New Stanek WND column, “Seriously, Doug Kmiec is a legal scholar?”
Doug Kmiec is a constitutional law professor at Pepperdine University, former law school dean of Catholic University of America, and former legal counsel to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.
Kmiec’s Republican and Catholic credentials have given him heightened prominence as a Barack Obama apologist. Kmiec just published the book, Can a Catholic Support Him?: Asking the Big Question about Barack Obama, and is currently participating in a nationwide “Faith, Family and
Values Tour” on Obama’s behalf….
So given Kmiec’s credentials, I was surprised to read his frankly daft defense of Obama on the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act. From his book….
Where to start?
First, I’d recommend Kmiec give up and simply declare this muddled section, “a non-viable, but temporarily alive, but unborn child with a transient heartbeat,” the fault of an aberrant manuscript transcriber.
Then, Kmiec could not possibly have read the Born Alive Act before writing….
Kmiec is in serious need of his own law clerk. Not only did he miss the aforementioned, he expressed further ignorance of IL law by stating, “[T]here isn’t a county recorder in the country who would record a live birth” of a “temporarily alive” child.
On the contrary, the state of IL requires that all babies born alive, no matter what gestational age and no matter how fleeting their lives, be issued legal birth certificates….
According to Kmiec, very premature babies are not legal persons. If this were true, bashing them over the head to expedite the end of their “temporarily alive” status would be legal….
Continue reading my column, “Seriously, Doug Kmiec is a legal scholar?” on

Kmiec would do well to remember that we are all only alive “temporarily.”
Doug Kmiec is a constitutional law professor at Pepperdine University, former law school dean of Catholic University of America, former legal counsel to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, and former law clerk to U. S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.
As the ex-spouse of a lawyer, I can tell you right off the bat, these credentials mean NOTHING in terms of the accuracy and ability to reason. First off, any student surviving law school with their conscience intact and functioning is unlikely to get very far in the legal world. Law students are taught how to cheat, lie and twist the truth to suit their agenda. Money is the almighty god.
However, the worst of all, is a Catholic who does this in direct opposition to his faith.
What Catholic and what lawyer could possibly hold the views that Kmiec does? St. Thomas would be terribly disappointed. Shame on you, Kmiec.
That’s St. Thomas More who was beheaded….
Doug Kmiec’s support for Barack Obama is absolutely disgraceful. If he were a true Catholic, he would morally condemn Obama in the strongest terms for his support for unlimited killing of all human beings in the first nine months of our lives.
He would warn his fellow Christians that it is morally wrong to vote for anti-life politicians like Obama and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party.
He would condemn in the strongest terms the Democratic Party’s platform which calls for continued unlimited, taxpayer-subsidized destruction of human life.
He would warn everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, that putting Barack Obama in the White House and maintaining Democratic control of Congress would be a death sentence for millions of unborn children.
He would especially urge Black and Hispanic voters to stop voting Democratic as it is their votes which provide the margin to keep that party in power.
He would urge everyone to vote for John McCain for President and for Republican candidates for Congress and all other offices, as the only way to have any hope at all of stopping the killing of unborn children.
He would urge the Catholic bishops and other religious leaders to throw caution to the winds, and to endorse John McCain and the Republicans as the best way to fight the “culture of death” and stop the “moral evil” of abortion.
All these things Doug Kmiec would do were he a true pro-life Catholic.
Maybe Mr. Kmiec is a human being ontologically but not functionally.
“Law students are taught how to cheat, lie and twist the truth to suit their agenda.”
I’m sorry, but I need more authority for this then the example of your ex-husband.
I can assure you that my law school taught none of those things.
PS: Maybe we should spend some time examining Kmiec’s REASONS for supporting Obama. They may resonate among some of the conservatives here.
Pepperdine, a school started by the Church of Christ, (not the United Church of Christ) should fire Kmiec immediately.
HisMan, Fire Kmiec because he disagrees with Jill?
I don’t know why Pepperdine would do that.
Maybe someone needs to remind Mr. Kmiec that all of us are “temporarily alive.”
Lots of Catholics will vote for Obama. The fringe element is all up in arms about him, but neither candidate is perfect and Kmiec says things which Catholics as a whole should rememeber.
No, Kmiec actually disagrees with God and Jill happens to agree with God.
We’ll let God deal with it then, right?
Let’s watch God’s will play out on November 4th.
Oh my goodness…Patricia…your ex is a lawyer? Well that was your first problem right there. They rationalize wrongdoing FOR A LIVING.
Seriously, Sarah Palin is a nominee for national office? She can’t even name one single newspaper or magazine or news source in the entire country! (And she was a journalism major, for god’s sake!)
So, who’s excited about the debate tomorrow? I know I am!
Anyone see THIS??
So it’s ok to show gruesome pictures of cancer on cigarette packages, but it’s not ok (according to PP/NARAL) to warn women of the risks of abortion?
BTW, Hal, I for one am pretty weary of you only choosing to bring up God when the purpose is to mock those of us who believe in Him.
With all the media bias these days, reality, I can’t either. Maybe they should’ve asked her for a news-based-opinion source. Afterall, she has the education to know what real news is…this obviously isn’t real news.
Hell, I don’t have any formal training in the subject myself, but I know what reporting is not, and saw a good example when I was watching CNN the other day. Obama said something stupid, they played the sound bite, then the “anchor” went on to say, “What Obama meant by this is…”
When you are a reporter, it is your job to tell me what was said or done by someone, or relate to me the story of some important happening. It is NOT your job to MAKE EXCUSES FOR YOUR CANDIDATE OF CHOICE’S ASININE REMARK OR STUNT.
I have since turned the channel from CNN, and will not be changing it back.
Seriously, Sarah Palin is a nominee for national office? She can’t even name one single newspaper or magazine or news source in the entire country! (And she was a journalism major, for god’s sake!)
Sarah nailed it on this one. Regardless of her answer, Katie Couric would have used it (any source she mentioned) to disparage and discredit her. I loved her response, that contrary to what people are trying to insinuate, Alaska is not someplace where they don’t get the news. :D
I can assure you that my law school taught none of those things.
Don’t lie, Hal. I know you aced Lying For Money And Personal Satisfaction 101. Your denial merely proves that you deserved that A. ;)
I know what reporting is not, and saw a good example when I was watching CNN the other day. Obama said something stupid, they played the sound bite, then the “anchor” went on to say, “What Obama meant by this is…”
When you are a reporter, it is your job to tell me what was said or done by someone, or relate to me the story of some important happening. It is NOT your job to MAKE EXCUSES FOR YOUR CANDIDATE OF CHOICE’S ASININE REMARK OR STUNT.
I have since turned the channel from CNN, and will not be changing it back.
Posted by: xalisae at October 1, 2008 10:41 AM
WOW, can you imagine anyone in the MSM trying to re-interpret or explain/put spin on something McCain has said? Can you imagine them not letting up on Biden for his MYRIAD of moronic statements??
And has SNL put out a skit of Biden yet where he’s telling disabled people in wheelchairs to stand up? Or how about a skit where he talks about how Hillary is so much more qualified than he is? Or maybe I just missed those.
Neither can I.
LOL-sorry, strike that last line from my last post. My last sentence got lost in the shuffle there! :D
Yes Hal:
God can even choose to have Obama elected to bring the church and country to its knees.
BTW, Hal, I for one am pretty weary of you only choosing to bring up God when the purpose is to mock those of us who believe in Him.
Posted by: Kel at October 1, 2008 10:37 AM
HisMan brought up God. I just pointed out the obvious. You guys pray that God’s will be done, but then scream about it when it is. Have some faith. Maybe Kmiec’s book would help you understand why voting for Obama is such an important thing to do.
Important only if you put other things (and not even things which should be done by our government in the first place) before ending the killing of thousands of people every day. No truly good person would.
Steve @ 10:53 AM
I have to assume that since you posted the exact same post in a prior thread that you’re
a) consistent
b) looking for traffic
c) are possibly a spambot
Send me email indicating you’re a human being or I’ll add your site to our spam filters.
xalisae, you admitted you aren’t a reporter. So how would you know what a reporter’s job is? News anchors aren’t reporters: they’re anchors. There’s a big difference. Anchors are allowed to give opinions. Reporters find the stories and turn it over to the anchor. That’s how it is.
Seriously. Get informed or get off the internet.
Posted by: hal at October 1, 2008 9:11 AM
You must not have gone to a very good law school then. My BIL went to Stanford. He’s about as far removed from the law as you can possibly get without leaving it entirely.
I, for one, am glad of it. His principles aren’t compromised in his current area of practice – mediation.
Posted by: HumanAbstract at October 1, 2008 11:31 AM
Are you serious? An anchor is on television to report the news – not opinions. You are so uninformed it’s just sad. That is without a doubt the dumbest comment so far today.
As I work in media, I’m quite informed, thank you. An anchor is there for entertainment: nothing more, nothing less. Otherwise, they’d have the reporters do it.
An anchor is there for entertainment: nothing more, nothing less. Otherwise, they’d have the reporters do it.
Posted by: HumanAbstract at October 1, 2008 11:40 AM
LOL!!! I’m sure EVERY anchor would disagree with you. I know one personally on ABC in Chicago and he would probably take your head off if you ever told him to his face he was there for “entertainment.” You’re ignorance just gets more and more apparent! Keep it up, you’re doing a GREAT job!
Note that is Britain. I dont think such a warning would pass (at least not easily) in the US.
Yeah, I know several personally. They’re idiots. At the bigger name stations, they’re reporters, but at the po-dunk stations, they’re nothing more than a pretty face. At CNN, xalisae was likely mistaking an anchor for a commentator: there’s a huge difference in education, job requirements, etc.
Also, Kristen, you’re kind of an idiot. FYI.
“reality” (I’m having difficulty typing that name without smirking): “She can’t even name one single newspaper or magazine or news source in the entire country!”
Sure, she can. She just chose not to reveal which sources of news she prefers. NO political candidate ever states what his or her preferences are. Can you imagine if she had said, say, “Well, the WALL STREET JOURNAL, for one…” The media would be attacking that for being a (supposedly) conservative outlet. She’s also not in the business of giving any one outlet a free testimonial.
Ummm…no…it was an anchor (otherwise known as a NEWS PRESENTER, or NEWS READER). He wasn’t listed as some sort of pundit or commentator. Otherwise, I wouldn’t care. Your unequivocal (emphasis on the “vocal”) stupidity would be laughable if you couldn’t vote.
Did the thought occur that they were perhaps referencing a campaign press release? I’ve found myself angry at Fox, CNN, et al only to have the say at some point it was a press release from the campaign.
Nope, Dan. I just stood there watching, like staring at a car wreck on the freeway-I could not look away. I was captivated at the sight of the death of old media. I kept waiting for an explaination or source for this statement, and none came.
HisMan brought up God. I just pointed out the obvious. You guys pray that God’s will be done, but then scream about it when it is. Have some faith. Maybe Kmiec’s book would help you understand why voting for Obama is such an important thing to do.
Posted by: hal at October 1, 2008 11:05 AM
Oh, Hal. You’re a regular riot.
Dan, I realize that it’s Britain. My point is that if we’re going to try and “reduce smoking” then why not do the same thing to “reduce abortion?”
“Law students are taught how to cheat, lie and twist the truth to suit their agenda.”
I’m sorry, but I need more authority for this then the example of your ex-husband.
I can assure you that my law school taught none of those things.
Posted by: hal at October 1, 2008 9:11 AM
Hal, do you have a law degree?
You know, bmmg39 actually has a valid point there. For someone inexperienced in media interviews/relations with the media, it WOULD be difficult to walk the line between voicing one’s opinion and seeming to give preference to a news source. I pretty much loathe Palin, but bmmg39 does point out something that has been overlooked here.
X, it was likely a news release or the anchor was explaining context. I highly doubt that the anchor just gave their opinion out of the blue
every lawyer I’ve ever met has been a life-destroying tool that uses the judicial system to prey on the financially disadvantaged. I hate them. Except for Nancy Grace. She’s kinda cool, and she cracks me up.
To your future detriment and eternal risk, your biblical illiteracy and knowledge of how God deals with the world are obvious.
It is very possible that even though the remnant of faithful Christians who support life and are aware of the vast implications of not having a pro-life President, and who pray that Obama is not elected, God could still use Obama for his purposes.
I don’t pretend to know what those short term and immediate purposes are, however, God’s only interest is in saving as many people as possible from hell before Christ returns.
This I know for sure, In the end, we win.
Having said that, we still fight the good fight of faith.
If the church would get their minds off this money stuff and focus on doing the right thing, God promises to heal our land.
That is why all the faithful pro-lifers are blogging on this site.
Nancy Grace? REALLY?
well, i’ve never met her in person, she’s just one of the few lawyers I like.
Hal: HisMan, Fire Kmiec because he disagrees with Jill?
No, Hal, because he’s stupid! Of course, “sin does make you stupid”.
If he doesn’t notice that a living child is just that then I doubt if he’d recognize pornography either…since that definition too is that “you know it when you see it”.
so Hal, you gonna answer my question. Did you go to law school? Do you have a degree? Ever sat in on classes. If so what school, Hal?
PaoaS @ 7:28,
Kmiec would do well to remember that we are all only alive “temporarily.”
Good point.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kel @ 10:43,
“Seriously, Sarah Palin is a nominee for national office? She can’t even name one single newspaper or magazine or news source in the entire country! (And she was a journalism major, for god’s sake!)”
Sarah nailed it on this one. Regardless of her answer, Katie Couric would have used it (any source she mentioned) to disparage and discredit her. I loved her response, that contrary to what people are trying to insinuate, Alaska is not someplace where they don’t get the news. :D
I hadn’t heard about this question from Couric. Palin being vague on purpose? Clever, if she was. If not, well…. :(
Time will tell.
Hal @ 11:05,
HisMan brought up God. I just pointed out the obvious. You guys pray that God’s will be done, but then scream about it when it is. Have some faith. Maybe Kmiec’s book would help you understand why voting for Obama is such an important thing to do.
You are right about faith. If more people had faith and prayed “Thy will be done” every day, this would be a much better world. :)
“If more people had faith and prayed “Thy will be done” every day, this would be a much better world. :)
Posted by: Janet at October 1, 2008 1:38 PM”
Funny, you should mention this, Janet…in most God-fearing,3rd world countries and cultures, I understand that “Thy Will be done” IS the everyday norm…the reason being, they do NOT have a government that they can depend on to bail them out, no welfare system to speak of, minimal possessions to speak of…a very humble way of life.
It’s only in the affluent, Western societies that
have thrived and lived in a non-existential threatening way of life that people have forgotten (willingly or unwillingly) to call on God.
I’m not stating everybody in the US/ Europe has that problem but it’s my general observation.
Posted by: HumanAbstract at October 1, 2008 11:57 AM
The fact that you think your opinion of me matters proves that you’re the idiot.
Katie Couric is a pro-abort.
Noticed how she didn’t ask Biden one question about abortion, but hit Palin from left. Plus, she cued Biden up with easy questions and threw gotchas at Palin.
The media is absolutely driving me CRAZY!!!! How can they throw Palin under the bus for not saying what newspaper she reads and ignore the fact that Biden didn’t even know that there were no televisions during the depression?!?!?!?!
It is really bad isn’t it?? I for one am sick to death of the MSM and their Obama worship. Ugh.
The media is absolutely driving me CRAZY!!!! How can they throw Palin under the bus for not saying what newspaper she reads and ignore the fact that Biden didn’t even know that there were no televisions during the depression?!?!?!?!
Posted by: becky at October 1, 2008 3:29 PM
Becky, if McCain or Palin would’ve made the same error, the MSM would never stop talking about it. Objective journalism?? Pretty sure that’s dead.
Jill as excerpted your column literally makes no sense. it jumps around and is full of unfinished and unsubstantiated thoughts and assumptions. Next time please consider acquiring an editor before going to publication.
Posted by: Patricia at October 1, 2008 12:41 PM
Do you have a law degree Patricia? If so you’ve just completely invalidated your own point? Even if you do, the way in which you make your claims rests on your own issues with your ex- than it does on any factual basis, given that you cannot separate your attempt at an argument from your anger towards your ex. And if you do not have anger towards your ex then why is he the focus of your comment?
YLT: you have NO idea WHAT my point is because I haven’t made it yet.
Try again before you write your posts. Maybe you should take you own advice to Jill in your above post. It might help….
I have not only my own experiences with law school but those of other lawyers – Catholic and Christian students to rely upon, which I take it, is much more than you have.
1) Yo La — so sorry if you’re unable to follow Jill’s train of thought. English 101 at any community college could help you with that… or even a decent remedial critical reading course.
Also, Hal brings up this law school stuff whenever he feels like it would help his argument, I fail to see why Patricia doesn’t have the right to ask where he received his legal education.
2) Becky, Carla, and Kal… the debate should be very interesting now that it has come out that Gwen Ifill has written a book praising Obama entitled… “Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama.”
After seeing how she reacted after Palin’s speech at the convention (with a combination look of boredom and disgust) she promises to be anything but a “moderator” during this debate. (How could she be? She needs Obama/Biden to win in order to boost her book sales!)
You guys understand that by whining about the moderator, all that you’re really doing is trying to make up excuses in advance so that when Palin looks like a bimbo tomorrow night, you can say “BUT IT WASN’T HER FAULT WAAAAH.”
OK, Erin. I suggest that we allow Tom Delay to moderate the next debate between Obama and McCain. If you don’t like that idea, it just shows how you’re making up excuses to try to avoid looking like a bimbo.
“Also, Hal brings up this law school stuff whenever he feels like it would help his argument, I fail to see why Patricia doesn’t have the right to ask where he received his legal education.”
Patricia can ask, but she has no right to know. Protecting Internet anonymity of their commenters is a hallmark of respectable bloggers. Revealing his alma mater would be a great tool for Net stalkers to further zero in on. You might want to check out a few of those InterNet safety tip pages yourself.
And, it is the anti-choice side that has the history of harassment and violence. So Hal is wise to be cautious.
The greatest advocate in the Universe is Jesus Christ and you mock him. If you’re really a lawyer you shold have learned this in Law School 101, and this, called the Judeo-Christina ethic which you crap on. Some lawyer you are. So you don;t work for PP, you work for the ACLU? Makes perfect sense.
This financial crisis is the result of Liberal giveways not conservative principals. This is the result of 8 years of CLinton and a Liberal Congress. They should all be sent home.
We are going to go through financial hell for the next few years as a result of this. Just wait until the credit card crisis hits which no one is talking about. It will dwarf the mortgage crisis and back the back of the US economy. That’s the plus side of an Obama Presidency as he would be responsible for the next four years of economic chaos and disaster. Have at it Obama, we all deserve you.
If you want the pain to last even longer, then vote for Obama.
Not only are we all here just temporarily, but we are all able-bodied only temporarily as well. It really doesn’t take much to get to a tipping point where suddenly the rights denied one group (aborted preborn humans that are “temporarily alive”) are applied to another, perhaps the extremely ill or “brain dead” (think Terry Shiavo), or other “useless eaters.” From there the slippery slope can go just about anywhere.
That Doug Kmiec has given his considerable intellect to the service of forces antithetical to the culture of life reminds us of how easily we can be deceived.
so Hal, you gonna answer my question. Did you go to law school? Do you have a degree? Ever sat in on classes. If so what school, Hal?
Posted by: Patricia at October 1, 2008 1:18 PM
Don’t hate me (more). But, yes. I have a degree from one of the top five law schools in the country. (I got good grades too)
I loves ‘lawyer-jokes’.
like: ‘Did you hear that it was so cold, the lawyers had their hands in their own pockets.’
Hey Hal, considering that you are one, can you tell us why graduates from law schools tend to be such unbelievably stupid dumbasses?
Now, John, there you go again, being so, so, pointedly on the mark….
Well, Hal, you just explained ALOT to me……
Wow, there are light-bulbs flashing all over my house…..
What kind of law do you practice Hal? And what school?
John, they are not exactly dumbasses – lawyers for the most part are just completely morally bankrupt individuals. They are quite simply, taught to rationalize everything they do.
My favourite lawyer joke of all time: (from Hook with Robin Williams)”I hear that scientists are now using lawyers in some experiments. The reason is that there are some things even rats won’t do…” hahaha
My favourite lawyer scene in movies: when the lawyer gets eaten while sitting on the toilet in Jurassic Park. Ewwwwww
Do ya think I have issues with lawyers…..??
[the above IS tongue in cheek!!!- I just couldn’t resist]
John, I do have some theories on that. (I don’t disagree entirely) However, there are many, many, talented, compassionate, dedicated lawyers out there helping people every day.
John M, I loves the lawyer jokes too.
However, there are many, many, talented, compassionate, dedicated lawyers out there helping people every day.
Posted by: Hal at October 1, 2008 5:54 PM
Out of all the lawyers I know there is only one who fits this description – a woman from Nigeria. She is great. The rest are scum.
Virtually every lawyer in my area has been married at least twice….this is par for the profession I’d say…
Well, Patricia, I know many lawyers of course. Some have been married twice (or more) many others are on their first marriage. Some are unmarried. Some are gay and can’t get married (yet).
Although it might be true for your sample, I don’t think you should be too quick to label all (or even most) lawyers “scum.” We’re people too. There are all kinds, remember, those that fought Planned Parenthood in Aurora were lawyers.
Most lawyers I know that are employed work about 60 hours a week. The rest are incompetent.
How do you find time to blog?
I’m incompetent.
(Is that what you wanted to hear?)
He blogs at work HisMan inbetween sucking the blood out of his clients (jest kidding….)
Well Hal, at the very least I do understand your mindset…
Hal, that is truly the first time you’ve made me laugh…. I am dying
I think I’ll go pick my kid up from work now….
Patricia, try to jump to too many conclusions about me simply by my profession. My clients, you’ll be happy to know, love me.
wow…I should be a lawyer. I can’t figure out which type though…I’d like tobe active in the justice system, but I can’t figure out which I hate more, injustice or criminality.
xalisae, A prosecutor can fight ciminals and injustice. That might be fun for you.
I can just imagine Hal in part of the cast of a real life production of The Devil’s Advocate.
I think Elmo should moderate the VP debate, he’s the only none liberal at PBS.
Patricia, try to jump to too many conclusions about me simply by my profession. My clients, you’ll be happy to know, love me.
Posted by: Hal at October 1, 2008 6:55 PM
I’m sure they do Hal, especially after they open their wallets to pay you…….
who are you kidding?
Another break from reality Hal.
No Hal:
I was expecting you to tell me you are eiterh padi to blog as a Liberal hack by oterh Liberla hacks like PP or teh ALCO or MoveOn or, that your blogging on your employer’s time.
that’s where the “injustice” thing comes in, hal. I’m in Arkansas right now. I was born in the bay area of California, as was my husband. That doesn’t go over too well out here. Everyone knows everyone else, including the cops, and if you don’t have the right accent, a well-known last name, lots of money, or any combination thereof, you’re in VERY big trouble if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Getting the cops involved out here is hit-and-miss; you run the risk of a cop knowing the party involved and either trying to get them off the hook or collared, or just being grossly incompetent and trying to pin everything on the most obvious person, whether or not they happen to be guilty. I would never want to run the risk of sending the wrong person up the river.
The McCain campaign managers are not doing a good job HisMan, I think you or I could be doing better job. I wouldn’t have put Palin on with the biased Couric, who gave her a quiz to make her look bad rather than doing an interview.
another one,
What’s the difference between a lawyer and a carp? ANSWER: One is a scum sucking, bottom-feeding low life …. and the other is a fish.
Call (202)872-1020 and voice your protest to teh Debate Board over an Obama supporter moderating the VP vote.
It is usually busy but keep trying.
I can’t believe this is the America we now live in.
After hearing the songs being sung to Obama by the “chiren” I’m feelin like I’m living in the USSR or Cuba not the USA.
Don’t these “chiren” realize that he supports their murder if parents like Hal want to kill them?
God please have mercy on us all.
Jasper, I’d rather have Big Bird.
Just out of curiosity what do you think of proposition 1?
Is Prop1 the elimnation of the Mass State income tax?
Dan, I think I’m voting for it. I will get to keep more of my hard earned money and less for Obama’s pal Deval Patrick to waste.
Yes it is.
After what I heard at student senate today and doing some more research im voting against it. I’d prefer state universities stay affordable rather than have fees jump 4 grand next year for one.
Yeeeeeeeeeeah- I think I’m voting for Nader this year.
Rae! Wooooo, haha.
Speaking of universities, I heard an interesting idea on one of the cable news shows yesterday. I wish I could remember the man’s name – he suggested making college tuition tax-deductable to make it more affordable.
Doesn’t that sound like a good idea??
I think an even better idea would be to make it free to attend public universities (if one is accepted).
I think it already is, I know college expenses are for my parents, dunno about tuition and whatnot though, id have to ask.
I think an even better idea would be to make it free to attend public universities (if one is accepted).
Posted by: Rae at October 1, 2008 9:33 PM
Well, since nothing is “free,” I’m curious…how do you think this might be accomplished?
Anyone seen this yet? News to me:
The network seems pretty stupid, from a faith perspective.
For example:
So what about speaking truth about the negative things about Obama? No? We’re supposed to dwell only on what edifies? Fine, so why not edify about McCain?
Those are rhetorical questions, of course, because the site has nothing to do with faith and everything to do with political advocacy. Faith is subordinated to politics as an instrument of propaganda.
It happens on the right, too, of course. Just here, it’s on the left.
@Kel: It’s but a pipedream. I know it can’t be free without raising taxes and I know that most conservatives will raise hell holy racket over all their hard-earned money being put into those evil, godless, liberal institutions known as “universities” (you know, the place that give us treatment for diseases, alternatives to oil and corn ethanol, etc).
It would be fantastic if my school could lower tuition, and I KNOW that they can. They choose not to, because they suck at life. We have millions of dollars packed away in endowments- I say cash that stuff in to ease the burden on students. I go to a public university. My tuition for a year is over $10,000 per year (that’s just tuition- not including room and board as I no longer live on campus). The tuition of the Big 10 school in the next state over is $7000 for the year.
I go to a Big 10 school, that is literally wasting MILLIONS of dollars for a stadium for a football team that was 1-11 last year. That money could have gone towards reducing tuition, but instead they kindly gave us the HIGHEST tuition hike in several years.
There are MANY ways colleges could lower tuition, but they chose not to because they prefer building Mausoleums of Failure (football stadiums) and repainting hand-railings.
Yeah Rae!
$80 million for an arena? REally?
…housing crisis? What housing crisis?
@Kel: It’s but a pipedream. I know it can’t be free without raising taxes and I know that most conservatives will raise hell holy racket over all their hard-earned money being put into those evil, godless, liberal institutions known as “universities” (you know, the place that give us treatment for diseases, alternatives to oil and corn ethanol, etc).
Yeah, exactly. You’d have to raise taxes. A lot.
But not all conservatives view universities as evil, godless, and liberal. There are plenty of conservative Christian universities out there that cost just as much as the evil, godless ones. :D (I think it’s funny that you think that’s a conservative position or something.)
It’s the universities’ choice to charge as much as they do for tuition. And you’re right, there is a LOT of wasteful spending that goes on in these places. The one here in my town is spending a wad of their (and the city’s) money to replace the perfectly decent asphalt streets with brick. And they couldn’t do this during the summer when school wasn’t in session…noooo, they’re doing it now that classes have already started, which makes conditions more hazardous for the students there. So much for intelligence!
Greedy business practices are widespread, aren’t they? Some universities are certainly no exception. :(
@Kel: No kidding. But just so you know, the “godless, liberal univeristy” jabs were for Jasper, in case he was reading. :-p I’m just bein’ a brat.
My genius city/school has decided to put lightrail down the MIDDLE of what is Washington Avenue (effectively eliminating that street)- and Washington Avenue is a main thoroughfare through my campus- it would make getting to and around campus EXTREMELY difficult.
And you know who’s behind this GENIUS plan and who supports it? No one other than the future golden child of the Republican party- Tim “The Not-Governator” Pawlenty! Round of applause for fiscal responsibility folks!
But seriously- replacing asphalt with brick? That idiot school is practically BEGGING for chronic road work.
GAH! I may be a social liberal- but I do understand the importance of fiscal responsibility- I would lord over school pocketbooks with an iron fist. There would be no shenanigans or wasteful spending under my watch. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. *cough*
John Lewandowski: Jasper, I’d rather have Big Bird.
Dang, John, I’d have figured you for an ‘Oscar the Grouch” type of guy… ; )
Mausoleums of Failure
Ha – love it, Rae.
Out of all the nurses I know there is only one who fits this description – a woman from Nigeria. She is great. The rest are scum.
Virtually every nurse in my area has been married at least twice….this is par for the profession I’d say…
Posted by: Patricia at October 1, 2008 6:02 PM
As you can see Patricia, the fallacy of hasty generalizations can be built on factually correct information – but they are still logically flawed and factually flawed – too small a sample, too provincial of a worldview.
Hey Rae:
So you’re voting for Uncle Ralph? That’s meant affectionately, BTW. I voted for him, too – 2000. It’s the only vote I’ve ever really regretted. Yes, I knew and subscribed to all the arguments about voting for him, but now know that it contributed to Bush winning (or enabling him to steal the election, anyway).
If McCain wins this year, it will be because many conservatives won’t do what they profess is the absolute right and instead choose the “lesser of two evils” in their view, by voting for McCain instead of one of the fringe parties.
Food for thought.
@Phylo: I honestly couldn’t care less who wins the election this year. I hate both of the candidates. The only way I’d vote for either is if I was selling my vote- but unfortunately that’s illegal.
In the immortal words of South Park- why should I have to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche?
If everybody watched ‘South Park’ the world would be a much better place.
But seriously- replacing asphalt with brick? That idiot school is practically BEGGING for chronic road work.
Posted by: Rae at October 2, 2008 12:51 AM
Ohhh, yes, but it is *historic preservation* and so therefore it is just purtier!! ;) Yeah. Whatever! :D
The college is basically taking over large parts of the historic district. I have mixed feelings about it–on one hand, a lot of the historic district is in need of updating, but on the other hand, does the school REALLY need to own everything within arm’s reach?
I’m in favor of a little “historic preservation”, but brick streets? Are they for foot traffic or actual cars? If I remember correctly, you live up north, right? I don’t think brick streets will last very long with snowplows scraping them in winter!
I love historical preservation, too, Janet. We have a lovely historic district where I live. But yes, these streets are for actual cars!
And yes, there will be snowplows scraping them every winter with the heavy snowfall. :(
It just seems like a huge waste of money to me. *shrug* Tuition’s already high enough without doing something that really isn’t necessary to the educational process! It’s not like it’s a new building for classrooms, it’s a brick street. Sheesh. I just don’t get it.
Phylosopher- I voted for Nader in 2000 as well. It was the first ballot I ever cast, and I regret it too. However, had I not voted for him, I would’ve voted for Bush. So, your statement is incorrect. We would’ve just cancelled each other out.
What is best name for fetus?
Or Cletus?
Tigran, a matter of preference, I’d say.
Overall, though, it seems that rhyme wins out over alliteration – while “Festus the fetus” returned 60 Google hits, Cletus was well up there with 5,800.