Pro-life blog buzz 4-28-15
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- American Life League’s Judie Brown says that in our society, Granny might be better protected if she were an animal instead of a human:
It becomes clearer every day that if Granny were not a human being, her chances of being protected from evil acts designed to take her life would be far better….So we have to ask how it is that the chimpanzees Hercules and Leo will have their day in court, but Granny can feel free to either exit on her own terms or wait for a doctor or nurse to authorize her death because she signed a form allowing others to make life and death decisions for her. Human beings are expendable; chimpanzees are not? Something is incredibly wrong with this picture.
- Americans United for Life touches on this topic as well, pointing out that while this year’s legislative trends seem to be promising toward protecting life in the womb, an onslaught of bills that threaten the elderly and disabled are advancing.
- Big Blue Wave points out how a liberal writer, decrying the anti-dismemberment abortion law passed in Kansas, “doesn’t spend a single word to defend the principle objection to the procedure: that it dismembers unborn babies”:
The deeper problem with the heated debate on abortion is the very premise that public opinion should bear any relevance in access to abortion care. Politics and public opinion have no place in our doctors’ offices.Except when you demand that people pay for it. Then politics have everything to do with abortion.
She leaves aside the obvious objection that a fetus is a human being and shouldn’t be dismembered. It’s as if the way to fight opponents of abortion is to ignore their arguments.
- At Live Action News, Alexandra Liebl address the average, “apathetic” pro-lifer:
Abortion cannot just make us sad. It is not enough for us to let its horrors just simply shock us. It does not matter if you cry while viewing a graphic image of a preborn child if your tears do not lead you to action. It does not matter if you cringe while reading about Kermit Gosnell, or you get nauseous while hearing about how abortion procedures are performed, if it does not lead you to action. - Expose Abortion has a quote from the Kermit Gosnell grand jury report in 2011 that illustrates the need to not only pass abortion clinic regulations, but to actually enforce them. In Pennsylvania, the pro-abortion governor never saw the need to enforce Department of Health inspections:
Medical equipment – such as the defibrillator, the EKG, the pulse oximeter, the blood pressure cuff – was generally broken; even when it worked, it wasn’t used. The emergency exit was padlocked shut.
- Fr. Frank Pavone has a wonderful reflection that makes me think of the way the abortion industry fights clinic inspections and regulations:
“Everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids coming near the light so that his misdeeds may not be exposed” – John 3:20.Reflection: A key priority of our pro-life movement must be to expose the corruption of the abortion industry. Making abortion legal never made it safe, and keeping it legal can never keep it safe. You can’t practice vice virtuously. If you are willing to kill a baby, you will be willing to do many other kinds of evil as well.
Prayer: Lord, bring into the light the evils being done behind closed doors in abortion centers, that our nation may repent and be healed, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
[Image via]
“Politics and public opinion have no place in our doctors’ offices.”
Hilarious Quote of the Day.
It becomes clearer every day that if Granny were not a human being, her chances of being protected from evil acts designed to take her life would be far better….an onslaught of bills that threaten the elderly and disabled are advancing. – what a monumental load of drivel. People think for themselves, decide for themselves and set things in place for if certain circumstances arise. They don’t need to be ‘protected from evil acts’ and there are no bills which ‘threaten’ the elderly and disabled.
“Autonomy has nothing to do with the right to choose death for anyone, including one’s self. And that is a fact.”
Huh? What does that even mean?
While I don’t necessarily share all of Judie’s opinions, I do understand why she and others get upset about people choosing suicide. The only problem I have is with people being coerced, and that’s obviously a very real possibility.
I wish, though, that someone smarter than I am would come up with a good solution to that problem. I’m anti-abortion, on the basis of it being more unfair to end another human’s life than to have society impose sanctions on bodies that don’t belong to them (and I’ll always be really uncomfortable with the latter).
Maybe because that’s my agnostic approach to abortion, I find it incredibly weird that any other human would even remotely believe they should get a vote in my decisions regarding my own “end of life,” especially when they’re being freely made while I’m in a legal state to do it. And frankly, it’s extremely off-putting.
Honestly, it sounds like this is coming down the pike soon, whether you agree with it or not. Maybe a regrouping and figuring out how to most effectively fight it?
All that said, it’s annoying to see even an opinion piece written this poorly.
It’s not an appropriate comparison with the chimpanzees unless someone is suggesting performing medical experiments on Grandma. Hmm…. Do you think there might be any public outrage then?
Conversely, easing end-of-life suffering in “non-human animals” has been applauded by society for a really long time.
I have no idea of who Judie is and why she would write such drivel, but it does anger me that she cheapens the discussion. I don’t know, maybe the rest of her work is fantastic.
But what always gets me is: how is abortion itself not horrific enough? You have to cheapen the issue by offering arguments of such dubious logic?
Sorry if I come off sounding grumpy (I do), but I’ve been preparing taxes in Canada, and they just extended the season by 5 days. So burnt out already and struggling with patience.
Downtown Judie Brown: So we have to ask how it is that the chimpanzees Hercules and Leo will have their day in court, but Granny can feel free to either exit on her own terms or wait for a doctor or nurse to authorize her death because she signed a form allowing others to make life and death decisions for her. Human beings are expendable; chimpanzees are not?
Foxy Roxy: I have no idea of who Judie is and why she would write such drivel, but it does anger me that she cheapens the discussion.
Yeah, the Judester gets fallacious right away – she asks us if human beings are expendable in Granny’s case. Well, it’s not up to us, it’s up to Granny.
Sorry if I come off sounding grumpy (I do), but I’ve been preparing taxes in Canada, and they just extended the season by 5 days. So burnt out already and struggling with patience.
When did Revenue Canada become Canada Revenue Agency? Or has it always been like this, with a more Francophone usage of ‘Revenue Canada.’ I lived in Nova Scotia from 1990 to 1994, and worked all over Canada from 1986 to 1994….seems like it was ‘Revenue Canada’ everywhere back then.
Doug, that’s an excellent question, and I couldn’t find a good answer, except that it happened during some restructuring in 2003. I’m sure it cost a lot of money to study and implement it also.
P.S. It’s been a while since anyone referred to me as foxy. Thanks!
Roxy: I couldn’t find a good answer, except that it happened during some restructuring in 2003. I’m sure it cost a lot of money to study and implement it also.
Yes, likely so….
I’m still a little bit bummed out that in Ontario, the state-run stores that used to be “Brewer’s Retail” had the name changed to “The Beer Store.”
Soon they’ll be taking the landmark step of selling beer in grocery stores!
“I’m still a little bit bummed out that in Ontario, the state-run stores that used to be “Brewer’s Retail” had the name changed to “The Beer Store.”
Funny story about that. In the movie Strange Brew, they were not allowed to use Brewer’s Retail so instead they went to the fictionalized version called The Beer Store. Oddly enough, last time I checked the Beer Store website actually bragged about being in the movie despite this not quite being true. As you’ve mentioned, that has since become their actual name. Anyways, I should mention that The Beer Store is not in fact state run but is actually a government sanctioned monopoly, owned by three foreign brewers.
“Soon they’ll be taking the landmark step of selling beer in grocery stores!”
Well, this government was bound to do something right eventually. :)
JDC: I should mention that The Beer Store is not in fact state run but is actually a government sanctioned monopoly, owned by three foreign brewers.
You are right, JDC, and I didn’t know that. So, the former “Brewer’s Retail” was actually right on the mark….