
The Houston Chronicle has posted an article on Wendy Davis’s new aspiration of “testing out professional speaking” after her gubernatorial effort in Texas bombed:

Davis, a former Democratic state senator from Fort Worth, recently began an “exploratory” relationship with the American Program Bureau….

“We’re trying to determine whether or not we can do the job for her, so we have not made any contractual relationship yet,” said Bob Davis, senior vice president at the agency.

The bureau primarily is pitching Wendy Davis to college and community groups as an authority on women’s health and education issues.

2015-02-12_1151But Davis clearly has a lucrative run on the Planned Parenthood affiliate speaking circuit in her sights. Her bio oddly morphs into a Planned Parenthood infomercial:

In 2013, Davis captured the nation’s attention with her 13-hour filibuster, which demanded that she stand the entire time….

While that bill unfortunately passed into law - a law that is still being challenged - Davis hasn’t stopped working for women’s rights for safe, legal reproductive care. She understands exactly what it means to depend on accessible, safe and affordable care services. “It’s paramount that women have access to the incredible preventive care that Planned Parenthood provides. When I was a young woman, Planned Parenthood was the only source of healthcare I had - for several years. Contrary to what some believe, Planned Parenthood provides a multitude of services, including breast and cervical cancer screenings, HIV testing, routine gynecological exams, diabetes screenings and family planning services. To restrict care for low-income women would mean setting society back decades - to say nothing of putting further strains on the lives of women who need access to these essential healthcare services.” Davis fought her best against Texas Senate Bill 5, the law that attempted to shutter all but eight women’s health clinics, but her efforts were dampened by then-governor Rick Perry.

2015-02-12_1142Likewise, APB Speakers’ comical YouTube promo video features Davis as the incredible shrinking half-woman appearing in the oddest of places, who – again – pitches solely to Planned Parenthood.

Tacky doesn’t begin to describe the production quality. Really, Wendy? lol…


[HT: Chris]

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