New Stanek WND column, “Gianna Jessen: Above Obama’s pay grade”
Last week, unveiled its premier ad, featuring for the first time ever an abortion survivor speaking to a national audience. In the ad, Gianna Jessen appealed to Barack Obama to reconsider his prejudice against gutsy babies like her.
Gianna was aborted in 1977 by infamous CA abortionist Edward Allred, who is named on her birth certificate as her attending physician. Gianna’s 17-year-old mother aborted her at 29-1/2 weeks’ gestation after belatedly deciding the time wasn’t right….
Gianna was externally and internally scalded [by a saline solution] for 18 hours, but her mother’s bag of waters ruptured before Gianna died, and Gianna was delivered kicking and squalling….
Were it up to Obama, Gianna would not be here….
Doubt me? Obama’s website lists the following language as “Language Clearly Threatening Roe” from the first, second and third versions the IL’s Born Alive Infants Protection Act:
A live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law.
In Obama’s mind, Gianna was not a human person when born and not eligible for legal protection.
If Obama doesn’t believe abortion survivors are legal persons, it is perfectly legal to draw and quarter them by the dilatation and extraction (D&E) abortion procedure after delivery. It is perfectly legal to drown them in a bucket of water, the equivalent to a hysterotomy abortion wherein the baby is drowned in amniotic fluid. Obama must explain why this absolutely wouldn’t be so….
Continue reading my column, “Gianna Jessen: Above Obama’s pay grade,” on
Yeah for Jill. Great column.
And you people want this creep for Prez? Ewwwwww…
I hope everyone is adding these articles to Digg, Facebook, etc. Its another way we can help get Jill’s message out to as many as we can.
God bless you richly Jill!
Great column. This one tells the whole story for readers to see. The awful truth about Obama. God help us if this man is elected.
Reality, don’t forget Gianna is just fine despite the fact that Jill’s bill was not even contemplated when she was born.
Stop lying, Jill. There’s already a law against infanticide in Illinois, so Gianna Jessen would still be just fine if Obama had his way.
Posted by: reality at September 24, 2008 2:27 PM
There had been a law that required only the abortionist to save an infant which he, himself deemed viable. The pro-life Attorney General could not discover a way of saving these babies based upon that law. Therefore, the law passed after Obama left the State Senate, at the wishes of Illinois Democrat legislators and governor.
Chris and the other Moderators – comments seem to have been disabled for fairly recent threads – Sept. 18 for example…
Reality, don’t forget Gianna is just fine despite the fact that Jill’s bill was not even contemplated when she was born.
Posted by: hal at September 24, 2008 2:34 PM
The great thing about wacko trolling is that the trollish posts tend to speak for themselves…
…and in favor of the cause they oppose.
Posted by: reality at September 24, 2008 2:27 PM
Since you know SO much about it please post the law. And please nothing before Jill’s experience at Christ hospital. We know that if there was a law then it was completely ineffective because the doctor and hospital would have been prosecuted.
Do you mean BAIPA? The law Obama voted against? If that’s the case Jill is not lying. Really, how do you justify this in that monstrosity you call a conscience?
Arlen, you guys are up in arms about a bill that Jill didn’t need to hold a baby in her arms, that Gianna didn’t need to get born and not murdered. Why, then, is voting against this bill so damn important to you all?
What we are ‘up in arms about’ isn’t a bill, it’s a man – who supports infanticide – becoming president. If he supports an act that is repugnant throughout Western Civilization, what else does he support.
This story is vital and is spreading to voters. Our trolls here, just hate it.
Keep up the good work Jill and Gianna!
Don’t forget that this candidate, endorsed by the Communist Party USA, also expressed this as the chief regret of his congressional career:
That he did not stand alone to keep Congress from trying to give Terri Schiavo her 14th Amendment, due process, right to life — as he stood alone on the Illinois Senate floor, fighting for the death of abortion-born infants.
It can’t be above Obama’s paygrade to ask him at what point did Gianna stop being a burden to the abortionist and her natural mother. Because he already made that decision on the Senate floor.
So Arlen, as we can see, isn’t everything important above his pay-grade?
Reality, don’t forget Gianna is just fine despite the fact that Jill’s bill was not even contemplated when she was born.
Posted by: hal at September 24, 2008 2:34 PM
The great thing about wacko trolling is that the trollish posts tend to speak for themselves…
…and in favor of the cause they oppose.
Posted by: Arlen Williams at September 24, 2008 2:39 PM
well done and well said, Arlen!
Gianna was one of the lucky ones. Ever heard of Baby Rowan? Baby Rowan’s mom posted here a few times.
Hal: “Arlen, you guys are up in arms about a bill that Jill didn’t need to hold a baby in her arms, that Gianna didn’t need to get born and not murdered. Why, then, is voting against this bill so damn important to you all?”
Because there are OTHER little girls and boys who may be left for dead in operating rooms because attempting to save them will create a “burden” on their mothers.
Hal: “Arlen, you guys are up in arms about a bill that Jill didn’t need to hold a baby in her arms, that Gianna didn’t need to get born and not murdered. Why, then, is voting against this bill so damn important to you all?”
Because there are OTHER little girls and boys who may be left for dead in operating rooms because attempting to save them will create a “burden” on their mothers.
link to o’bama web page
‘Senator Obama…is a committed Christian.’
link to article on politics and religion by o’bama
“And yet, despite all this division, we are united by the fact that Americans are a deeply religious people. Ninety percent of us believe in God, 70% affiliate ourselves with an organized religion, and 38% call ourselves committed Christians.”
By two or more witnesses it is confirmed, Barack Obama considers himself to be a ‘committed christian’.
That means he has submitted his life to the lordship of Jesus the Christ. As such he has agreed to be disciplined by the body of Christ as described in:
Matt 18:15-20 15 “And if your brother sins, go and reprove him in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. 16 “But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. 17 “And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax-gatherer. 18 “Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. 20 “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” NASB
1 Cor 5:3-5 3 For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present. 4 In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus, 5 I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. NASB
1 Cor 5:9-13 9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; 10 I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters; for then you would have to go out of the world. 11 But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he should be an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler — not even to eat with such a one. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves. NASB
2 Cor 2:5-11 5 But if any has caused sorrow, he has caused sorrow not to me, but in some degree —in order not to say too much — to all of you.
6 Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, 7 so that on the contrary you should rather forgive and comfort him, lest somehow such a one be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. 8 Wherefore I urge you to reaffirm your love for him. 9 For to this end also I wrote that I might put you to the test, whether you are obedient in all things. 10 But whom you forgive anything, I forgive also; for indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, 11 in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes. NASB
The goal of the prescribed discipline is not revenege, vengence, but repentance and restoration. It is an act done out of love for the body of Christ as well as the individual member. There is only one body, one Spirit, one LORD.
1 Cor 6:15-17 15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? May it never be! 16 Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a harlot is one body with her? For He says, “The two will become one flesh.” NASB
Eph 4:4-6 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. NASB
I take mr. o’bama at his word that he is a ‘committed christian’. That being true, then he is a member of the body of Christ and what he both says and does affects and influences all the individual members. mr. o’bama has made his sin public. Jill Stanek and others confronted him in person on more than one occasion and in front of many witnesses. mr. o’bama has chosen to trade his soul for the world.
The body of Christ, which is bigger than any one denomination has a responsibility to our LORD Jesus and to ourselves to expel the member who is causing great harm, to himself, to his family and to his community. We should do this with the hope that God will be merciful and grant him repentance.
In the authority of Jesus, in accordance with Holy Spirit, I declare you Barack Obama are loosed and amputated from the fellowship and the life of the body of Christ. I caution all followers of Christ everywhere, do not associate yourselves with this man until he has demonstrated in measureable ways his repentance.
yor bro ken
Anyone could say they were a Christian, but that doesnt prove anything.
It’s a person’s actions and words that show who a person really is in my opinion.
I just cant believe someone who said they were a Christian would vote the way he has on abortion, and especially the Born Alive act. It’s appalling and repugnant. Even Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy voted in favor of that, and Boxer especially is about as “pro choice” as one can get!
Hey Hal, you might want to try reading this post if you really want to understand this issue. I know you unbelievably stupid pro-aborts have reading comprehension problems, but concentrate really hard, OK?
The only reason why Gianna Jessen survived is that the abortionist was not on duty when she was born. Had the abortionist been on duty, she would have been killed.
The BAIPA protects babies like Gianna Jessen from being killed, regardless of whether or not an abortionist or a real doctor is on duty. Because, as I said, Gianna was only preserved alive because a real doctor just happened to be around when she was born. If the abortionist had been around, she would be dead now. That’s why we needed BAIPA; to save babies from this game of Russian Roulette.
Do you understand, Hal? Do I have to put it in all caps? Do I need to type it in bold text, or a larger font for you? Does my post have to include ‘Hosannas’ to the Great Cockroach in the Sky Barack Obama to increase the blood flow to your cerebrum enough for you to get it? I know that basic concepts easily escape the feeble grasp of your withered brain. Do the STDs cause that, or is it a side effect of the mental disorder that is liberalism?
For those of you saying that laws against infanticide protect infants born alive after abortions, guess again.
There’ve been cases recently in Florida of babies born alive after abortions and stuck in biohazard bags and suffocated, and the facilities escaped charges because the coroner couldn’t prove that the baby wouldn’t have eventually died of prematurity anyway.
They need to spell out that it DOES cover aborted babies who show signs of life, and that MERELY DENYING THEM CARE is a crime, you don’t have to drown them or strangle them.
Posted by: kbhvac at September 24, 2008 4:44 PM
I stand with you.
oh John, you crack me up.
I thought an abortionist signed Gianna’s birth certificate? If it was another doctor who saved her, wouldn’t he/she have signed it instead of the abortionist?
Go Eduardo go!!!
If in fact Gianna was born during an abortion, it is quite obvious that there is no law needed to force medical assistance for premature infants. Pretending that there is some kind of mandate that premature infants must be or even are allowed to be killed or left to die if reasonable medical assistance is available is beyond ridiculous.
Pretending that oposition to the Illinois born alive legislation somehow legally mandates the death of preemies is irrational and unfounded.
The Illinois born alive foolishness has absolutely nothing to do with Gianna’s supposed birth during an abortion or the care given to her after her birth. After all, Gianna was born in 1977 in California where abortions were and are illegal after viability. If there is any validity to Gianna’s abortion claim, her birth mother received a theraputic abortion in a hospital. Gianna couldn’t possibly know any particulars without access to her birth mother’s medical records which she clearly does not have. For all she knows, she might not be here at all if her mother had not received an abortion. If in fact she did. We can make up all kinds of hypothetical possibilities without the facts. Just as Gianna clearly has done. After all, this tale is making her a living isn’t it.
Who do you really think is buying this cock and bull story?
Um. I am.
Ridiculous. Irrational. Unfounded. Foolishness. Hypothetical. Cock and Bull story.
I’m just wondering….. what IS Obama’s pay grade? And how does he determine what is above it?
The Illinois born alive foolishness has absolutely nothing to do with Gianna’s supposed birth during an abortion or the care given to her after her birth. After all, Gianna was born in 1977 in California where abortions were and are illegal after viability. If there is any validity to Gianna’s abortion claim, her birth mother received a theraputic abortion in a hospital. Gianna couldn’t possibly know any particulars without access to her birth mother’s medical records which she clearly does not have. For all she knows, she might not be here at all if her mother had not received an abortion. If in fact she did. We can make up all kinds of hypothetical possibilities without the facts. Just as Gianna clearly has done. After all, this tale is making her a living isn’t it.
Her birth documents are plastered all over the internet. She has access to them! Duh!
check out the above ad aimed at people in the world (in this case the German people) who put “things” and happiness ahead of children!
very cool and it recognizes several things: a family has a mother and a father, Down’s Syndrome children are ok! and without children we have no future. is calling all this “baloney”
Sally —
You don’t like the Gianna story, do you? A living, breathing example of the brutality of abortion, is so hard for you to deal with. So you call her a liar, nice.
You condone murder and call it theraputic. You seem to know alot about the procedures, do you perform or assist in abortions? Or do you just shill for the abortionists? is an Annenberg project, just like the Annenberg Challenge that Obama and Ayers served on. It isn’t a valid, unbiased source by any measure.
Anyone else notice this from
“And Illinois law has long stated that if an abortion is performed when the fetus is deemed to be viable, the doctor must:
Choose the method of abortion least likely to harm the fetus.”
Choose the method of abortion least likely to harm the featus????
ALL abortions KILL an innocent life! Or are they talking about “humane” abortions? As if there is such a thing!
That is absolute madness! Its outrageous!
Sally: “Pretending that oposition to the Illinois born alive legislation somehow legally mandates the death of preemies is irrational and unfounded.”
Sally, did you happen to check out the Youtube audio clip in which Obama explains that protecting a newborn whose abortion failed to “take” would present a “burden” to the mother?
Joanne: “Choose the method of abortion least likely to harm the featus????”
Sometimes real life makes a Samuel Beckett play seem completely plausible.
ohhh, Carla, thanks for posting a story about my future hubsters. What a lovely picture. :)
So Arlen, as we can see, isn’t everything important above his pay-grade?
Posted by: lesforlife at September 24, 2008 3:36 PM
Only if it has to do with humans, Les.
You’re marrying Eduardo? Lucky girl!
Carla @ 7:13,
Go Eduardo go!!!
Thanks be to God that Eduardo decided to make this Spanish-language video! It is wonderful! Gracias!
FactCheck ignores that “viability” is subjective and open to personal interpretation. This means that the law in place contained a loophole which allowed doctors to abandon babies born alive if they thought that they might not be “viable”. And do you really think that an abortionist who is trying to kill a baby – that’s what his goal is, after all – is going to say that the baby he wants to kill is “viable”?
The IL legislature was trying to close that loophole to save the lives of babies born alive. Obama opposed the closing of that loophole. That’s all that needs to be said. Everything else is BS.
Ah, I can see the new Obama campaign ad now:
“Eduardo Verastegui is a vile, filthy LIAR. Obama is God. McCain sucks. I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.”
And Hal’s response to said future ad: “Brilliant! What a statesman! All praise Barry!”
Sally: “Pretending that oposition to the Illinois born alive legislation somehow legally mandates the death of preemies is irrational and unfounded.”
Sally, did you happen to check out the Youtube audio clip in which Obama explains that protecting a newborn whose abortion failed to “take” would present a “burden” to the mother?
Joanne: “Choose the method of abortion least likely to harm the featus????”
Sometimes real life makes a Samuel Beckett play seem completely plausible.
Posted by: bmmg39 at September 24, 2008 10:15 PM
Youtube? From what you insinuate I would say that Obama understands as much about abortion as you and Jill. The subject being above all of your pay grades.
Um. I am.
Ridiculous. Irrational. Unfounded. Foolishness. Hypothetical. Cock and Bull story.
Posted by: Carla at September 24, 2008 7:34 PM
Of course you are. It behooves you to do so.
—I know you unbelievably stupid pro-aborts have reading comprehension problems, but concentrate really hard, OK?—
I never post here but read this blog a lot and am pro-choice and I had to post in response to this comment because I believe it is incredibly rude to blanketly refer to pro-choicers as “stupid” and direct that comment at Hal. You make the anti-abortion side look very badly when you make statements like that, and that is one of the reasons I do not engage in discussions here. There is no reason to attack someone as such. It seems very childish; correct me if I am wrong but I do not ever remember Hal referring to YOU as “stupid.” Again, comments like that are why I don’t post here. I must admit I thoroughly enjoy reading HisMan, etc. posts and I’m sure Hal, Doug, etc. would understand why. :) They always make my day.
Her birth documents are plastered all over the internet. She has access to them! Duh!
Posted by: Patricia at September 24, 2008 8:15 PM
Couldn’t find a one. Not even her original birth cert. The one Jill posted was the version given to adoptive parents with the adoptive parents names given as the parents.
Perhaps you could link me to one of these supposed documents. Having done genealogy research for as long as I have, I know an official document from garbage. Pony up Patty.
Patricia @ 8:45,
How did you happen to find the German video? Awesome!
I thought an abortionist signed Gianna’s birth certificate? If it was another doctor who saved her, wouldn’t he/she have signed it instead of the abortionist?
Posted by: Elizabeth (Gabriella’s Momma) at September 24, 2008 7:04 PM
Don’t question Elizabeth. Drink your Kool Aid.
Sally —
You don’t like the Gianna story, do you? A living, breathing example of the brutality of abortion, is so hard for you to deal with. So you call her a liar, nice.
You condone murder and call it theraputic. You seem to know alot about the procedures, do you perform or assist in abortions? Or do you just shill for the abortionists?
Posted by: LB at September 24, 2008 9:57 PM
Honey, I’m not as easily shilled as you obviously are. Gianna has you shilled. I know a con job when I see one. Fill fiction in for fact and you are pacified.
Who are you being paid by? You keep avoiding answering this question. Why?
Pretending that there is some kind of mandate that premature infants must be or even are allowed to be killed or left to die if reasonable medical assistance is available is beyond ridiculous.
This is the definition of elective abortion, Sally.
Pretending that there is some kind of mandate that premature infants must be or even are allowed to be killed or left to die if reasonable medical assistance is available is beyond ridiculous.
This is the definition of elective abortion, Sally.
Posted by: Janet at September 25, 2008 12:25 AM
The defintion of an elective abortion is the intentional ending of a pregnancy. Anything beyond that is your fantasy of how and why. Nothing to do with definition or fact.
Liberals and Democrats are patholgical liars.
It is evidence in listening to the likes of Barney Frank discussing the 700 billion bailout. All his buddies at FMac and FMae got rich and he has the gall to say things like millionaries won’t feel the pinch. How much money did the Clintons make over the last 8 years….130 million. I think they should all be investigated and the money trails followed. I’ll bet you anything that all of these Dem politicians were on the take from their crony bureaucrats who them gave them kickbacks.
You know, the plain truth is, you can’t believe a word any Liberal utters. I mean, after all, if you can kill and unborn baby in the womb, you can do just about any evil.
Hal’s, Reality’s, LTL’s, and Sally’s posts are evidence of that.
Do not believe one word any Liberal says, not one.
Miss Ashley- like that one? Yeah, I agree, they make my day too. In that happy, these-lolos-are-why-the-far-right-will-never-get-a-foothold way.
Heh. That was for you, sweets!! :)
One of my favorite words is behooves. Thanks for using it in a sentence just for me yesterday!
My favorite use of the word behoove was by Mr. Creedy in V for Vendetta.
comment1, “>hdvd x264 codec, lslo,
Her birth documents are plastered all over the internet. She has access to them! Duh!
Posted by: Patricia at September 24, 2008 8:15 PM
Couldn’t find a one. Not even her original birth cert. The one Jill posted was the version given to adoptive parents with the adoptive parents names given as the parents.
Perhaps you could link me to one of these supposed documents. Having done genealogy research for as long as I have, I know an official document from garbage. Pony up Patty.
Posted by: Sally at September 25, 2008 12:02 AM
I have no intention of responding to this request until you use my proper Christian name Sally.
This is at least the 3 or 4th time for this disrespect.
I’ve got the links, you can do the proper asking!
Have a nice day.
Janet, the story is on the Canadian prolife news portal lifesite
Do tell, please.
Sally @ 12:58 AM,
Abortion is all too real. There is no difference between your definition and mine. If you highlight the fact that it is one woman’s choice, you could call elective abortion a “mandate” to end a pregnancy.
Sally is an example of how hearing the lies of the proaborts can twist and torture the conscience.
It’s easier to believe a lie then to look the cold hard truth in the face (Gianna).
Gianna’s life story shows all that is dark in Sally’s soul and those who think like Sally.
So, Sally must find ways to make Gianna’s life story a lie, no matter who that hurts, including Sally.
Ashley, I said that pro-abortion people are unbelievably stupid. You took offense. I assume this means you are admitting to being pro-abortion. Excellent.
Sally, are you paid by Obama in dollars or by Lucifer in souls?
“Why, then, is voting against this bill so damn important to you all?
Posted by: hal at September 24, 2008 2:42 PM”
For one, Hal (if it’s not painfully obvious yet) it shows what kind of person he really is and this vote shows his true morals or compassion (or lack thereof) to the very young, innocent and defenseless human beings.
Do not believe one word any Liberal says, not one.
Posted by: HisMan at September 25, 2008 1:38 AM
Some liberals are pro-life HisMan. Sorry to put some grey into your black and white world
Sally: Pretending that there is some kind of mandate that premature infants must be or even are allowed to be killed or left to die if reasonable medical assistance is available is beyond ridiculous.
Then, to your obviously limited adjacent brain cells, reality itself has become “ridiculous”. That baby cradled by Jill and the others born alive and left to die happened to be in human care facilities with lots of “reasonable medical assistance”.
Unfortunately, Sally, you have invested too much of your own LIFE defending DEATH. But then, “sin makes you stupid”. Promoting and defending the killing of others always has its consequences on your own existence. IOW, you suffer too and that’s the additional misery of this slaughter – its “collateral damage”!
Ashley: I believe it is incredibly rude to blanketly refer to pro-choicers as “stupid” and direct that comment at Hal. You make the anti-abortion side look very badly when you make statements like that, and that is one of the reasons I do not engage in discussions here. There is no reason to attack someone as such. It seems very childish; …. Again, comments like that are why I don’t post here.
Earth to Ashley: in case you haven’t noticed the subject of this blog is of a magnitude you must be as yet unable to grasp…since word smithing causes you a shock result far greater that little arms and legs and heads being severed and little bodies burned. Yes, even in your case, it is “sin” that makes you “stupid” too apparently.
kc @ 12:26pm
Now now, don’t you know that liberal proaborts can’t take what they dish out?
Sally: “Youtube? From what you insinuate I would say that Obama understands as much about abortion as you and Jill. The subject being above all of your pay grades.”
Or…instead of dodging the question, you could — you know — answer it. Did you hear Obama make his “burden” comment or not?
Sally (to LB): “Who are you being paid by?”
A growing trend, sadly, is to ask opponents of abortion and ESCR this question. Who pays YOU, then, Sally?
Sally: “The defintion of an elective abortion is the intentional ending of a pregnancy. Anything beyond that is your fantasy of how and why. Nothing to do with definition or fact.”
Well, hell, Sally, if all you want to do is see the end of a pregnancy, you can just wait until the child is born, right?
Unfortunately I couldn’t find video of it on youtube, but let’s just say that the word “behoove” is even more awesome when said in a British accent. :-)
V for Vendetta=AWESOME!
It would behoove me to rent V for Vendetta?
It would absolutely behoove you to rent V for Vendetta :-)
I love Natalie Portman.
I mean like really.
Anyway, YES – V for Vendetta – great movie.
I must admit I thoroughly enjoy reading HisMan, etc. posts and I’m sure Hal, Doug, etc. would understand why. :) They always make my day.
Ashley (I’ve said this before) the abortion debate is a great one because it takes us down to the unprovable assumptions we all make.
From what I’ve seen HisMan is a good and loving father and I don’t begrudge him his beliefs.
There’s one poster, Zeke, where there is definitely an anti-woman bias, but he’s a “rare” one here.
It’s fascinating how different people can be, eh?
Doug @ 2:24,
I love Natalie Portman.
I mean like really.
Anyway, YES – V for Vendetta – great movie.
I just don’t get her at all. Isn’t she about 12?
Janet, Natalie was born in June 1981, so she’s well more than twice 12.
She played a 12 year old in the 1994 release of “Leon” (also known as “The Professional”) – a damn good movie IMO.
Natalie got a degree in Psychology from Harvard, ya know…
Lots of guys like “big-busted blonds” for example, but I think Natalie is a young Audrey Hepburn….
Some of us just look young! :P
I think she’s one of the most beautiful actresses out there.
Doug, I like Natalie Portman too but nobody can compare to Audrey Hepburn!
Natalie Portman is the actress that played the character that would be the future mother of Luke and Leia in the Star Wars Prequels, released from 1999 to 2005. So, she’s definitely a LOT older than 12 years old. ;)
Eileen #2: I like Natalie Portman too but nobody can compare to Audrey Hepburn!
^5, Eileen.
Doug — ^5 — back at cha!