
The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department sent Thomas More Society a letter today stating Fayetteville 40 Days for Life could resume holding signs at its prayer vigil outside the Fayetteville Planned Parenthood abortion facility.

“It appears that the communication from the AHTD district office was misinterpreted and/or misunderstood,” wrote Rita Looney, Chief Legal Counsel for AHTD.

With that, the Department’s violation of the pro-lifers’ right of free speech ended one week after it began.

Thomas More Society is a national pro-life public interest law firm that quickly took up the cause of the 40 Days for Life campaigners after AHTD employee Tina Sinclair approached the group on February 23 and 25 and claimed members were not only forbidden from posting pro-life signs in the ground but also from even holding them.

This warning came although the pro-lifers were standing on public property and had heretofore conducted eight vigils at the same location without incident.

Sinclair said the volunteers would be fined $25-$100 each for violations.

Since that time the pro-lifers have been holding vigil at the same location, but wearing pro-life t-shirts instead of holding signs to broadcast their message….


But today, the 40 Days group resumed holding signs.

It’s never easy. Thanks to 40 Days and TMS for standing their ground for the sake of preborn babies and their mothers.

To date at least 87 babies have been saved from abortion from the 40 Days spring campaign.

[Bottom photo via arkansasonline.com]

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