14-year-old drowns baby in school toilet
Houston police are certainly being kept busy fielding calls to the scene of 14-year-olds delivering babies, one dead, one killed. From Click2Houston.com, this afternoon:
A 14-year-old gave birth to a baby in a junior high school bathroom and tried to flush the newborn down the toilet, killing the infant….
Baytown [Houston suburb] police said the eighth-grade student delivered the near full-term baby at Cedar Bayou Junior High School… on Wednesday morning while she was alone.
The baby was born alive, investigators said….
“We understand that the baby was alive when it was born and that the girl attempted to flush the child down the toilet. The child died as a result of these actions,” said Lt. Eric Freed of the Baytown Police Department.
Another student who walked into the restroom heard the baby crying and ran to get the nurse and assistant principal. But by the time they arrived, officials said, it was too late.
The case is being treated as a homicide, detectives said. Police have not said if the baby was a boy or a girl.
“According to everyone I talked to, no one knew that she was pregnant,” said Kathy Clausen of the Goose Creek Independent School District.
MSM and liberals join the throng in questioning the cause of the rash of school shootings around the country. They wonder why the anger, why the hatred, why do certain youth want to kill other youth? Blamed are lax gun laws, violent movies and game videos, removal of God from the schools, and broken families, among others.
But where are MSM and liberals to question why more and more newborns are being callously murdered by their own parents?
In fact, “Homicide is the leading cause of infant deaths due to intentional injury in the US…. The risk for homicide is greater in infancy than in any other year of childhood before the age of 15 years…. Homicides of infants and young children are most often committed in the home, by parents/caregivers, using ‘weapons of opportunity,'” according to the British Medical Journal in 2006, quoting FBI and Dept. of Justice statistics.
In fact, “Compared to other developed nations, the United States has the highest rate of child homicide,” reported the American Psychiatric Association in 2005, adding, “[T]he incidence of homicide of children less than 1 year old has increased over the past quarter-century.”
Where are the abortion proponents? Wasn’t abortion supposed to ensure every child is a wanted child? In fact, child abuse rose 300% between 1976 and 1996. I have a couple sources for that statistic. Here’s one. Why was that?
[HT: reader Ruth M.]

That’s so sad. :(
I am really, really curious what goes through these girls’ heads when they decide it would be a “good” idea to kill the kid after birth rather than drop it off at a hospital or something?
So, so tragic. I’m with you Rae. What are they thinking? I can’t imagine.
I just can’t understand this.
@Carla: Part of me thinks it may be due to fear of parental retribution (ie parents beating the crap out of her for getting knocked up and having a kid). But really…one would think that getting a beating would be not quite as bad as you know…a prison sentence for murder or manslaughter.
But I don’t know. I don’t know what I would do in that situation and fortunately now that I’m 20, I’ll never be in that situation.
There’s gotta be a failure somewhere which leads these girls to killing their children like this because I don’t think that these girls are sociopaths to begin with…
There’s gotta be a failure somewhere which leads these girls to killing their children like this because I don’t think that these girls are sociopaths to begin with…
Well, that’s definitely true…the hardest thing for me to comprehend is when she’s actually TRYING to flush the baby down the toilet and the baby’s crying..does she not feel or think ANYTHING? I mean the baby is her’s, but besides that point, IT’S A HELPLESS BABY! I wouldn’t try to flush a baby animal down the toilet let alone an actual baby!
How is it that these young girls can just go into labor and give birth…alone. No long drawn out labors, epidurals, nurses, hours of pushing…
I can’t help but think of that baby’s last moments..:(
I can’t help but think of that baby’s last moments..:(
Me too…but I believe that God was there and knew what was going to happen, and took the baby before he/she could feel any pain.
At least, that’s what I hope for anyway.
@Elizabeth: I suppose they may go into some sort of “shock”? Where they kind of dissociate and don’t really realize what they’re doing out of trauma?
Though I suppose I can’t really discount the potential sociopathic behavior that may actually be in some cases, but eh. It’s a tricky situation.
I’m guessing that these girls go into a state of shock or panic when they realize the situation they are in, and lose all rational thinking skills.
Every state in the US (except D.C.) has “Safe Haven Laws”.
There are web sites which provide brochures, posters and signs which can be distributed in schools, doctors offices, safe drop-off locations to help girls figure out what their options are before the baby is born.
Here are two:
Sorry, I didn’t see your post first! We had the same idea.
I guess the “if you don’t want it, it’s ok to kill it” society we live in (Thank you Roe!) kindof backfired, here huh? Only wanted babies should be able to live?
What will the pro-aborts ingrain in these young girl’s heads next?
Eating meat causes violence.
Maybe we should have separate schools for boys and girls? As long as they aren’t just teaching the girls to cook and the boys to do math.
So there’s no like, “oh boyfriend drama” and whatever.
Please, please, please….sometimes it’s just better to think about it, then to write about it…you know what I mean?
These incidents are nothing more than the result of this society’s attitude telling people (especially YOUNG people ) that human life has no value. If you get pregnant, you can kill the baby, regardless of how far along you are, then move on. Problem solved. These kids probably figure, “if I can kill it before it’s born, why not after…what’s the difference”?
Don’t tell me these young kids don’t think this way.
Video games make killing people acceptable and without consequences…same for film and television.
This is what our liberal society is producing…thanks to Roe, the media, PP, ad nauseum.
Is it any wonder we have raised a generation of unfeeling, robotic, self absorbed youth ?
We tell them everything is disposable: Food,cars,computers, cell phones, babies, old people, the “flawed”, the mentally challenged…..
I’d love to know what DOES have any value to these kids.
Sorry JLM, my brain shut down in a defense mechanism.
Please someone delete my 9:41 post.
One thing we CAN do now is to find out the who, what, where, when and why about her sexual activity so that we can keep the perpetrator of her molestation from victimizing any more girls.
Here’s another “safe haven” organization based in Texas (San Antonio):
Mike, like this couple who had a dog for years, then had a baby and got rid of the dog right after because…duh duh duh DUH, it needed attention! Well I guess their kid is screwed if it needs attention. Or if they find a cute kitten. My feelings are, if you can’t care for a animal, you can’t care for a baby. My cousin had a hamster, forgot he had the hamster, found the hamster a few weeks later from the smell of its decomposing body. He’s the cousin if I was stranded in the bad part of town at 2am, I would just take my chances walking rather then call for a ride.
truthseeker I read somewhere that most teen pregnancies occur between 3pm and 5pm when kids are home and their parents are at work. Makes sense huh? Maybe extended school days?
I think you are right. We have devalued life at all of its stages-from conception to grave. Those that are deemed unwanted or unworthy are killed.
I agree – a lot of fooling around probably goes on right after school before Mom and/or Dad get home from work. Also in the evening. Kids should stay home on week day nights.
Truancy is a big problem, and many schools and parents are lax in enforcing attendance.
According to MSNBC, 1.2 million high school students drop out each year in the U.S. That’s a lot of free time on their hands, unless they are working full time jobs instead of finishing school.
Kids need to be made accountable for their time, whether at school, jobs, the library, etc…
Do you know if the “Safe Haven” signs are being utilized in the appropriate locations, like hospitals, police stations, fire stations, churches, etc. Two of the web sites I posted links to are selling a placard-type of “Safe Haven” sign for $30.00. That seems expensive to me. One site says it will last 7-10 years, I think. Is it up to each fire station, etc. to buy their own? Wouldn’t it make more sense for each location to make an inexpensive photocopy and put it in their own window?
I have seen “safe-haven” signs up at a couple of the hospitals around this area, and that makes me happy.
I think a larger knowledge of these laws should be brought to the public, though. Many girls may just not know about these sort of laws so they freak out and this stuff happens.
I also saw this episode of “Private Practice” where they had people assigned to a hotline, and young girls would call the hotline, and someone would come pick up the baby, and it was all anonymous. Does that happen?
I think you all have this one wrong. This doesn’t seem to me like a case of I don’t want it, so I will kill it. It seems to me that this girl was deathly afraid (literally, sadly) of what everyone would think of her and of how her parents would react if they found out she was pregnant and all that that implied, so much so that she was blinded to any alternative to the course of action she took, not unlike kids that age who commit suicide. In that girl’s mind, she couldn’t leave the bathroom with that baby or leave it in there, lest she be discovered, and then she would be in a world of trouble and her life ruined.
All the focus on abstinence-only makes a situation like this worse, because kids are going to have sex anyway, only now they think that adults will condemn them for it if they find out. That’s right, abstinence-only folks…I place part of the blame for this horrific incident on YOU.
The Europeans have it right: less stigma on sex, easily available birth control, resulting lower teen pregnancy and abortion rates.
PS “Safe haven” folks, how is a 14 year old girl who is afraid of being seen with her baby supposed to get it to a hospital several miles away?
PPS hey truthseeker, what if the father turns out to be a fellow 14 year old, and the sex was consensual (as much as it can be with minors, anyway)? Do you still plan to convict and brand him as a perpetrator of molestation?
“truthseeker I read somewhere that most teen pregnancies occur between 3pm and 5pm when kids are home and their parents are at work”
That’s why my mom wouldn’t let me have guy friends over after school. She was PARANOID. lol.
All the focus on abstinence-only makes a situation like this worse, because kids are going to have sex anyway, only now they think that adults will condemn them for it if they find out. That’s right, abstinence-only folks…I place part of the blame for this horrific incident on YOU.
ooooo, Ray, I bet all the A-Only folks are shaaaaaking. You blame them, ooo.
Seriously, though…that’s the most absurd connection I’ve ever heard. You’re really stretching with this one.
“truthseeker I read somewhere that most teen pregnancies occur between 3pm and 5pm when kids are home and their parents are at work”
That’s why my mom wouldn’t let me have guy friends over after school. She was PARANOID. lol.
Posted by: prettyinpink at April 3, 2008 12:29 AM
pip, your mom wasn’t PARANOID. She was SMART.
PPS hey truthseeker, what if the father turns out to be a fellow 14 year old, and the sex was consensual (as much as it can be with minors, anyway)? Do you still plan to convict and brand him as a perpetrator of molestation?
Posted by: Ray at April 2, 2008 11:56 PM
It is possible a fourteen year old could be a molester, but it depends on the circumstances. Since they are both fourteen it is possible they are both victims due to a combination of their own naivette and their growing up in a society with legalized abortion and neighborhood “family planning” clinics where a daily average of 4000 women kill the human lives inside them and they are taught that they shouldn’t be bothered or depressed about doing it. …barf
truthseeker I read somewhere that most teen pregnancies occur between 3pm and 5pm when kids are home and their parents are at work. Makes sense huh? Maybe extended school days?
Posted by: Jess at April 2, 2008 9:55 PM
Maybe 24x7x365x as long as you can
Jess, above post was ts
What ts? But when would the kids SEE their parents?
Jess, A lot of people might casually say FTLOG or OMG. But OMFG is swearing while taking the Lord’s name in vain. Don’t you want the Lord who gives us life to be with you always and also with your spirit?
Having an abortion is no different than what this young girl did.
Ge it?
I love how in both of these cases it is brought up that the “father” of the baby is probably also a 14 year old, willing partner…yet it’s also said that the “poor girl” was sooooo alone!
She sure wasn’t “alone” when she was making this baby, was she? Why is it that we feel perfectly comfortable sharing our bodies with guys, but nothing else? Who gets naked with a guy that they then can’t even go to with the product of their act?
Again, if a 14 year old is too young to handle getting pregnant without flushing her child down the toilet, don’t ya think she’s too young to be having sex?
How much more liberal do you want the USA to be when it comes to sex and sex ed? It starts in Kindergarten, continues thru college, 14 year olds have access to condoms, the pill and abortion…
Which is it? They’re too young to handle these situations but they’re old enough to handle sex, or they’re too young to handle either?
They don’t get a pass on responsibility because they are 14, but get a pat on the back for having sex! I’m sure in your idealistic brain, European countries don’t have any citizens that frown on teen pregnancy, but I think your dreaming. Are you trying to tell me that teens in Europe are having sex, not getting pregnant, and if they do get pregnant, these “open-minded” countries welcome these babies with open arms???? I doubt it!
What a very sad two situations….
Even if they find her guilty of homicide, I think it was a case of ignorance, and a reaction of panic. Perhaps she didn’t know she was pregnant (this happens rarely, but it happens), or maybe she knew she was pregnant but was experiencing a range of emotions, such as scared, denial of being pregant, and/or undecided about what to do, then panicked when she gave birth and it became real. I’m just speculating based on my experiences peer counseling, but I bet I could find professional references to such an issue.
Jess, I deleted your 9:41p post per your request. And btw? I think I know what you were talking about but don’t know for sure. But please don’t explain!
Re: safe haven laws, they would have had no impact on this woefully ignorant, murdering young mother.
Haha, are you REALLY going to say that video games and society caused this? Mothers have been killing their babies for, oh I don’t know, forever.
It’s not new.
Really, it is sad though.
She could have just put it into the oven and made delicious baby snacks.
@HisMan: I didn’t say she should have had an abortion… I have no idea where you pulled that one out.
“Homicide is the leading cause of infant deaths due to intentional injury in the US”
Come on, is that the best fear-mongering you can come up with? If homicide is the LEADING cause of infant death to to INTENTIONAL INJURY, what are the other infant deaths due to intentional injury called?
I’m going to give you a little something to think about, but I’d say that homicide is the only cause of infant deaths due to intentional injury in the entire world.
I’m right!
I’d be curious as to how these findings compare to other countries with:
a) higher abortion rates
b) better sexuality education and contraception access
I never even considered having sex at that age!
Thanks Jill, it was an involuntary typing spasm.
truthseeker, Oh My Flippin’ Goodness. Goodness not God. And Flipping not…um… the other one.
“Again, if a 14 year old is too young to handle getting pregnant without flushing her child down the toilet, don’t ya think she’s too young to be having sex?”
This is what happens when girls are too ashamed to admit they are having sex and too ashamed to admit they are pregnant and when they feel they have no one to turn to and no one who can understand. This is heart breaking for all involved.
Having an abortion is no different than what this young girl did.
Get it?
Posted by: HisMan at April 3, 2008 2:50 AM
I get the idiocy of your invention. There is a huge difference between a typical abortion and drowning a newborn even if some people are deranged and demented enough to try to pretend otherwise.
I wonder if Texas has parental notification laws?
I’d like to address the point about kids getting knocked up at home in the afternoon…..
Say it slow….I promise it won’t hurt.
Oh, and spare me the drivel about how no one can afford to be a stay at home mom. I’m not talking about hard luck cases here, I’m talking about the 99% of the working moms who put having the Caddy SUV, the latest in every electronic gadget for every family member and that nice McMansion with the 5,000 square feet of space to cram with “stuff” that we just can’t live without. I’d say all that “stuff” is a small sacrifice to give up to be home to raise your children and be there for/with them as they navigate growning up.
I wonder if Texas has parental notification laws?
Posted by: Hal at April 3, 2008 11:24 AM
I’d say all that “stuff” is a small sacrifice to give up to be home to raise your children and be there for/with them as they navigate growning up.
Posted by: Hooves-in-Maw at April 3, 2008 11:33 AM
you’d say? if youre not the one contemplating staying at home you dont have a thing to say about it – trying to tell other people how they ‘ought to’ be living their lives and what they ‘should be’ able to do without is typical antichoice control freak egocentricity – and by the way, I WAS a stay at home mom for most of the time my kids were growing up
Yes, Hooves, agreed!!
But even as a SAHM, I wouldn’t mind a McMansion…:)
Changes in Abortions and Births and the Texas Parental Notification Law
Theodore Joyce, Ph.D., Robert Kaestner, Ph.D., and Silvie Colman, B.B.A.
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PubMed Citation
Background On January 1, 2000, Texas began enforcement of a law that requires physicians to notify a parent of a minor child seeking an abortion at least 48 hours before the procedure.
Methods We assessed changes in the rates in Texas of abortions and births (events per 1000 age-specific population) before enforcement of the parental notification law (1998 to 1999) and after enforcement (2000 to 2002). We did this by comparing the rate changes among minors 15 to 17 years of age at the time of conception (i.e., those who were subject to the law) with those of teens 18 years of age at the time of conception (i.e., those who were not subject to the law).
Results After enforcement of the law, abortion rates fell by 11 percent among 15-year-olds (rate ratio, 0.89; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.83 to 0.94), 20 percent among 16-year-olds (rate ratio, 0.80; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.76 to 0.85), and 16 percent among 17-year-olds (rate ratio 0.84; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.80 to 0.87), relative to the rates among 18-year-olds. Among the subgroup of minors 17.50 to 17.74 years of age at the time of conception (who would have been subject to the parental notification law in early pregnancy), birth rates rose by 4 percent relative to those of teens 18.00 to 18.24 years of age (rate ratio, 1.04; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.08). The adjusted odds ratio for having an abortion after 12 weeks’ gestation among minors 17.50 to 17.74 years of age as compared with 18-year-olds was 1.34 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.10 to 1.62).
Conclusions The Texas parental notification law was associated with a decline in abortion rates among minors from 15 to 17 years of age. It was also associated with increased birth rates and rates of abortion during the second trimester among a subgroup of minors who were 17.50 to 17.74 years of age at the time of conception.
Source Information
From Baruch College (T.J.) and the Graduate Center (S.C.), City University of New York; and the National Bureau of Economic Research (T.J., R.K.)
you’d say? if youre not the one contemplating staying at home you dont have a thing to say about it – trying to tell other people how they ‘ought to’ be living their lives and what they ‘should be’ able to do without is typical antichoice control freak egocentricity – and by the way, I WAS a stay at home mom for most of the time my kids were growing up
Oh geez TR….and here I thought you brought your paper bag today.
Oh geez TR….and here I thought you brought your paper bag today.
Posted by: Hooves-in-Maw at April 3, 2008 11:45 AM
I did. After I read your drivel I threw up in it.
I never even considered having sex at that age!
Posted by: prettyinpink at April 3, 2008 8:45 AM
And your mother was smart make sure you couldn’t get thechance when she was on watch!
I never even considered having sex at that age!
Posted by: prettyinpink at April 3, 2008 8:45 AM
And your mother was smart make sure you couldn’t get thechance when she was on watch!
Posted by: truthseeker at April 3, 2008 12:48 PM
Kids will find a way to be alone together if they really want to.
I didn’t mean sex 24x7x365. I meant parents looking out for their kids 24x7x365x. But daily from 3-5 is a good start.
Kids will find a way to be alone together if they really want to.
Posted by: TexasRed at April 3, 2008 12:51 PM
But they are watched over responsibly when they are at pip’s house.
When we were dating, my husband to be sneaked in through my bedroom window at 2:00 a.m. I was 17. He was 18. We thought it was romantic. *twitch*
You know what really irks me about this whole situation?
I mean, she was FOURTEEN. Isn’t she old enough to know certain things don’t flush down the toilet, no matter how many times you flush it? Some things are just TOO BIG.
Also, is 14 normally 8th grade age? Or is that because they’ve been held back a year? Because I remember being a sophomore in high school when I was 14.
You must have been bumped ahead. Most kids get driver education class their sophmore year because they turn 16.
No, I don’t think I was. I was homeschooled up until high school and I KNOW my parents were so super freaked out about me going to high school that they held me back as long as they could!!
Oh, I have a late birthday too, so that could be why. But even then, shouldn’t 14 year olds be freshmen in high school? Not 8th graders?
I was 14 as an 8th grader. Turned 15 as a freshmen.
I still cannot wrap my brain around a 14 year old girl giving birth, hearing the cries of HER baby and trying to flush it down the toilet. Lord, have mercy.
Any thoughts on what will happen to this girl? Slap on the wrist, stern lecture, juvie?
I respect what you are saying and I greatly admire stay at home moms. However many women have career aspirations. I recommend a break when the kid is born, but honestly there are women out there that are just cut out to do something else. Nothing wrong with that :)
Hi Pip,
I honestly wonder how moms do it. Fulltime working out of the home and raising children. I would lose my everloving mind. Well….it’s already gone. Too much Sesame Street. :)
However many women have career aspirations. I recommend a break when the kid is born, but honestly there are women out there that are just cut out to do something else. Nothing wrong with that :)
No, there isn’t anything wrong with that, but if your children are not a priority in your life, then that has a way of showing in situations such as this.
If you’re cut out to do something else, then do something else, but don’t drag people into the world that NEED you. There is no way of getting around it, kids need their parents to be there for them to succeed.
Elizabeth, you should understand this well–you are going for nursing school, right? You will have to juggle a career and a child too.
Yup, but I will always put her first. And make sure she’s in the supervision of people I KNOW will be watching her when I’m not around. Of course, if I marry a doctor like McDreamy, I’ll be glad to stay at home with the babes. :)
Yup, but I will always put her first. And make sure she’s in the supervision of people I KNOW will be watching her when I’m not around. Of course, if I marry a doctor like McDreamy, I’ll be glad to stay at home with the babes. :)
I was 14 my freshman year. Everyone I know was.
Wow, I posted that twice for emphasis. lol.
She could have turned 14 early though.
Oh, and pip, I am having a career out of necessity…I would be perfectly happy spending my days with my sweets coloring and rolling around in the grass.
Luckily all the jobs I want to do I could do from home.
Especially if I have a working husband to pay the bills.
Elizabeth- so a woman can have a career and children, if they love them and put them first…this is what I’m trying to say :)
If I marry someone rich enough I would be happy using my medical degree to do lots of charity work like free clinics and stuff. I can make my own hours and do my part at the same time.
My husband and I worked different shifts so we never had to put my son in daycare. I did part-time work while my son was in school. Worked out good for us.
Elizabeth- so a woman can have a career and children, if they love them and put them first…this is what I’m trying to say :)
If I marry someone rich enough I would be happy using my medical degree to do lots of charity work like free clinics and stuff. I can make my own hours and do my part at the same time.
Yep, you sure can…I am not saying women who are moms and want to work can’t, it just involves a lot of balance and organization. :) This woman who my mom has come here to help get her organized (this woman is a professional organizer) runs her daughter’s girl scouts, volunteers at her kids school, is a great mom, and is ALWAYS there for her kids. I mean, she’s one of the few people I’ve seen balance a career and family SO well…but granted…she is a professional organizer. ;)
It is more convenient now for women to get there degree(s), have careers, and raise children at the same time. You can take online classes, and work from home with the help of computers. I took a lot of classes last semester, but hardly ever went to the actual campus because I took the majority of my classes online. It was really great because I could learn at my own pace, and that made me feel like I was REALLY retaining the information. And I could maximize time with my little munchkin which in my book, is always a plus.
Now I’m off to finish my speech outline (YUCK)..I will probably be up until forever doing it, but it MUST be done!!!!
To Rae, “That’s so sad. :( I am really, really curious what goes through these girls’ heads when they decide it would be a “good” idea to kill the kid after birth rather than drop it off at a hospital or something?” Curiosity, kills the baby? What really, really goes through these girls heads is that it’s OK to have sex, be sexual, and be used at any age, as long as there’s a baby killer, dumpster, toilet, or airplane bathroom to get rid of the inconvenience. This is the result of the culture of death these children live in. Sad, but so very true. What amazes me is she hadn’t been to the school nurse to drive her to the local abortuary before this.
@ Rae, “There’s gotta be a failure somewhere which leads these girls to killing their children like this because I don’t think that these girls are sociopaths to begin with…” MTV, Degrassi, Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, The O C, Charmed, One Tree Hill, Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, Southpark, American Idol, Sex and the City, Survivor, The Simpsons, That 70’s Show, Friday Night Lights, Everwood, Laguna Beach, Passions, Buffy…, Malcom in the Middle, The Simple Life, Will and Grace… and on and on and on. And with these types of television shows shaping their beliefs how is it YOU DON’T THINK these girls are sociopaths to begin with?
@ TexasRed, “Changes in Abortions and Births and the Texas Parental Notification Law” Hey, here’s an idea! Let’s ignore the root of the problem and let the parents decide. Or let the states decide. Or sign a paper and wait 24 hours. Child killing regulation is delayed child killing. These useless laws ignore the problem and always end with…AND THEN YOU CAN KILL THE BABY. Would it be OK if Texas decided it’s OK to rape a woman? Would it be OK if Texas decided its OK to murder the unproductive elderly? Would it be OK if Texas decided that blacks are only part human? What is history teaching us, or isn’t this generation being taught history?
@ TexasRed, “Changes in Abortions and Births and the Texas Parental Notification Law” Hey, here’s an idea! Let’s ignore the root of the problem and let the parents decide. Or let the states decide. Or sign a paper and wait 24 hours. Child killing regulation is delayed child killing. These useless laws ignore the problem and always end with…AND THEN YOU CAN KILL THE BABY. Would it be OK if Texas decided it’s OK to rape a woman? Would it be OK if Texas decided its OK to murder the unproductive elderly? Would it be OK if Texas decided that blacks are only part human? What is history teaching us, or isn’t this generation being taught history?
Now wait just a damn second.
Video games and violent movies haven’t made today’s youth into vandals and serial killers.
It’s you.
All of you parents.
I grew up in Flint, MI (and you all know the story of that) and every friend I have comes from an abusive household, or parents that are on drugs, or parents that have all the money and everything a kid could want but their time.
Money means everything to you. You place your children in daycare 14 hours a day and then come home, put them to bed and wonder why they hate you so much.
Third graders shouldn’t be plotting to kill their teachers… but they are. Where are the parents in those situations?
“Some kids are just bad.”
Bullshit. That’s like saying that all pit bulls are bad. It depends on how you raise them.
And it has nothing to do with religion.
In fact, did you know that more people globally have been killed in the name of religion than ANY other cause of death?
So don’t bring God into this conversation.
Back in the good ol’ quaker days 55 year old men were marrying 13 year old girls… and they swore by the bible.
It’s the parent’s fault a child turns out the way they do.
And, not wanting to assume responsibility and look bad in the public eye, they place the blame on video games and tv and rap music.
I’m 23 years old and it absolutely amazes me that people in their 40s and 50s are still so closed minded.
Take a look at your own generation before pinning technology as the culprit.
Woodstock, anyone? My generation is a bunch of low life drug users.
Oh… but wait… orgies in public while everyone is high on drugs.
…must’ve been the video games.
I agree with you, that many parents have no clue how to relate to their children. Hopefully you and your generation will be able to make life better for your families with a better perspective on what’s most important in life. God bless you.
I keep hearing that the girl is currently attending my high school and has already been jumped because of what she did. I’ve also been told she is riding the same bus as me. The busdriver said the girl had to be escorted to the bus for a couple of days ever since she was jumped. :(
@ Rachel
I agree with you. My mom’s a teacher and I keep hearing about these terrible hethen kids who raise hell, but the parents say “Not my kid, they’re a perfect little angel!” Bullhonkey on that one. That’s just dumb. It’s how you raise ’em, ain’t how they are.
I can be a violent-minded person. But believe me, it isn’t due to video games or music.
lol babies.