Front pg USA Today: Sudden surge in pro-life legislation; now a “free-for-all”
USA Today story…
UPDATE, 11:18a: One other point I forgot to mention, it seems to me the description of the preborn baby the abortion mill was forced to give by TX law was intended to invoke mental images of a little monster: It was a man’s prerecorded voice telling me that, “The lungs are beginning to form. Brain […]
MT US Senator Max Baucus has been much in the news the latter half of the year, first for wasting everyone’s time when even liberals thought it stunk. Then in December Baucus admitted to Billings Gazette…
I’m sure most have heard by now. This is all so dastardly and frustrating, sickening really. Can’t believe it’s happening. Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Senate floor speech, given about 1a EST this morning right before the vote is a sobering must read…. Tonight marks the culmination of a long national debate. Passions have run […]