blogs%204%20life.jpgThe Family Research Council and Blogs 4 Life have posted a tentative schedule for the Blogs 4 Life Conference to be held in D.C. on January 22, in the morning before the March for Life.
If you’re in DC, drop by!


UPDATE, 10:40a: You heard it here first. Bloggers are in for a real treat the 2nd half of the day. We have secured a 4th floor meeting room on the corner at Constitution and First Avenues to blog on the March from 12-4pm. The view of the March will be spectacular, and we’re going to encourage leaders of the movement to stop by as they round the corner toward the nearby Supreme Court Building for a group blog interview. Seating will be limited to 50.
Also, Kevin McCullough of has agreed to emcee the morning event.

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