’t sinful at all.
I just wish that bi and homosexuality weren’t something that was treated so differently than other sins.
“is it still a sin if it is only felt towards your own spouse?”
Not if you are open to procreation.
“How on earth could I know who the other is? Good grief man!”
Think ‘self-liking’
I just wish that bi and homosexuality weren’t something that was treated so differently than other sins. – that’s because they aren’t sins but many people want them to be considered so.
What if the lady concerned is post-menopausal truthseeker?
What about those who know they can’t conceive?
So if a gay couple really, really wished they could get pregnant and tried as hard as they could to so their lust for each other isn’t sinful?
Who says it has to be about being ‘open to procreation’ anyway.
Are you more of a ‘self-liking’ type truthseeker ;-)
truth –
I’m not sure if you miss being in junior high or something – but you sure do like dialing up the personal drama. Yikes.
I have no opinion on Obama’s labeling of these various groups. Quite frankly, I’m more concerned with them blowing people up than I am with what we call them. Call them what you want – I’ll call them enemies.
I think everything asked of me has been answered. Obama can answer for himself.
DL – some on this board have a MASSIVE issue if you fall out of step with every single component of their belief set. To many, pro-life doesn’t mean you want to see abortion go away – it means that you vote Republican, hate gays, love guns, hate anybody who leans left, has been to hollywood, can spell planned parenthood, or isn’t 100% on board with the above said belief set.
You are a threat because you think for yourself. You’ll continue to have issues on this board if you don’t nod your head yes at everything people say. Think for yourself and don’t give such a rip about what people say about you. I mean, I can’t even remember if Prax is a man or a woman – so why the stink would I care his/her opinion? Same with truth – he can say whatever he wants about me – I know myself more than truth knows me – he can literally say whatever he wants about me, and it isn’t any skin off my back.
So just post what you want, say what you want, and look for your self validation elsewhere than on this board.
“What if the lady concerned is post-menopausal truthseeker? What about those who know they can’t conceive? So if a gay couple really, really wished they could get pregnant and tried as hard as they could to so their lust for each other isn’t sinful?”
Reality, It is a sin if it is against God’s plan for the family. So that would be NO, NO and YES
NO – well I’m happy about that.
NO – and I’m glad for those folk.
YES – but their intent is right, what’s wrong with that.
Ah, so being open to procreation isn’t required. And on what basis do you claim such anyway.
Ex-RINO is back and his first post is to hate on this site; talks trash about me other people wanting high drama and proceeds to post that people on this site hate gays etc.
Ex-RINO, how can you be so shameless and relentless in your generalizations and bs that you spread. Quit grubering all over us and tell us just one original thought about anything.
You’re right, Ex, in that there’s no way to avoid personal attacks unless you agree with everything they say. Which is why I’ve generally avoided this board for quite a while, I’m way too sensitive and had some severe mental illness problems and it was making them worse. I don’t get it though, I don’t find it right or Christian to just start bringing up people’s personal struggles and bash them into the ground because they don’t agree with you. We’ve all done it on occasion and it’s never right. I think I just haven’t been able to stop taking it personally and feel guilty even if I’ve done nothing or little wrong.
Which might be happening here. I reread all my comments and I didn’t attack anyone, and didn’t say anything rude or cruel. I feel guilty for no reason basically. And that’s screwed up, and people shouldn’t treat even me like that, and it’s probably why I should avoid this place. If my presence and comments, even if I’m trying to keep things rational and not personal, cause that kind of reaction I’m just contributing to negativity and I don’t like that. There’s too much attacking and negativity in the world, I don’t like causing more of it. So I think I will go back to lurking and avoiding commenting after this thread is done.
“Ah, so being open to procreation isn’t required. And on what basis do you claim such anyway.”
Not true. Why do you say that?
Deluded Lib, go back and look at this thread. Praxedes said one thing about your sexuality and you proceeded to post over and over about ‘why do people keep bringing that up’ and then you started asking questions about sexuality. If you really didn’t want to discuss it then why do YOU keep posting about it?
You’re right, Ex, in that there’s no way to avoid personal attacks unless you agree with everything they say
Deluded One,
As long as you keep looking to Ex-RINO for counsel you are doomed to be forever Deluded.
I challenge you to find one place where I attacked you personally.
Probably because people have been bashing on that particular failing of mine, telling me it makes me disgusting, telling me I’m going to go to hell for it, since I was a child and I’m ridiculously sensitive to my “allies” and “friends” using it against me? Using it to insinuate that I’m so bad I shouldn’t even ever date? My bad for being overly sensitive, her bad for bringing it up out of the blue about how undesirable a dating partner I am for all women. And Prax is very aware about how much that stuff upsets me so she must have expected that it would upset me.
Ex’s right about how personal attacks happen around here, regardless of how you feel about his politics. You post something, however inoffensive, that isn’t hard right and all of a sudden you have people bringing up the stuff that brings you the most pain. He’s not wrong.
I really don’t think it’s what Jesus would do. I think we’re supposed to love our neighbors, not try to make them feel terrible about themselves when they disagree with you on politics.
Well, for starters you’re accusing me of personally attacking Palin when I didn’t, saying that I’m apparently incapable of commenting what I actually think and I’m just parroting Ex, etc. If that’s not personal I’m not sure what is.
Well it only appears to be you making the claim that people must be open to procreation.
My best friend and the best man at my wedding hates the tea party and is about as left-leaning as they come. So once again Ex-RINO’s is posting complete bs. What a streak.
Do you talk to your best friend like you talk to Ex though? That might be a lot of the problem between the two of you. He’s not particularly kind to you, you’re not particularly kind to him. You can’t honestly deny that this blog devolves into personal attacks on a dime, I could dig up old threads but I don’t have the energy to go through all that right now.
“Well, for starters you’re accusing me of personally attacking Palin when I didn’t, saying that I’m apparently incapable of commenting what I actually think and I’m just parroting Ex, etc. If that’s not personal I’m not sure what is.”
You do understand that Ex-RINO was insulting Sarah Palin and that your comment at 8:22 (however innocent) seemed to condone his attacks. And when you poked fun at married women twice your age you were responding to Ex-RINO’s post so yeah, he was leading you. You said that you can man up and take responsibility for your own comments so regardless of your intent, that particular post gave the appearance that Ex-RINO’s insults of Sarah Palin did not really bother you. And I didn’t ‘accuse’ you of anything. I said your post was insensitive at best and at worst you were joining Ex-RINO in poking fun at Sarah Palin. That is hardly a personal attack and not an accusation.
I didn’t ask you to dig up old threads. You agreed with Ex-RINO that people on this are haters and personally attack people who disagree with them. I don’t agree with you on things so I challenged you to find anywhere that I personally attacked you. If you can;t find anywhere then why did you post that you agree with E-RINO about that?
Okay, truth, one more time:
I have nothing against married mothers twice my age. I just don’t want to date them and I sincerely hope they don’t want to date me. I think being married and being a mom is great! It’s just ridiculous to sit around saying “she’d never date you” to a 26 year old about a 50 year old happily married woman with five kids, a couple very close to my age. It’s nonsensical, and the insult towards me was ridiculous. That’s what my 8:20 comment was about. Not Palin, not mocking mothers. Mocking the suggestion that any of my criticism of Palin was motivated by some secret desire to be with her, or whatever that “I would tell her not to date you” thing was about.
“Do you talk to your best friend like you talk to Ex though?”
Sometimes. But my friend is also capable of expressing his left-leaning self in personal and somewhat logical terms and he doesn’t bs.
About the personal attacks, look at how Praxedes answered my first couple comments and tell me that wasn’t a personal attack. Come on, whether I deserved it or not that was definitely hurtful and rude, and personally directed.
Look, can you at least admit that Ex-RINO was attacking Sarah Palin when you commented to him? We can go round and round about your Palin comments and it is not worth arguing about but one thing for sure….there is NO way you should have said MY comments to you about your comments were a ‘personal attack’ on you.
Can you tell me specifically what she said and the time that she said a personal attack so that I can try and put it in context?
Can my original thought be about donuts? No topic restrictions?
Look truth – just dial down the anger. It’s not good for you. And it isn’t like I’m a politician. You get so angry. Who cares. Learn to discuss topics and make better arguments. Study how Navi, reality, and Del all write. Study my writing as well. You could learn a lot. If I’m being honest, we’re all brilliant
I am not angry…more just tired of reading your bs. You just posted that everybody on this site is an inttolerant hater of gays and left-leaning people etc.etc. Then you expect the same people whose character you incessantly malign to treat you in a respectable fashion. I see you as a bottom feeder. Like I said earlier, my best friend and the best man at my wedding is as left-leaning as they come and he bashes the tea party but I love the guy because he doesn’t bs. I don’t dislike you cause you are left-leaning; I dislike you cause you have no scruples.
So much exaggeration simply devalues your claims truthseeker.
Be specific.
You just posted that everybody on this site is an inttolerant hater of gays and left-leaning people etc.etc.
and then of course you continued with the insults truthseeker
if Ex-Gop is a bottom feeder, it’s interesting to note who he spent quite a bit of time with down there :-)
OK Reality, Ex-RINO didn’t say everybody, I’ll fix that, anywhere else where you think I exagerrated?
I am not angry…more just tired of reading your bs. You just posted that for many of the people on this site being pro-life doesn’t mean you want to see abortion go away – it means that you vote Republican, hate gays, love guns, hate anybody who leans left, has been to hollywood, can spell planned parenthood, or isn’t 100% on board with the above said belief set. Then you expect the same people whose character you incessantly malign to treat you in a respectable fashion. I see you as a bottom feeder. Like I said earlier, my best friend and the best man at my wedding is as left-leaning as they come and he bashes the tea party but I love the guy because he doesn’t bs. I don’t dislike you cause you are left-leaning; I dislike you cause you have no scruples.
Ex-RINO said that
There was a computer glitch and I lost editing capability so I am reposting. Let me know if you see any other exaggerations:
Ex-RINO, I am not angry…more just tired of reading your bs. You just posted that for many of “the people on this site being pro-life doesn’t mean you want to see abortion go away – it means that you vote Republican, hate gays, love guns, hate anybody who leans left, has been to hollywood, can spell planned parenthood, or isn’t 100% on board with the above said belief set.” Then you expect the same people whose character you incessantly malign to treat you in a respectable fashion. I see you as a bottom feeder. Like I said earlier, my best friend and the best man at my wedding is as left-leaning as they come and he bashes the tea party but I love the guy because he doesn’t bs. I don’t dislike you cause you are left-leaning; I dislike you cause you have no scruples.
truth –
You are certainly entitled to your opinion – I am not the thought police and won’t stand in your way. I mean, there’s people who deny the holocaust, people who think the moon landing was fake, and people who believe Sarah Palin is smarter than Obama. I don’t think any of these people should be arrested, persecuted, fined or otherwise. You can believe I”m a bottom feeder, pro-choicer, drunk, 112 year old woman – believe what you want. I really, honestly, don’t care. I just don’t. If you want to ignore my posts, feel free. You know I’m smart, you know that I know what I’m talking about. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve corrected you on something, I’d be a rich guy. I’m confident in the knowledge of who I am. If I bug you, I 100% give you a free pass to ignore me.
Also – your last item about “your best friend” – I usually hear that crap when somebody makes a racist joke or bashes gay people. “Oh I have friends that are…”. There’s no way that you would treat a person face-to-face like you treat people on this board – so I don’t care who your friend is – treat people respectfully and it will come full circle. I’ve had plenty of normal conversations with people on this board. It’s not me – it’s you.
Quite frankly truthseeker, I’d be just a little bit disappointed if you needed my help with that.