As I wrote yesterday, since the election I’ve been pondering where we are as a nation and a world.
I vacillate between thinking 1) the end of the civilization known as the United States of America is near, 2) the apocalypse is near, and 3) I’m overreacting.
Most often I think it’s a combination of #1 and #2, although I do try to temper myself.
And what if this is so, I’ve asked myself? Where does this leave the pro-life movement? Why is God continuing to allow these millions of abortions – almost half a billion around the world per decade – and with them the worldwide decimation of demographics by age and gender? What is He thinking? How does unfathomable tragedy fit into His plan?
Well, of course I know His thoughts are not my thoughts, and His ways are higher than mine. But I still think about these things. I’ve learned there are four ways to determine the will of God: Scripture, prayer, Godly counsel, and circumstances. So I always do try to keep an eye on what’s going on around me, just in case there is something obvious I can take note of.
So I took all this baggage with me to the summit, knowing I would be in the company of Godly counselors. My takeaways, plagiarizing Mark Harrington of Created Equal in places: