by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Michael J. New believes other reasons may be behind the U.S.’s declining abortion rate:
Interestingly, none of these analysts [who claim increased contraception is the reason behind the decline] is willing to consider that shifts in public opinion on abortion may be playing a role. May of 2009 was the first time that a majority of Americans identified themselves as “pro-life” in a Gallup survey. “Pro-life” has outpolled “pro-choice” six out of nine times since the spring of 2009….
Since the abortion rate is falling while the unintended-pregnancy rate is stable, a higher percentage of women facing unintended pregnancies are choosing to carry their children to term. Data from the Department of Health and Human Services support this, pro-lifers should take heart in it.