Planned-Parenthood_crosshairsIn the wake of The Center for Medical Progress’s release on July 14 of a video (1.94 MILLION views and counting), which implicates Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates of committing several illegal activities, announcements of investigations by state and federal officials have exploded off the map.

The video shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Medical Director Deborah Nucatola describing how she and other abortionists break the law several ways on their illegal quest to retrieve lucrative baby body parts.

What made Nucatola’s disclosures so shocking to sensibilities of the average citizen (noted even by the Washington Post) was the way she casually described manipulating babies during the abortion process and applying forceps in such a way as to avoid crushing lucrative organs, all while munching on a salad and sipping wine.

In just two short days governors in GeorgiaIndiana, LouisianaOhio, and Texas have all announced probes.

Meanwhile, both Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, along with heads of two House committees, the Energy and Commerce Committee and House Judiciary Committee, announced congressional investigations.

The Senate Judiciary Committee similarly announced ”it had written to Planned Parenthood and to the Justice Department, asking the agency about its enforcement of some anti-abortion laws,” quoting the AP.

Judiciary Committee member Senator Ted Cruz, also a Republican presidential candidate, promised an investigation of his own as head of the Justice subcommittee if an investigation by the Judiciary Committee didn’t happen.

In 2011, Rep. Cliff Stearns of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations for the Energy and Commerce Committee launched an investigation of Planned Parenthood for improper billing of federal funds.

While that investigation is still open, it has languished due to Stearns’ defeat in 2012, after which time no one earnestly picking up the ball to get tough with Planned Parenthood’s stonewalling.

Lots of public officials in various capacities are now picking up the ball.

Now the game has suddenly morphed into dodge ball.

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