
I now know what Barack Obama was thinking when he said he
wouldn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby” if they “ma[d]e a mistake” and had premarital sex.
How pathetic that Obama obviously had his own tribe, liberals, in mind, who sure know how to mete out punishment with vicious aplomb at such times.
Thanks to a Daily Kos blogger, who falsely accused Sarah Palin of faking her pregnancy with now 4-month-old son Trig to cover for his real mother, her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, the Palin family was forced to
announce Sept. 1 that unmarried Bristol is 5 months pregnant.
Besides the fact the Daily Kos blogger had obviously been watching too many soap operas, he flouted the supposed rule that candidates’ children are off limits, even posting close-ups of Bristol’s belly. After being up 3 days, the post was only removed thanks to more exciting Bristol fare….
Simply, the left wants to make sure any girl in a similar situation aborts. AlterNet already has its long knives out, counting the days until Palin is off McCain’s ticket and questioning his judgment in selecting her….

Continue reading my column, “Obama vs. Palin on value of babies,” on WorldNetDaily.com.

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