Access Hollywood reported yesterday:

Jason Bateman has come to the defense of the Oscar-nominated film, Juno, claiming the movie should not bare blame for the flood of teen pregnancies in Gloucester, MA….

jason bateman.jpg

As the media quickly honed in on the story, it was branded “the Juno effect” and commentators openly discussed whether the film… along with the teen pregnancy of Jamie Lynn Spears, who at 17, became a mother last week, affected the Gloucester girls….
“I don’t know the specifics, but I can speak about what sort of responsibility entertainment should hold for social behavior,” Bateman, who starred as one half of adoptive couple the Lorings in Juno, told Access Hollywood. “… Look, if you’re going to blame a movie or song for your actions, whether they be good or bad, I think you’re looking at the wrong things to influence your life.”…

Bateman said the film, which saw [Ellen] Page’s Juno MacGuff carry her unplanned pregnancy to term before allowing her child to be adopted by Jennifer Garner’s Vanessa Loring, should be allowed to remain a work of entertainment.
“What we’re doing is providing entertainment in different flavors for your consumption,” Bateman said. “I think people should look to other areas of their life for lessons and guidance, mainly parents, or teachers, or friends, or whomever….”

Juno was about a teenager who was heroic on 2 counts. She rejected abortion in the wake of a crisis pregnancy and decided the best decision for all was to place her baby for adoption.
juno 7.jpg A true “Juno effect” would see a lowered rate of abortion alongside a spike in adoption placements.
A partial “Juno effect” would see a lowered rate of abortion among teens in crisis pregnancies.
To say the “Juno effect” is for girls to purposefully get pregnant so as to raise babies together is a wild stretch.
Gloucester High School administrators say they’re seeing 4x the normal number of teen pregnancies. Perhaps that’s exactly right: They’re only now seeing what has always been. Perhaps the number of girls getting pregnant is the same as ever, but these kids are responding noblely – like Juno – instead of slinking off to the abortion mill.
[HT: proofreader Laura Loo; photo courtesy of Us magazine]

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