Planned Parenthood’s biggest advo-Kate
This March 27 blurb from Family Research Council is so full of rich sidebars, I’m simply reposting it (including the title):
Actress Kate Walsh isn’t a doctor in real life, but apparently playing one on ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice qualifies her to talk about reproductive health on Capitol Hill.
Yesterday, Walsh, who sits on Planned Parenthood’s Board of Advisors, hosted a congressional forum sponsored by the nation’s biggest abortion trafficker….
In ads for the event, PP played host to “Kate Walsh Talks About Sex on Capitol Hill: Actor Leads Congressional Briefing on Real Sex Education.”
In case you’re wondering how Walsh describes “real” sex education, this is what she says in a 2007 interview: “If you’re going to have sex, use a condom.”
She speaks openly about her desire to zero-out federal abstinence funds, a goal shared by the monopolists at PP.
Contrary to what Walsh and her liberal friends believe, doing away with abstinence education won’t lower teen pregnancy rates; instead it would squelch one of the most effective methods of reducing teen sexual risk.
Moreover, according to Adolescent and Family Health, 67% of teen birth reductions are a direct result of abstinence. The Medical Institute notes that “sexual activity places teens at high risk for getting sexually transmitted diseases – and using contraception does not eliminate that risk.” It also leads to elevated risks of suicide, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and dating violence.
However, the implications of yesterday’s event go beyond PP’s unsound advice. As a recipient of nearly $300 million a year in taxpayer funds, more than a few eyebrows were raised when the organization tried to lure in a big crowd by offering a free lunch.
Under the new ethics rules, it’s unlawful for nonprofit groups to provide meals to congressional members or staff. How is it, then, that PP is able to violate government rules? In light of the organization’s latest scandals, which span everything from fraud, criminal cover-ups, and clinic deficiencies, I think we’d all agree that Capitol Hill’s time is better spent investigating the group than promoting it.
[Photo of Walsh at a 2007 Los Angeles PP fundraiser courtesy of InStyle]
I thought this article was vaguely interesting:
On ANY subject, Ive never understood why actors and actresses are asked to ‘testify’ unless they happen to actually have a level of expertese in the field outside of their acting career. If I rememember correctly, James Woods has an advanced degree in history – he is qualified to speak on history as an expert on history – not as an actor.
She’s a ghoul and a harridan and might as well be one of Dracula’s brides in the movie Van Helsing.
TexasRed: “On ANY subject, Ive never understood why actors and actresses are asked to ‘testify’ unless they happen to actually have a level of expertese in the field outside of their acting career.”
Wow! You’ve posted something we can ALL agree with! What a great day! :-)
I love it when actors get up there in DC at hearings to testify on something or the other – they look really silly trying to look so “governmental” and professional, dressing the part and wearing fake eye glasses to make them look smart and using big words – that practice should stop – just because they are famous and actors ain’t gonna cut it. I bet there are thousands of other regular folk that are better educated and better suited to speak before a law making hearing committee.
In history, in the past, actors were the scum of the earth, misfits, and the lowest part of society – in my opinion they still are, except we live in a messed up culture where the real heroes are overlooked and instead the deviants are celebrated even by our government. Anyone who listens to what actors say and takes it seriously really has a problem. Actually, one should do and practice the OPPOSITE of what any of these Stalinoid hams say – lets be rebelious – the actors think that they are so cool and dangerous, rebelious, and anti – establishment by favoring all these messed up causes – actually I think its more rebellious and revolutionary for the real folk of America, the “little people” as Hollywood calls us, the Red State folk, to ignore and boycott them.
Actually it’s the fault of the Wash DC governmental lawmakers who allow such freak shows to occur in the semi hallowed halls of congress or the senate.
Yes, freak show!
I love it when actors get up there in DC at hearings to testify on something or the other – they look really silly trying to look so “governmental” and professional, dressing the part and wearing fake eye glasses to make them look smart and using big words – that practice should stop – just because they are famous and actors ain’t gonna cut it. I bet there are thousands of other regular folk that are better educated and better suited to speak before a law making hearing committee.
In history, in the past, actors were the scum of the earth, misfits, and the lowest part of society – in my opinion they still are, except we live in a messed up culture where the real heroes are overlooked and instead the deviants are celebrated even by our government. Anyone who listens to what actors say and takes it seriously really has a problem. Actually, one should do and practice the OPPOSITE of what any of these Stalinoid hams say – lets be rebelious – the actors think that they are so cool and dangerous, rebelious, and anti – establishment by favoring all these messed up causes – actually I think its more rebellious and revolutionary for the real folk of America, the “little people” as Hollywood calls us, the Red State folk, to ignore and boycott them.
Actually it’s the fault of the Wash DC governmental lawmakers who allow such freak shows to occur in the semi hallowed halls of congress or the senate.
Yes, freak show!
*sigh* Politics and Hollywood. I don’t get why everyone has to lump them together.
Yeah, hollywood and politics go together as good as beer and chocolate and “alcohol, tobbacco, and firearms’!
Contrary to what Walsh and her liberal friends believe, doing away with abstinence education won’t lower teen pregnancy rates; instead it would squelch one of the most effective methods of reducing teen sexual risk.
Moreover, according to Adolescent and Family Health, 67% of teen birth reductions are a direct result of abstinence. The Medical Institute notes that “sexual activity places teens at high risk for getting sexually transmitted diseases – and using contraception does not eliminate that risk.” It also leads to elevated risks of suicide, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and dating violence.
Effective? Really?
Teen Birth Rates Go Up! Doctors Denounce Abstinence-Only Sex-Ed
Actually … teen birth rates have gone up for the first time since 1991. Abstinence? I don’t think so.
You ever think that depression teens feel after being sexually active comes from feelings of guilt and shame because YOU PEOPLE keep telling them it’s wrong wrong wrong!?
(I can provide more proof abstinence-only education isn’t working… if necessary. But I think you’d have to be utterly blind to have not read at least… oh, four or five articles on the subject.)
Well our bodies are telling us to screw like there was no tomorrow, if you don’t trust kids enough to let them drink alcohol then how do you expect them to abstain? I think it’s the unnaturalness of modern families. We are meant to have sex, have sex young, often and with multiple partners.
I think it’s unnatural that mothers put their kids in daycare instead of taking them to work with them. I mean, you’re working in an office or something I don’t get why you can’t bring an infant in with you, or an older child in a play pen.
Rae, you can read more about that from Mr. Beatie’s point of view here
You can’t be serious Jess.
Maybe for my son’s 11 year birthday I should hire a stripper, get a keg, a carton of smokes, some condoms and maybe some porn. I mean he’s going to all of that eventually…according to Jess.
Fine give your son a wife and a tent and let him hunt for his food.
Am I invited to the party?
Actually my son prefers 2 of his best buds over and going to do “guy stuff” with Dad. sniff
But you and I could do “girly stuff”!!
Let’s bake cookies for the boys!
No I’m not kidding I do that often. I’m not your run-of-the-mill radical femminazi.
I didn’t know about Kate’s involvement with PP, but she was totally getting on my nerves anyway. She is everywhere on TV these days — commercials, tv shows and guest spots. Her acting skill employs the same style as William Shatner — pausing, looking at the camera and strangely changing the tone of her voice. Tremendous overacting. The Cadillac commercials are just over the top. Now I guess I have a pro-life reason to find her annoying too. :)
I agree, that actors testifying is just bad — whoever they are. It’s just a way to entice media coverage or keep the old pols awake at the committee table.
Awww, man, this sucks, now I can’t like her anymore. I mean, if she just had an opinion that would be different, but she sits on PP’s board? Damn it. Damn it.
It’s interesting that on her show she’s all about saving the babies…but in real life, she’s cool with killing them.
That must be why it’s called “acting.”
Either way, she sucks for me now. I can look past the bullcrap that comes out of people’s mouths most of the time, but she’s actually on their board…how sad.
See, I don’t care if an actor is PC or PL. I still don’t want them injecting themselves into politics. It’s just ridiculous.
Jess, Carla, can I come over and cook with you guys?? I love to cook ^_^
I might be a crazy ‘femminazi’, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love to cook!
oh no…my pet peeve again: Celebrities being lauded for their ideas and opinions.
I’ll bet Kate thinks she’s getting a check at the end for doing this gig.
People must think she’s a REAL doctor.
Yes Erin!!
Come and cook cause I would rather bake. :)
I’m with you Carla, I loooove baking. After this stupid semester is over, I’m going to bake my summer awayyyyyyy.
“People must think she’s a REAL doctor.”
I wanna be a unicorn!!!!!
Well, considering these people want to make it legal for non-doctors to perform abortions, why is is surprising that non-doctors are advocates? Expertise obviously means nothing.
Maybe she’s a Safe Sexpert.
hell she looks pretty good
Well our bodies are telling us to screw like there was no tomorrow, if you don’t trust kids enough to let them drink alcohol then how do you expect them to abstain? I think it’s the unnaturalness of modern families. We are meant to have sex, have sex young, often and with multiple partners.
So young, and so much to learn. Does your mother approve? Ever heard of self-control, chastity?
Carla: You can’t be serious Jess.
Maybe for my son’s 11 year birthday I should hire a stripper, get a keg, a carton of smokes, some condoms and maybe some porn. I mean he’s going to all of that eventually…according to Jess.
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