Sunday funnies 10-17-10
My top 5 favorite political cartoons for the week… by Chip Bok at…
My top 5 favorite political cartoons for the week… by Chip Bok at…
Following are my top 5 favorite political cartoons for the week. We begin with one on our issue by Michael Ramirez at stated last year, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”… by Mike Lester at
Apparently political cartoonists didn’t have time to draw on our issue this week because they were too busy playing Connect the Dots… by Clay Bennett at…
UPDATE, 11:55a: Here’s one more pro-life cartoon. I wasn’t sure where the writer was going but checked with a friend at NRLC who explained, “The cartoonist means that Obama thinks we are a bunch of turkeys, and he means to cut our throats.” Ah, ok, got it. by Chuck Asay at 7:31a: I thought last […]