Something ‘WIC’-ked this way comes
UPDATE, 9:15a: Michelle Malkin has linked to Dawn’s post, adding her own choice thoughts.
Credit for post title goes to Dawn Eden of Dawn Patrol, who also revealed this maddening information on her blog today:
Visit the USDA’s WIC Learning Center, the official Web site for the U.S. government’s Women, Infants and Children program, and you will find a link to the home page of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
WIC is supposed to be a low-income nutritional program!
WIC provides nutritious foods, nutrition counseling, and referrals to health and other social services to participants at no charge. WIC is effective in improving the health of pregnant women, new mothers, and their infants….
Households with incomes at or below 185% of the federal poverty income level are eligible.
What does WIC’s purpose have anything to do with PP? Continued Dawn:
[A] hefty chunk of the $5 billion in taxpayer funds for the program designed to help feed and provide health care for low-income pregnant women, new moms, and young children go to Margaret Sanger’s organization.
Considering that some 61% of WIC recipients are nonwhites, the government’s efforts to steer them towards PP dovetails neatly with the nation’s No. 1 abortion provider’s efforts to prevent births in the black and Latino communities.
Granted, the federal money that pays PP to serve WIC clients technically does not go towards abortions.
But any money given to PP by the federal government keeps the organization’s lights on and its paychecks coming, enabling it to spend its $115 million surplus on expanding its abortion business. And does anyone doubt that PP will attempt to impress upon a pregnant WIC client that it can make her un-pregnant if she wishes? Especially when the client walking into its clinic is greeted with posters like this …
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