Stanek weekend Q: How will you mark the 42nd anniversary of Roe?
I have many plans for “Roe week,” beginning today when I pick my son-in-law Andy Moore up from the airport.
I have many plans for “Roe week,” beginning today when I pick my son-in-law Andy Moore up from the airport.
UPDATE 1/21, 6:30p: Don’t forget to include paying your respects at a memorial to victims of abortion tomorrow in your activities.
1/16, 11:53a: Pro-life Action League has compiled a list of 263 memorial sites across the country that are dedicated to victims of abortion. These include 24 grave sites.
PLAL is calling on pro-lifers to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the infamous and tragic Roe v. Wade decision by visiting one of these memorial sites on January 22.
PLAL’s endeavor is called “Blessed Are They Who Mourn.”
I would add that bringing flowers to lay at the site would be another fitting tribute.
Our response last year to NARAL’s “Blog for Choice Day” was frankly spectacular. The plan was simple. Every year NARAL uses the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision to try to talk up “choice.” But last year pro-lifers banded together on our blogs, their blogs, Facebook, and Twitter to cut through their ambiguous […]
The “official” March for Life t-shirts have just been made available from