Sunday Word: “Elizabeth’s child leaped within her”
At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. ~ Luke 1:45, Living Bible translation [Drawing (click to enlarge) via]
At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. ~ Luke 1:45, Living Bible translation [Drawing (click to enlarge) via]
Merry blessed Christmas, everyone! Am reposting my WND Christmas column from 2004, The Embryonic Jesus Story… At this time of year, we focus on Christ’s birth, but there is a fascinating incident the Bible describes near the beginning of Jesus’ human life, several months prior. It is the Embryonic Jesus Story. Luke 1 tells about […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat NE’s fetal pain law has prevented at least 1 abortion. Danielle Deaver has gone public after the law prevented her from aborting her daughter, Elizabeth, in the 22nd week of pregnancy. Danielle’s water broke early and Elizabeth was given only a small chance to survive outside the womb: […]
Merry blessed Christmas, everyone! Reposting my WND Christmas column from 2004,