New Stanek WND column, “Obama vs. Palin on value of babies”
I now know what Barack Obama was thinking when he said he
wouldn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby” if they “ma[d]e a mistake” and had premarital sex.
How pathetic that Obama obviously had his own tribe, liberals, in mind, who sure know how to mete out punishment with vicious aplomb at such times.
Thanks to a Daily Kos blogger, who falsely accused Sarah Palin of faking her pregnancy with now 4-month-old son Trig to cover for his real mother, her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, the Palin family was forced to
announce Sept. 1 that unmarried Bristol is 5 months pregnant.
Besides the fact the Daily Kos blogger had obviously been watching too many soap operas, he flouted the supposed rule that candidates’ children are off limits, even posting close-ups of Bristol’s belly. After being up 3 days, the post was only removed thanks to more exciting Bristol fare….
Simply, the left wants to make sure any girl in a similar situation aborts. AlterNet already has its long knives out, counting the days until Palin is off McCain’s ticket and questioning his judgment in selecting her….
Continue reading my column, “Obama vs. Palin on value of babies,” on

The only statement I’ve seen from Levi Johnston’s parents was “The kids were already getting married. This [the pregnancy] is just a bonus.”
A bonus.
Not a punishment.
If Sarah Palin’s political ambition hadn’t trumped her daughter’s right to privacy, certainly no one outside of Alaska, and relatively few in Alaska, would know or care about that pregnancy. It is unlikely there would have been any publicity.
Palin chose to exploit it for political gain, and in the process made her daughter known nationally and internationally.
If Palin wanted privacy for her daughter, all she had to do was to say no to Mc Cain. 99% of the American people had never heard of her before last Friday. Since she chose to exploit her daugher, she can hardly demand privacy now.
Given her opposition to sex education, and refusal to fund centers to help pregnant teenagers, the irony is not lost on the press.
I frankly cannot imagine any parent so blatantly placing their political ambitions above the well-being of their daughter and grandchild.
Posted by: LTL at September 4, 2008 5:39 PM
Wow. That is possibly the dumbest rant I’ve ever read.
I will join Dennis Miller and give Sen. Obama props for defending Palin’s family on this issue, and for bringing up that he himself was born when his mom was 18. Life is fragile and I’d hate to say to anyone that he or she shouldn’t have been born, simply because of the age of his or her parents. I’d say to anyone in that situation, “I’m glad you’re here.” And that includes Senator Obama.
LTL, we’ve already gone over the fact that Gov. Palin cut funding for a group that in part supported housing for pregnant women. It also supported housing for homeless teens. Perhaps Alaska’s homeless teen population does not need a budget of 5 million dollars? We don’t know the considerations that went into making the budget, and to pretend otherwise is insincere at best.
As for her daughter, it is laughable that you are spining the malicious attacks by the way left and turning it into exploitation by Gov. Palin. Perhaps Gov. Palin had the reasonable expectation that her children’s photos would not be blown up and examined for “baby bumps”. The Obama’s daughters are everywhere, but we don’t see countless news stories attacking them with malicious lies trying to make something “stick”.
Also, again for the umpteenth time, 17 is not that young, and Bristol Palin is hardly without resources. It is shameful that the media has attacked her, but I am proud that most Americans have stood behind both her and Gov. Palin.
However, I find it hilarious that the liberals are all running about wringing their hands over the fact that OMG the CHILDREN are having CHILDREN OMG OMG when they’re the ones who say that teenage sex is normal and to be expected.
I find it ironic that those who attacked Obama supporters as “star struck” have acted like 8 year olds at a Hanna Montana concert when it comes to their idol and saint Sarah Palin.
Palin did nothing but mouth the nasty little talking points written for her by the Rove clones who run the McCain campaign. She is being kept from the press, because she can’t stand up to serious questions without a “handler” to tell her what to say.
She is ridiculously lacking in qualifications or experience for ANY national office, much less the presidency.
She has been revealed as a complete fraud, a public official whose primary achievement was in getting federal pork for her town and state, yet who claims to be against wasteful spending.
Her public record is that of a small-minded nasty person who is constantly engaging in vendettas against others.
She is a cynical ploy by a campaign and a party that has so little respect for women that they think Hillary supporters are so stupid as to vote for a woman whose policies are the polar opposite of Hillary’s.
Ouside of the Palin Cult, the more the voters know about Palin, the less they like her.
Christina, 5:32, I love that!!! It’s so good to see that there are other people out there who truly see children as blessings.
I find it ironic that those who attacked Obama supporters as “star struck” have acted like 8 year olds at a Hanna Montana concert when it comes to their idol and saint Sarah Palin.
One HUGE difference- we actually KNOW what Sarah Palin stands for!
She doesn’t hide behind ambiguity.
She has been revealed as a complete fraud
Um, proof?
hey, LTL, you should love this article!
I don’t recall Bama’s “bitter, gun-clingers ” comments as just a whimsical fantasy. He said it. It’s recorded. What can he say to defend it?
He vainly attempts to equate running a campaign to her executive experience, which, we all know who’s running his show, and it ain’t him!
At no time do I recall him defending the interests of special needs children. In fact, he’s all for them coming out “limp and dead” if that’s mommy’s original decision.
See, I’m loving this, cuz the more you lash out, the more I’m convinced that Sarah did something right.
LTL 5:39PM
How do you know for a fact Palin and her daughter never discussed this issue and her daughter gave her mother the thumbs up?
So Palin’s daughter is pregnant, so are thousands of other teenage girls.
Senator Obama was the child of a teen mother who was 3 months pregnant when she got married. Had Obama not run for president who would know?
Is any of this relevant to this presidential race? No.
Love Them Liberals @ 6:59,
She is a cynical ploy by a campaign and a party that has so little respect for women that they think Hillary supporters are so stupid as to vote for a woman whose policies are the polar opposite of Hillary’s.
Ouside of the Palin Cult, the more the voters know about Palin, the less they like her.
No. You are a cynic and you and your pro-abortion friends have no respect for Life. Pro-choice women who are getting to know Sarah Palin are realizing that the Pro-Life side is where they should be.
The only ones doing any exploiting of a young pregnant woman here are those livid that she didn’t kill the child. Otherwise the mother would have earned top approval rating and could run for any office open to her.
The other elephants in the living room here are those who love to point to someone pregnant who just happens to be related to someone who believes in abstinence. Therefore toss the abstinence programs …. when the millions aborting have had sex ed without abstinence and tossing contraceptives like candy for decades now. Seems as though we had better toss all those “do it because we all know you will anyway” programs instead! Um…they didn’t work! Appears they were self fulfilling prophecies even with their prevention “solution”.
It really must suck to be a post-abortive woman these days with Sarah Palin in the spotlight. And she doesn’t have to say a word. It how she has succeeded as a career woman without abortion; it just makes those post-abortives cringe and they are like animals screeching and howling. My guess is the venom Peach Pit and LTL spew is a symptoom of their post-abortive stress syndome and they would never admit it or allow themselves to even consider it.
It really must suck to be a post-abortive woman these days with Sarah Palin in the spotlight. And she doesn’t have to say a word. It how she has succeeded as a career woman without abortion; it just makes those post-abortives cringe and they are like animals screeching and howling. My guess is the venom Peach Pit and LTL spew is a symptoom of their post-abortive stress syndome and they would never admit it or allow themselves to even consider it.
Posted by: truthseeker at September 5, 2008 12:07 AM
Career woman? Please define that career. While you are at it, explain your abusive tactic of implying some sort of illness to those that dare disagree with what you spout and what you wish to gain by using such abusive tactics.
Sally: “Career woman? Please define that career.”
Oh yeah…being Governor of a state…nothing to be proud of. Its more like a part time job right Sally?
By the way Sally…what makes you so amazing after all? If running a state…hell if running a city of even 5,000 people does not qualify as a career, where does that place you?
It is very gratifying to see the liberal proaborts flailing in the wind on this website, trying so very desperately to construct legitimate criticisms of her out of thin air.
They are failing, completely. She seems to be a down to earth, common sense type wife, mother, and public servant who has struck a chord with many voters who have felt left out of the political discussion in this country.
Fortunately, most people who read such nasty trash will recognize it for what it is, and will pay even closer attention to what Govenor Palin actually says, and actually has done.
That can only help her cause, and ours as well.
Palin remains more qualified for national office than Obama.
Palin also has fewer scandals surrounding her than Obama, but of course, the media seems to think it’s more important that Palin’s unwed daughter is pregnant and that Palin’s husband got a DWI 20 years ago than it is that Obama spent 20 years listening to a fake Christian monstrosity named Jeremiah Wright preach hate, made shady deals with felon Tony Rezko, and had close personal associations with terrorists.
Obama supporters practically WORSHIP their false god. We Palin supporters admire her because of who she is, what she’s done, and what she will do.
I also love how you pro-aborts keep telling us that abortion is JUST ONE ISSUE and that people don’t really care about that ONE ISSUE. And now you’re doing everything you can to dishonestly attack, smear, and destroy Sarah Palin precisely because of that one issue.
truthseeker wrote:
It really must suck to be a post-abortive woman these days with Sarah Palin in the spotlight. And she doesn’t have to say a word. It how she has succeeded as a career woman without abortion; it just makes those post-abortives cringe and they are like animals screeching and howling.
Such venom is entirely unbecoming a defender of Life. Surely you know that many post-abortive women are already suffering terribly as a result of their abortions, right? Surely you know that many women are deceived or coerced into abortions, right? And yet, here you are, tarring them all with the same brush.
Your nickname implies that you are a Christian. If so, please consider the example that our Lord offered us when He confronted the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. Jesus offered forgiveness to the adulteress, even as He clearly condemned her sin.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Pro-lifers should be able to offer forgiveness to post-abortive women even as we work to end abortion. We don’t choose between a woman and her baby. Love them both!
I suspect that truthseeker was referring to post abortive women who try to defend the morality of their actions, and promote abortion. There are many, many post abortive women who do neither.
The far far out nut groups have begun attacking McCain/Palin as pro-abort, including Jill’s buddy Bob Enyart, whose group was arrested for occupying Focus on the Family yesterday to protest Dobson’s endorsement of McCain/Palin.
Enyart will probably try to disrupt the McCain/Palin rally in Colorado Springs tomorrow. Maybe this will be the first time Jill won’t promote Enyart and his publicity stunts.
Covenant News has lauched multiple attacks on Palin and her daughter, who they describe as a “slut”. Let the games begin.
Such venom is entirely unbecoming a defender of Life. Surely you know that many post-abortive women are already suffering terribly as a result of their abortions, right? Surely you know that many women are deceived or coerced into abortions, right? And yet, here you are, tarring them all with the same brush.
Posted by: Naaman at September 5, 2008 9:21 AM
I did not mean to tar them all Naaman. Many were just lost or misled and many just made an error in judgement and I have nothing but sympathy for those. It;s the ones who feel such an intense need to “promote” the death choice that I referrring to. It is like they do it to try and justify their own choice as being o.k. and Sarah Palin’s life story, to them, is like sunlight to a vampire. I think their need to get justification by promnoting other women to choose death is a symptom of Post Abortive Stress Syndrome.
Doyle wrote:
I suspect that truthseeker was referring to post abortive women who try to defend the morality of their actions, and promote abortion. There are many, many post abortive women who do neither.
If that’s so, then truthseeker should be a little more careful with words … because I didn’t see that kind of distinction in the comments.
Moreover, that distinction rather ignores my point, which is about grace. Christians are people of grace. We should be able to offer forgiveness to anyone, even as we speak out to condemn wickedness. Naturally, it is easier to offer forgiveness to people who repent of their sin … but we should be prepared to offer forgiveness to anyone.
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructed His disciples to pray as follows:
“… and forgive us our trespasses, even as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
God offers us forgiveness before we repent. True, we have to repent in order to accept His forgiveness, but it is a sign of His grace that we are even able to repent at all!
Forgiveness is also good strategy. Pro-lifers won’t win any hearts or minds by comparing post-abortive women to animals. Such language will just reinforce the unfortunate stereotype of pro-lifers that we are hateful misogynists. If we respond in love, we have a much better chance of getting people to listen to the message of Life.
God’s Word endorses this strategy:
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. (1st Peter 3:15-16)
I know that you’re not a believer, Doyle, so I don’t expect Scripture to convince you. However, I hope that the logic of forgiveness is clear … even if you don’t believe in the One Who commanded it.
I now know what Barack Obama was thinking when he said he wouldn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby” if they “ma[d]e a mistake” and had premarital sex.
Yep, he wouldn’t force his daughters to get married and pop out a baby at 17. And the vast majority of Americans agree with him on that.
Yep, he wouldn’t force his daughters to get married and pop out a baby at 17. And the vast majority of Americans agree with him on that.
Posted by: reality at September 5, 2008 10:44 AM
I like the way they use the phrase “force a daughter to pop out a baby at 17”. I guess that is how you would like to justify your unwillingness to sacrifice on her behalf huh? You would just “counsel” her that you have an “easy way out” of that burden. Just kill the baby. Easy to understand huh reality. A no brainer. With examples like you and Obama teaching that children can be looked at as a burder, it is no wonder children grow up without valuing life. And contrary to your beliefs/judgement, most parents would offer love and support to their seventeen year old daughter and “encourage” her that she is strong and capable enough to have that baby and still succeed in life, unless you think Barack’s mother was a failure for choosing to “pop a baby out” at 18.
Namaan wrote: “If that’s so, then truthseeker should be a little more careful with words … because I didn’t see that kind of distinction in the comments.”
True enough, and he acknowledged that.
I think forgiveness is a wonderful thing, because it benefits both the injured and the one who caused the injury. And that’s just plain common sense, isn’t it?
I also think that fighting for someone like Sarah Palin is a wonderful thing, even if you do make a typo and/or oversight while doing it. She, and what she represents, is worth defending.
I also think that fighting for someone like Sarah Palin is a wonderful thing, even if you do make a typo and/or oversight while doing it. She, and what she represents, is worth defending.
Amen, brother! :)
Ms Stanek,
You go girl. What barama was really saying was he and michelle did not want to be punished with a grandbaby.
They and thier fellow travelers are attempting to bludgeon Sarah and Bristol Palin with thier own babies.
Matt 24:19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! NIV
Mark 13:17-18 How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for mothers nursing their babies in those days. NLT
yor bro ken
what days do you think the scriptures you quoted were referring to?
Thank you for bringing my insensitivity to my attention. Just trying to call it like I see it and perhaps too bluntly. Sometimes I need somebody like you to help with my sensitivity.
LTL posting at 5:39…
Some Alaskans tried to recruit Sarah Palin to run for U.S. Senate in 2004. Wanna know why she didn’t? Because she held a family meeting and asked them what THEY thought of it. The rule in the family is that major decisions such as this must be unanimous. The family was not unanimous, so Sarah did not run.
When John McCain asked Sarah to be his running mate, Sarah called another family meeting. This time, it was unanimous. Do you know the meaning of the word “unanimous”? That means Bristol gave her OK.
Case closed. Now will you please butt out of her family business?!!!
Intellectual Inconsistency
I was once charged with trespass for refusing to move from the doorway of a building where pre-natal humans were being killed. In the subsequent trial I was interviewing perspective jurors. They all answered questions under oath, understanding that lying would be perjury, a crime. I read the part of the 14th amenndment to the U.S. Constitution which states: ‘nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
I asked each perspective juror which of these three rights was pre-eminent, life, liberty, or property. Each one of them said liberty was the most important. I then asked them how you could possibly enjoy liberty if you had been denied life. They all said you could not. I then said, ‘If that is true, then you would have to say the right to life trumps all others, would you not?’ Each one of them, in turn, agreed. Life is numero uno/number one.
Now here is the interesting part. I could only interview one juror at a time. The remainder of the jury pool was present and heard me ask all the previous persons the same questions. But when it came their turn, each one of them answered the same way. Initially, liberty was the most important right, but when asked how you could enjoy liberty without life, logic dictated that the right to life is our most valuable right.
All the perspective jurors answered the questions honestly. But initially they were all honestly wrong. When required to exercise logic they had to acknowledge the truth: Without life every other right is meaningless.
What kind of embryo/fetus was in your mother’s uterus when she was pregnant with you?
Here are some clues: not bovine, not feline, not canine.
I know this is really difficult for some of you. You do not want jeopardize your bliss by giving up on your willful ignorance.
Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
And all the fifth graders said, “Human!”
What do you say?
ps:They convicted me of criminal trespass. I believe they would have voted to execute me if the penalty had been available. I know some of you would have.
kb @ 6:08,
Very well said. Can I have permission to copy this and distribute to family and friends?
“However, I find it hilarious that the liberals are all running about wringing their hands over the fact that OMG the CHILDREN are having CHILDREN OMG OMG when they’re the ones who say that teenage sex is normal and to be expected.”
True dat. It’s like a person who’s boffed everyone in his/her high school criticizing a person who’s had one sexual partner (and perhaps only had sex once) and caused a pregnancy.
“Why are you saying we should be ashamed of ourselves?” the teen pregnancy couple ask. “You’ve had about fifty sexual partners.”
“Yeah, but *I* use PROTECTION!”
How sad that all these “nice-sounding” words like “careful,” “protection,” and “responsible” now refer to NOT having a baby, and words like “careless,” “unprotected,” and “irresponsible” now refer to having one. The Palin family’s critics still don’t get it, as they think preventing a BABY is the main reason parents tell their children not to have sex, when there are far worse things that can come from sex than a baby…