
I have many plans for “Roe week,” beginning today when I pick my son-in-law Andy Moore up from the airport.

Andy will be speaking at Springfield Right to Life’s Recommitment to Life Rally in the Illinois State Capitol Rotunda tomorrow.

Then he and I will fly to D.C. tomorrow night, and I’ll be attending pro-life events January 21-23 nonstop, including the March for Life on the 22nd. (See StanekReport.com for a list of events nationwide.)

Next Saturday I’ll fly to Texas, where I’ll attend the Austin Rally for Life, and on Sunday I’ll speak to pro-life college students for Texas Right to Life.

It will be a week of mixed emotions. The horror of the Roe v. Wade decision on January 22, 1973, only becomes less comprehensible as the years go by and the death toll mounts, now at 57 million babies. But getting the once-annually opportunity to see many friends and colleagues is always encouraging and inspiring.

What about you? How will you be marking the terrible 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade?

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