kate 3.jpgThis March 27 blurb from Family Research Council is so full of rich sidebars, I’m simply reposting it (including the title):

Actress Kate Walsh isn’t a doctor in real life, but apparently playing one on ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice qualifies her to talk about reproductive health on Capitol Hill.
Yesterday, Walsh, who sits on Planned Parenthood’s Board of Advisors, hosted a congressional forum sponsored by the nation’s biggest abortion trafficker….

In ads for the event, PP played host to “Kate Walsh Talks About Sex on Capitol Hill: Actor Leads Congressional Briefing on Real Sex Education.”
In case you’re wondering how Walsh describes “real” sex education, this is what she says in a 2007 interview: “If you’re going to have sex, use a condom.”
She speaks openly about her desire to zero-out federal abstinence funds, a goal shared by the monopolists at PP.
Contrary to what Walsh and her liberal friends believe, doing away with abstinence education won’t lower teen pregnancy rates; instead it would squelch one of the most effective methods of reducing teen sexual risk.
Moreover, according to Adolescent and Family Health, 67% of teen birth reductions are a direct result of abstinence. The Medical Institute notes that “sexual activity places teens at high risk for getting sexually transmitted diseases – and using contraception does not eliminate that risk.” It also leads to elevated risks of suicide, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, and dating violence.
However, the implications of yesterday’s event go beyond PP’s unsound advice. As a recipient of nearly $300 million a year in taxpayer funds, more than a few eyebrows were raised when the organization tried to lure in a big crowd by offering a free lunch.
Under the new ethics rules, it’s unlawful for nonprofit groups to provide meals to congressional members or staff. How is it, then, that PP is able to violate government rules? In light of the organization’s latest scandals, which span everything from fraud, criminal cover-ups, and clinic deficiencies, I think we’d all agree that Capitol Hill’s time is better spent investigating the group than promoting it.

[Photo of Walsh at a 2007 Los Angeles PP fundraiser courtesy of InStyle]

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