I spoke in Nashville last week, home of country music.
My good friend Brian Harris, president of TN Right to Life, handed me a cd and told me I needed to listen to it. He remarked as I well knew that pro-life songs we often receive are well-intentioned but lacking. But he said this one, Butterfly, was different.
butterfly2.jpgBrian was right. I am in love with this song. I have been playing it over and over. I think it can change minds and hearts and save lives. Click on the graphic, right, to hear Butterfly.
In fact, the duo singing it, Bluefield, emailed me that 3 different girls have contacted them at their MySpace site to say the song changed their mind.
Bluefield is currently on the road promoting Butterfly, and they have been surprised to meet reticence. They emailed Brian…

What is sad for us is to witness the resistance at radio for fear of political backlash. We were so careful to not be condeming so we could have a shot at reaching the masses in hope that some in that position would at least – reconsider. We had no idea that anyone at radio would be afraid to support a story song that embraces the saving of a life.
However, for every radio station that is hesistant there is another that is eager to make a difference. We are on the road now on a national radio tour trying to win the fight one spin at a time….
The positive response has been overwhelming…. [W]e believe many lives can be saved if more people had the opportunity to hear the song and if, only for a moment, change their prospective. Music can be a powerful tool to reach so many.
This song was spurred into creation after a show in CO and a visit with my old college roommate who painfully shared her remorse and daily sorrow from a hasteful decision she made years ago. We were so heavy-hearted from her testimony that within a few weeks we created Butterfly as a message of hope and healing….
[W]e are grateful and in great need of your support.

butterfly 4.jpgBluefield emailed me that Butterfly is currently in the 60s on the music charts. At #50 the label will pay for a video.
Bluefield thought bloggers on this site “could be a tremendous help.” We need to contact country stations in every nook and cranny of the country and ask them over and over to play Butterfly. We need to spread the word to fellow pro-lifers to do the same.
Let’s not allow the culture of death to bury this song.
Let’s make Butterfly a hit.

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