Thumbnail image for breaking.jpgFrom the Associated Press, this afternoon:

Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman’s daughter.
Edwards told ABC News that he lied repeatedly about the affair with a 42-year-old woman but said that he didn’t love her. He said he has not taken a paternity test but knows he isn’t the father because of the timing of the affair and the birth….

ABC said a former Edwards campaign staffer claims he is the father, not Edwards.
In 2006, Edwards’ political action committee paid $100,000 in a four-month span to a newly formed firm run by Rielle Hunter, who directed the production of just four Web videos, one a mere 2 1/2 minutes long.
Hunter’s daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter, was born on Feb. 27, 2008, and no father’s name is given on the birth certificate filed in CA.

Meanwhile, the National Enquirer has posted photos it says are of Edwards visiting his baby in a CA hotel last month, as I previously noted.
edwards with love child.jpg
I again commend Rielle Hunter for not aborting her high profile crisis pregnancy.
I again note it has taken MSM forever to give this any coverage, obviously because the guilty cad is a liberal Democrat.
[HT for AP story: reader Michael B.; HT for Enquirer story: proofreader Laura Loo ]

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