Who Is Jill Stanek?
Jill Stanek is a nurse turned speaker, columnist and blogger, a national figure in the effort to protect both preborn and postborn innocent human life.
- Aborted alive
- Abortionist quacks & pervs
- Abstinence
- Adoption
- Apologetics
- Bioethics
- Blogs
- Born Alive
- Breaking News
- Breast Cancer/Abortion link
- Campaign
- Cartoons
- Contraception
- Conversion stories
- Eugenics
- Euthanasia
- Evolution
- Feminism
- Fetal pain
- Free Speech
- Genocide
- Health care
- Hodari
- Human Life Amendment
- Inconsistencies
- Industry watch
- Infanticide
- Legislation inspirations
- Media appearances
- Miscarriage
- Morning after pill
- MSM anti-life bias
- Notre Dame
- Obama
- Obama Born Alive votes
- Off Topic
- Parental notification
- Partial birth abortion
- Photo of the week
- Political anti-life bias
- Polls
- Pop Culture
- Population
- Post-abortion
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy care centers
- Quote of the Day
- Rape/incest cover-up
- RU-486
- Scripture verses
- Senate – IL
- Senate – US
- Sex-Selection
- Site maintenance
- Site updates
- Social Justice
- Stanek columns
- STDs
- Stem cell
- Suicide
- Telemed abortions
- The Church
- The Courts
- Ultrasound
- Uncategorized
- Unions
- Vaccinations
- Video of the day
- Violence
- Voting
- Weekend question
Quote of the Day
Stanek Top 20