Weekend question
A new website, ProlifeProObama.com, has just been unveiled by the pro-Obama Matthew 25 Network (click to enlarge)…
Think the site’s theses have merit? Think the attempt to persuade pro-lifers to vote for Obama will work?
A new website, ProlifeProObama.com, has just been unveiled by the pro-Obama Matthew 25 Network (click to enlarge)…
Think the site’s theses have merit? Think the attempt to persuade pro-lifers to vote for Obama will work?
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This is 100% pure Obama. He throws himself headlong into a campaign of deceit whenever his positions of moral depravity are exposed.
Maybe, if not for the whole IL BAIPA. You can’t pretend to be a moderate on abortion and support leaving children to die. It just doesn’t work. I think this needs to be our primary attack on these types of sites.
Pray for this man’s soul. I would hate to stand before my maker and try to explain this. As someone who was pro choice but examined the evidence and became pro life, I have a hard time accepting those who know better but put self interest ahead of the truth.
this is doublespeak. Obama is interested in Obama. Every action since getting out of college has been self serving. He choose that church to establish himself as an authentic black candidate. Every present vote was because he was looking ahead at this run. Aligning himself with PP and the abortion industry was not out of clear conviction but to align himself for this run.
I used to laugh at the emails pointing out that he may be the anti Christ. Maybe I shouldn’t have deleted them.
For those who say that abortion is not an important issue to them but claim to be Christian, I must ask is it important to God?
Sadly, I think this site does not have merit but will help Obama. I think there are people who ‘want’ to be deceived. They want rationalizations to vote for the candidate they ‘feel good’ about, and they don’t want to spend time reasoning through their own beliefs and values.
The argument is, essentially, that it’s OK to be more pro-abortion than NARAL as long as you also support socialism. We shouldn’t have to explain why that’s completely crazy, but unfortunately, we do.
For one thing, it completely destroys the entire idea that women seek abortion as a matter of “choice”. By this reasoning, women only seek abortion because they have no choice, but if you give them money and support, they won’t abort. But though pro-lifers are willing and able and actually ARE providing help for both pregnant mothers AND mothers of born children, the pro-aborts demand huge expansions to the federal government, and say that anyone who disagrees with their liberalism is anti-life.
There was a letter to the editor in my local newspaper the other day which stated that you cannot be pro-life unless you support government provided universal health care. Really? This is so much like the pro-aborts on here who have argued in the past that they would vote pro-life, if only pro-lifers were pro-gay marriage. Of course now we see how much BS that is, since we have two presidential candidates who are identical in their opposition to gay marriage and support of all other gay rights aside from marriage (which is the only rational position to have if you ask me), and yet they’re still for Obama.
So to actually answer the questions, NO, the theses of the website ABSOLUTELY DO NOT have merit. But they may persuade some undecided Democrats who are marginally pro-life to vote for Obama.
Maria @ 8:20 — excellent post.
When the Matt 25 PAC first reared its ugly head, I created a blog button/campaign poster in their honor… over 70 people have posted it on their blogs or myspace:
I think it actually is galvanizing Christians against Obama.
Unbelievable. You’ve got to be completely blind to the truth and brainwashed with invalid rhetoric to fall for such a web of lies and deceit. What a sick, twisted, underhanded thing to do. I doubt the website will effect any pro-lifer worth his/her grain of salt. Anybody who truly gets the sanctity of life will not be swayed by the devil’s attempts, which is precisely what this is. Satan is running wild because his time is short. God help this country if Obama steps foot in the white house.
I’ve yet to find anything related to ‘Matthew 25’ to be anything but dishonest.
The Prolife ProObama is especially interesting because Obama’s is on record as being for the death penalty, as well. It’s not just an abortion issue!
I wonder if Obama would share this same kind of support from these people if he supported pedophilia. Everything else the same, has all these great plans, he just supports the right to choose if you want to have sex with 5 year olds or not.
Can you be pro-child and support a man who supports pedophilia? The answer is unequivocally yes!
Staunch prolifers aren’t going to be fooled, as long as they have a good local right to life organization that keeps them up to date about the candidates and where they stand.
Typical Obama tactic…he will say anything and evrything to anybody anywhere just to get their vote.
Woe to those who believe in his lies and rhetoric.
I’ve often marveled at politicians who assert that they boldly stand for two opposing positions. Beyond the obvious contradiction in Obama=prolife, it seems to me that their claim is an admission that Obama’s actions are necessarily inconsistent with his system of values and, by definition, he lacks integrity.
The Matthew 25 Network is attempting to hijack the term “pro-life” and apply a new meaning to it. Perhaps this is consistent with their emergent postmodern theology. Obama’s rejection of the sanctity of human life before (and after birth) makes him, by definition, anti-life.
Pro-Obama and Pro-Life. There’s no such animal.
One cannot be pro Obama and be anything but pro-death of the most defensless humans.
Pro-Obama and Pro-murder. Yep, that works.
Honestly, I’m a little discouraged today. I am saddened to see how people are only concerned for themselves and what they can “get” from the government, so they turn a blind eye to the plight of the most vulnerable among us.
God help the “Christians” who vote for this man.
Here is another sick video.
And to use the words Obama and pro life together is a huge insult to put it mildly. Hes’ the most pro abortion Senator ever, even worse than boxer or clinton.
What’s next a “Pro Jew – Pro Hitler” website?
These people are mistakenly worshipping Moloch not Jesus. What about whatever you do to the least of me, you do to me? This is pure relativism and cover for the most pro-abortion president candidate ever. A candidate who thought a dead baby was the better outcome than in any way affecting abortion on demand in Illinois. These misguided people need our prayers.
The guy has balls of steel, I’ll give him that. You have to be, to be more pro-abortion than the abortion lobby and still claim that prolifers can vote for you with a clear conscience.
Kinda like Ted Bundy telling parents they can let their daughters date him without fear.
Everyone send an email to Sean Hannity about this:
Please Spread This Far and Wide!!!!
Berg Confident Obama & DNC Motion To Dismiss Will Be Defeated
Obama IS NOT QUALIFIED to be US President!!!
Our website obamacrimes.com has received 17.1 + million hits. We are urging all to spread the word of our website – and forward to your local newspapers and radio and TV stations.
PRO LIFE OBAMA is a huge oxymoron…it just totally is a false statement.
Satan, the father of lies, is the driving force behind the Matthew25 network.
I’ve got to give it to the guy, he gives a great sales pitch and as PT Barnum so accurately pointed out, there’s a sucker born every minute.
I have no doubt plenty will be taken in.
They remind me of the people in pre-war Germany who looked only at the “order” and prosperity Hitler brought to Germany.
Kinda like Ted Bundy telling parents they can let their daughters date him without fear.
Posted by: Christina at October 4, 2008 10:45 AM
Good one. If that quote doesn’t hit home, I don’t know what will.
“I’m sure Bundy was a really great guy ….”
This is just too sick for mere words…….
“Can you be pro-life and support Senator Obama? The answer – upon even a moment’s reflection – is ‘unequivocally yes.'”
Umm, no, you need more reflecting than that.
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Hillarious quote I found. From Tony, commenter at catholicpillowfight.com:
“A woman who can disembowel a moose does not fear a prancing man with a microphone.” – Steve Kellmeyer
I should mention, the author of the above quote has his own blog:
MORTAL SIN Due to Action
“For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: “Mortal sin is sin whose (1) object is grave matter and which is also committed with (2) full knowledge and (3) deliberate consent.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1857 (emphasis in the original document).
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“Could a voter’s preference for the candidate’s positions on the pursuit of peace, economic policies benefiting the poor, support for universal health care, a more just immigration policy, etc. overcome a candidate’s support for legalized abortion? In such a case, the Catholic voter must ask and answer the question: What could possibly be a proportionate reason for the more than 45 million children killed by abortion in the past 35 years? Personally, we cannot conceive of such a proportionate reason.”
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Kansas City, KS; Bishop Robert Flinn of Kansas City, MO, On Moral Responsibility
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An excellent source of other Catholic statements regarding the vote and mortal sin:
A continuation of my 12:41PM post
…and who sat in the rubble of post war Germany longing for Hitler and the “order” and prosperity that he brought.
Obama will get some pro-life votes. McCain will get some pro-choice vote.
You totally missed the point, Hal. It’s not about splitting some votes, it’s about those who say Jesus is their Saviour saying, one can be pro Obama and remain or have ever been a Christian.
The two do not mix.
One cannot stand before God supporting sin and expect to hear, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
Obama is a Christian. So, I guess I don’t see why Christians can’t vote for him.
“One cannot stand before God supporting sin”
Well according to some of what I’ve read, if there are only 2 pro-aborts to choose from, you can vote for one of them. Isn’t that supporting sin?
o’bama, fine irish lad’ is not a christian.
he is ‘committed christian’ according to his official campaign web site.
o’bama has intimated, he has declared, it must be so.
I do not purport to speak for anyone but myself here.
I do not vote ‘for’ someone based solely on their religious affiliation. Christians can be just as brilliant or as stump stupid as anyone else.
mr. o’bama professes to be a ‘christian’. I take him at his word. But I also judge him by both his words and his deeds. My advise to the body of Christ in regards to mr. o’bama is that they stand aloof from him, have nothing to do with him, and pray for him that he may be restored and made whole for his sake and for ours.
both candidates support what the church sees as mortal sin in all reality.
Obama looking strong in the heartland.
Obama is a Christian. So, I guess I don’t see why Christians can’t vote for him.
Posted by: hal at October 4, 2008 3:36 PM
apparently obama’s father had many wives. Maybe that is obamas motivation so he can mess around with people and get rid of the evidence. What a great encouragement to rapists. Shhh nobody will ever know. grrrrr. Palin is such a breath of fresh air.
“One cannot stand before God supporting sin”
Well according to some of what I’ve read, if there are only 2 pro-aborts to choose from, you can vote for one of them. Isn’t that supporting sin?
Posted by: prettyinpink at October 4, 2008 3:40 PM
This will be like the 210th time I have said this.
You may vote for the greatest GOOD. But NEVER, EVER, EVER an evil.
Why do I bother to answer you, when you don’t read my answers????
black liberation theology is the basis for his “christian” faith. He married knowing the theology is the church and he joined the church knowing the mission. Now I will never see oprah the same way. That is another subject. A christian is a follower of Christ. The tucc believe that Jesus was a black boy suffering under the roman (rich white people) and they as committed “christians” with their own definition are called to eradicate rich white people and they are so close..just a step away from that all by deception. Black Liberation Theology. Malcom X look it up..it’s scary.
MK, did you respond to my last response? I didn’t see it but perhaps you did a time later.
If by definition pro-choice is an evil, and you are voting for one of them, then youa re voting for an evil.
In the case you are voting for the greater “good” you are by definition also voting for the ‘lesser evil’- that is, the candidate with the less amount of ‘evil’ in their platform.
A vote is a vote is a vote, MK. If voting for pro-choice is a vote for evil as had been said and written numerous times here, you are voting for an evil if you vote pro-choice. It doesn’t make sense to say otherwise.
I just saw the front of the National Enquirer which stated that Obama is a Muslim. Showed him in a turban.
NOT that I get my news from the Enquirer or anything….lol
You have seen all the stories about BAIPA, the vote against the PBA ban, his commitment to FOCA, calling pro-lifers liars…look at the right-hand hand side of the screen.
If it’s Obama who you want to vote for then vote for him. All the evidence has been presented to you.
The Enquirer also said Palin is having an affair, haha.
mk, I understand not voting for Obama. He doesn’t support what you support, etc. If he says he is a Christian, however, I cannot see you or anyone else has the authority to deny that.
Ok, I just need you to help me with some logic.
A big reason that women abort is because of economic pressure. Obama supports policies that would help out women, and everyone really, so they wouldn’t have to make the decision to abort. How would that be a bad thing? I mean, it would definitely have an impact on the abortion rate.
What is your (meaning everyone) opinion? Wouldn’t you also want to help the mothers that don’t abort?
why not do both. why did the Democrat party remove ‘rare’ from it’s abortion platform.
Why should the fringe element of “Christianity” be allowed to declare what is proper for all?
Let’s look at reality. There will always be extremists decrying the state of things – and in the real world good Christians will vote for Obama.
“Obama is a Christian”
That is debatable. I challenge the “Christianity” of any church which preaches racism and hatred, such as the church which Obama belonged to for 20 years and the church which made Obama convert to its brand of “Christianity”.
Obama’s church put the idea of being “black” ahead of the idea of being a follower of Christ. That is preposterous, and is a complete contradiction of the message of Jesus that we are to go forth and preach the Gospel to ALL nations… not just for the sake of one race or another. In God there is no East or West, there is no servant or free person – there is only one Body in one Lord.
If we’re going to attack the Mormons for their racist beliefs of the past, it’s unbelievably hypocritical to not go after Obama’s church for their racist beliefs of the present!
For another example, the Westboro Baptist Church run by Fred Phelps also claims to be “Christian”, yet they go around the country spreading as much hatred as possible. I would not call them “Christians”; I would call them hatemongering barbarians.
the deceiver comes as an angel of light. this new obama site promises what the republicans have already proposed. obama has been stealing republican ideas for the last year. there is no debate if Obama stands for what the republicans are proposing. Are we all bright enough to see it. Pray for discernment. Pray that God will give all our citizens discernment.
Yeah, Jasper has it right. Can we not walk and chew gum at the same time? How about we help poor women AND oppose Roe v. Wade at the same time? Hey, that’s kind of like what Sarah Palin wants to do. Fancy that. Too bad you libs all mindlessly hate her because Olbermann told you to.
We have had politicians in Washington who were champions of helping pregnant women while opposing Roe v. Wade. One of them was my former Senator, Rick Santorum. He frequently voted to expand programs to help poor mothers, even when it made his economically conservative friends angry with him. And what did he get in return from the left for his efforts? Pure hatred. He is probably still the third most hated person in America, after George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. And why? Because he’s pro-life. He was the most pro-life person in the Senate. For that, he had to be defeated. Liberals all over the nation contributed to the smear campaigns against him which led to his failed bid at a second re-election. If you want to see how hateful it was, try searching for “Santorum” on Google.
So don’t give me this BS that liberals are the real pro-lifers and the real Christians. It’s insulting. We had a paragon of pro-life values in the Senate, and you SOBs hated and despised him, and celebrated when he lost the election.
John, you can challenge the Christianity of anyone you want. Just don’t be surprised if they challenge you in turn.
“He was the most pro-life person in the Senate. For that, he had to be defeated”
You got that right. The guy was off his rocker.
Hal, I would consider it an honor to be challenged by evil racists.
And I’m glad to see a rare moment of honesty from you regarding Senator Santorum. He was absolutely the greatest pro-life champion in the Senate. Guess who he supports for president? Hint: It’s not the guy who voted for infanticide four times.
John L: For another example, the Westboro Baptist Church run by Fred Phelps also claims to be “Christian”, yet they go around the country spreading as much hatred as possible. I would not call them “Christians”; I would call them hatemongering barbarians.
Credit where it’s due (doubly due) – right on, John.
I just saw the front of the National Enquirer which stated that Obama is a Muslim. Showed him in a turban.
lol Last time I checked it was the Sikhs who wear turbans–I saw a picture in my sociology textbook of a Sikh in the RCMP.
More seriously though… last time I checked America had freedom of religion, as stated in the FIRST amendment to the Constitution. So even if Obama were Muslim, why do we care? Muslim =/= terrorist, you know. Most Muslims in the world aren’t. I dun git it.
Personally, I would love to believe the glowing claims of Barack’s wonderful Christian faith guiding his life. But the Matthew25 web site is not at all convincing. To begin, the banner on Matthew25 proclaims: “Put Away Falsehood.” But the first falsehood is immediately left of that where it says “Pro-Life Obama.” Even pro-choicers have to raise an eyebrow on that claim.
And then there other examples of falsehoods we have learned about in the past few months, beginning with Obama’s misrepresentations about the Born Alive Bill, and then his lying about others by saying they are lying.
And now we are finding out that Obama’s association with unrepentant bomber William Ayers has been much closer and much longer then “just a guy in the neighborhood.” Also, what about his blasting McCain for the Gianna Jensen revelations, when he knew full well McCain did not have anything to do with it. Then there was the outrageous accusation of U.S. forces recklessly bombing villages and killing civilians in Afghanistan.
And while they are trumpeting what a wonderful christian Obama is what about his own half-brother living in abject poverty, and George Stephanopolous having to correct Obama when he referred to his “Muslim faith.”
There may be plausible explanations for some of the above. We are asking for answers, not making judgments.
That and it’s the National Enquirer. Really trustworthy journalism there.
There are many, many “useful idiots” for Obama.
Web search: “Cloward-Piven Strategy” AND Obama
Hal and Cameron,
Either the word Christian means something or it doesn’t.
Are you guys Freemasons? Ballerinas? POW’s?
Simply claiming you are something, doesn’t make you something.
I could claim to be Jewish. Am I?
You ask why the fringe should dictate to the majority? Good question. Obama is the fringe.
Claiming he is a Christian when the majority of Christians know that he is anything but, makes him wrong, not us.
Honestly, do you think that all there is to being a Christian is saying that you’re one?
Christianity has a DEFINITION. It means something. Or it means nothing.
But it doesn’t mean whatever you want it to mean. That’s the rules you guys live by. That is the exact opposite of Christianity.
Morally Relative Christianity…an oxymoron if I ever heard one!
I love you, but I give up.
If you can’t understand what I’m saying, then I guess there is nothing else to say.
There IS a difference between looking at two bad things and choosing the one that will bring about the most good. I am then choosing the GOOD that is in that particular choice.
Choosing the least evil, is still choosing evil. It might sound like semantics, and evil might be an unavoidable part of the choice, but you haven’t CHOSEN the evil. You’ve chosen the good.
Obama…No Good.
McCain…some Good.
I choose some good.
Obama…pure evil.
McCain…some evil.
I may not choose from that perspective.
I must find some good in one of them and choose THAT.
Granted it’s all perspective, but that perspective makes all the difference in the world.
A big reason that women abort is because of economic pressure..
You are also assuming that McCain would not support helping mothers in need.
First, Sarah Palin has not stated nor does she have history of implementing programs that would help poor women. Please show me examples of where Palin has done that. The only thing striking in her record is when rape victims had to pay for their own rap kits. Why didn’t she do anything to overturn that or why didn’t she speak out if she cared so much about preventing abortion, even in cases of incest and rape?
Wouldn’t the economic policies that the Democrats propose help to make abortion rare? Wouldn’t a combination of social programs, especially ones that include family planning, be a solution? Instead of, lets say, just making abortion illegal?
Dan: The Enquirer also said Palin is having an affair, haha.
There have been some great tabloid headlines in the past:
“Missing baby found inside watermelon.”
“Six year old wino gives birth.”
“OMAHA BIN LADEN Osama’s brother rides the range as a cowboy”
Obama has no intention of making abortion rare, he told Planned Parenthood that he would sign the FOCA that would void all laws that restrict abortions and make parental notification and consent laws null and void. He considers a baby a “punishment” if one of his daughters would become pregnant in the future.
He needs to actually take a look at the bible and read Jesus’ words where he said “whatsoever you do to the least of my people, you do unto me”.
Economic is one reason and another is coercion by boyfriend or parents (though its most likely not referred to as coercion in the polling/survey of these women who have had abortions). Then there’s the outright lies that go against scientific evidence (ultrasounds for one) that say “its just tissue” or “its just a blood clot” or “its not a baby yet”; and even worse, when a woman has been harmed through rape: “no one wants a rapist’s baby”.
There is no such thing as supporting Obama and being Christian. One cannot support the murder of innocent children in the womb and be a Christian.
It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it only matters what God says and He has said it were BETTER A MILLSTONE WERE TIED AROUND YOUR NECK AND YOU WERE THROWN INTO A LAKE RATHER THAN HURT A LITLE ONE!
So, all these Obama supporters are going to face a terribly horrible judgement on that great day, when all will face a Just and Holy God.
Hey fish-like-liar, Sarah Palin does indeed have a history of helping poor women, and in spite of your ridiculous smear about rape kits, there is no evidence that anyone in Wasilla was ever charged for their own rape kit or that Sarah Palin ever supported such a policy.
While liars such as yourself have also accused Palin of cutting funding to help pregnant teens, the reality is that she increased funding to help them:
““Covenant House’s IRS Form 990 shows the funds that Paul Kane describes as “slashed” was over a threefold increase from the government funds they received from all sources in 2006 (FY2006 ending 12/31/06).””
So, what other lies do you have to help your messiah Obama lie his way into the White House?
likeastarfish, you are a lier. sarah palin never made rape victims pay out of pocket for their own kits. they were charged to insurance when possible, and if not, the gov’t paid. however, the police chief expressed a desire to make the rapists pay, which would’ve been great if possible.
and what about all the women who would abort no matter what, under any circumstances?
Think the site’s theses have merit? Think the attempt to persuade pro-lifers to vote for Obama will work?
Yes and yes, especially with young voters who consider themselves pro-life.
Unlike the negative and dishonest appeals to emotion that characterize your own political advertising, the Pro-Life Pro-Obama pitch works by appealing to the reader’s common sense. After reading the site, it’s obvious that Obama’s pro-family, pro-woman policies will prevent unwanted pregnancies, support women who want to carry their pregnancies, and reduce the need for abortion. If you only cared about saving babies, you would welcome an Obama presidency.
But we both know that “pro-life activists” such as yourself really only care about electing Republicans, not saving babies. Obviously the common-sense, let’s-save-babies approach won’t work with so-called “pro-lifers” like yourself.
…”Neither party expected the magnitude or duration which it has already attained; neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental and astonishing. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God. Each invokes his aid against the other. It may seem strange that any man should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing bread from the sweat of other men’s faces; but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayer of both should not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully, for the Almighty has his own purposes. “Woe unto the world because of offenses, for it must needs be that offense come; but woe unto that man by whom the offense cometh.” If we shall suppose … one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through his appointed time, he now wills to remove, and that he gives to both … this terrible war, as was due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern that there is any departure from those divine attributes which believers in the living God always ascribe to him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away; yet if it be God’s will that it continue until the wealth piled by bondsmen by two hundred and fifty years’ unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said that the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and orphans; to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
From honest Abe Lincoln’s second inaugural address. Somethings never change.
Which ‘party’ do you relate to ‘reality’?
So reality, when your mom was pregant with you what species of embryo/fetus was resident in her uterus?
yor bro ken
knock, knock, knock.
Hello, anybody out there. Got your ears on good buddies?
If a newspaper falls on the sidewalk and there is no one there to read it…/
Is your glass half empty or half full?
Depends on whether you are buying or selling!
What is Smokey the bear’s middle name?
How do you get down from an elephant?
You don’t, you get down from a goose!
(rimshot, canned laughter….)
A widower, after an appropriate period of morning goes to a singles bar to check out the dating scene.
See an attractive woman across the room bobbin and weavin to the beat of the music.
Suddenly something arcs above the dance floor. He reaches out and snaggs it out of the air. It is a glass eye.
He walks over to the lady and says, ‘Did you lose this? She the takes the eye from his outstretched hand an nonchallantly pops it back in place and begins to talk to him like she’s known him all her life.
He says, ‘Mam, I do not mean to offend, but are you this friendly with everyone you meet?’
She says, ‘No, but you are the first one who has caught my eye.’
Peace begins in the womb.
Commit a random act of kindness.
Wage peace.
Stop violence against women of all ages.
***off topic***
Jill, you are a nurse, my wife is a nurse, but she has never heard of this organization.
They have just launched a new website (see above link). Would like some info on them if you have it.
Douglas Kmiec embodies the image of Judas Iscariot. For a bagful of coins he is betraying his Lord and Savior. God have mercy on his soul.
“by their fruits ye shall know them”
The fruit of being pro-murder of innocent children is very, very telling and revealing.
This is the grossest use of propaganda since Joseph Goebbels’ dealing with the “Jewish problem.”
Here’s the truth about Liberals: If they tell you who they really are, they get creamed. So, they make up who they are, get elected, and then do more damage after they are in office.
Notice Obama’s message used against Hillary and what’s being said now. It used to be higher taxes, more spending, the signing of FOCA, ending the war in Iraq immediately, etc., etc., etc. Does ANYONE know who Obama really is? I suggest it’s the Obama that ran against Hillary. That Obama can’t win the election, the focus grouips have showed them that.
Obama’s mask is they he is a Christian and against abortion yet readily embraces one the most heionus organizations in the world, Planned Parenthood. So, in the economic downturn, when more women will be faced with economic challenges, you mistakenly think that abortions will go down? No they will probably double.
Any one that ingores the truth about Obama, and votes for him because they think he is pro-life be warned. Every single baby that is aborted during his Presidency that could have been born if McCain-Palin were elected, their blood will be on your head.
View this about “The Doctrine of the Shedding of Innocent Blood”: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3722098690652929884
Keep praying fervently my pro-0life friends, keep praying that we believers do not allow oursleves to be defeated by the lies of satan telling us what we want to hear.
2 Peter 3:2-4 “2I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles. 3First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”
Today is Respect Life Sunday. It was definitely heartening to hear our pastor speak out forcefully on life issues and how America is founded on the principle of the inalienable right to life from conception to nature death. It renewed my feelings that my Catholic church is indeed a sanctuary from secularism and a bastion of Christian communion. If the sermons were similar in other churches then Christians everywhere should turn out in great numbers to vote McCain/Palin.
The words “Respect Life” were not uttered on teh pulpit toady in my parish, unfortunately.
And what’s more unreal to me is that 3 of my fellow Lay Carmelites have pledged support of Obama. Carmelites! Folks who have taken a vow of obedience, who have pledged to live out their baptismal promises in a profound way, and they’re going to vote for the Enemy of Life.
I hope prayer and fasting fo a long way.
2 Chronicles 7:13-15
13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
Actually Doug Kmiec is a judas-goat: he is leading many Catholics to the slaughter of their souls….(you animal rights people should love that imagery…)
Carder: are you a lay Carmelite? Please tell me about this, I’m very interested?
Accusations that Gov. Sarah Palin charged victims for rape kits proven false.
Kbhvac: She says, ‘No, but you are the first one who has caught my eye.’
There are three kinds of people in the world – those who can count, and those who can’t.
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his fly. The bartender looks at him funny and says, “Hey, buddy! What’s that steering wheel for?” And the pirate replies, “Arrrrh, its drivin’ me nuts.”
A man was going into a bar and walked through a screen door – really strained himself.
A man walked into a bar with a chunk of asphalt under his arm. He approached the bartender and said, “One for me, and one for the road.”
A dyslexic man walked into a bra.
When I was a Freshman in high school I had a rubber band pistol confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.
The Frog And The Endowed
A guy goes to see the doctor, because he’s been a little too well endowed, shall we say. In fact, it’s 25 inches long. Can’t get anybody to have sex with him. Anyway, the doctor says there’s nothing he can do medically, but sends him to see a psychic that he thinks might be able to help.
The psychic takes a look at the problem and tells him to go to a particular pond, deep in the forest, and talk to a frog that lives there. “Ask the frog to marry you and each time the frog says no, you’ll be 5 inches shorter.”
Worth a try, he thinks, and off he dashes into the forest, as anyone in this sort of joke would. Finds the pond and sees the frog on the other side, sitting on a log. “Will you marry me?” he calls to the frog.
Frog looks at him, disinterested at best, and calls back, “No.”
Guy looks down, sure enough, he’s 5 inches shorter. Hey, this is great, he thinks — let’s try that again. “Will you marry me?” he asks the frog.
Frog rolls his eyes, and shouts back again, “No!”
Twitch — the guy’s down to 15 inches. Well that’s still a bit excessive, he thinks. Down another 5 would be perfect. So he calls across again, “Will you marry me?”
Frog yells back, “Look – how many times do I have to tell you? No. No. NO!”
MK: “Simply claiming you are something, doesn’t make you something.
I could claim to be Jewish. Am I? ”
If you joined a jewish temple, converted (or whatever you had to do) and went to services, I’d say it was between you and your god whether you were jewish or not. If you ate pork, and claimed to be jewish, I could say you’re not living up to the expectations of your religion (as I understood them), but I don’t think I could say you’re not really a jew. If you claimed that your understanding of being jewish allows for the eating of pork. Your Rabbi has raised no complaints. I could say, that contradicts my understanding in a very significant way. I don’t think I should say you are not a jew.
Senator Obama believes that Jesus Christ was the son of God, and is God, and was put to death on the cross, and rose again after three days. I think that makes him a Christian. He might be a good Christian, or a bad Christian. But he is a Christian.
The Republican party has a pro life platform (I assume) Yet there are pro-choice republicans. Are they not Republicans?
Are pro life Democrats not Democrats?
Palin is such a breath of fresh air.
Posted by: JamieNov81 at October 4, 2008 5:43 PM
If you like your fresh air tainted with mooseguts and spilled oil, that is.
“Yeah, Jasper has it right. Can we not walk and chew gum at the same time? How about we help poor women AND oppose Roe v. Wade at the same time? Hey, that’s kind of like what Sarah Palin wants to do. Fancy that. Too bad you libs all mindlessly hate her because Olbermann told you to.”
Can you explain how charging the victims of rape for forensic rape kits works with that Palin plan, John?
phylosopher, if your position is so rock-solid, can you explain why you must lie through your teeth about Sarah Palin to justify yourself?
phylosopher, if your position is so rock-solid, can you explain why you must lie through your teeth about Sarah Palin to justify yourself?
Posted by: xalisae at October 5, 2008 5:00 PM
Sure sweetie, just as soon as your side stops spreading lies, rumor and innuendo about Obama.
Care to ask Jill if that “Whitey” tape has surfaced yet?
Or answer the question, “if your position is so rock solid,, can you explain why you must lie through your teeth about Barack Obama to justify yourself?
Are pro life Democrats not Democrats?
Posted by: Hal at October 5, 2008 3:52 PM
Religion and politics are two different animals. You don’t have to agree with every item on the platform in politics.
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I just came on line to mention it is “Respect Life Sunday” and you beat me to it. I just got back from a Pro-life Chain. (For those who’ve never heard of one – churches from all over the area gather on a major street and stretch out in a line on the sidewalks that goes for miles. They hold pro-life signs and pray for one hour.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
13 “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Other reasons to vote for Obama aside from the choice issue: his wife isn’t deceptive about her finances, he is open about his health record, he has an international policy that does not include us being sitting ducks in the Middle East for oil or for Israel.
Good funnies.
Dsylexics of the world untie!
There is no dog!
Exactly what are the “lies” being spread about Obama?
“Are pro life Democrats not Democrats?”
You have to to Google Democrats for Life and get their perspective.
They may be democrats, whatever that means, but from what I have read they are not very well received at democrat gatherings.
Kind of like conservative people of color. ‘W’ once nominated a latino for a federal jugeship. The man was from Honduras originally, but was now a naturalized US citizen. LULAC said, ‘Just having a Spanish sirname does not qualify you to be Latino.’ I am sure you know who I am talking about.
Same way Clarence Thomas was not an authentic black man because he was a conservative.
Or my favorite is the man being interviewed on the radio who said he was formally a homosexual, but had been reoriented to heterosexuallity. Some one called in an challenged him saying he had never been gay. The guy responded with his bona fides: the hundreds of different homosexuals he had been intimate with.
Or the guys response when his wife has caught him in the very act with another woman. ‘Baby, I was not having sex with that woman. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?’
We humans can be stump stupid.
Oh yeah I almost forgot. The most current example: Sarah Palin can not be a feminist, because she is pro-life and a conservative. The daily double of disqualifiers.
r my favorite is the man being interviewed on the radio who said he was formally a homosexual, but had been reoriented to heterosexuallity. Some one called in an challenged him saying he had never been gay. The guy responded with his bona fides: the hundreds of different homosexuals he had been intimate with.
If he was a homosexual formally, was he casually a heterosexual?
kbhvac: Many feminists are pro-life, and many feminists are conservative. Please don’t undermine the feminist movement for gender equality with such ignorant statements. There are organisations specific to pro-life feminists.
Maybe Sarah Palin isn’t a feminist–I don’t know because I don’t know her–but those cannot be reasons for not being a feminist any more than being a democrat means you aren’t Christian.
It is not me who is undermining feminism (whatever that means) it is the liberal feminists who attack women who claim to be feminists and who also consider themselves politically conservative and pro-life. Feminism is not monolithic. I am just pointing out the double standards.
oops. when i was taking typing in high school everyone else did timed writings, I did timed writhings.
Forgive my formerly fat fingered key board and lame brained knuckle draggin neanderthal attempts at intelligible communication.
I may not be able type nuclear, but I can say it.
S’alright. Understood.
I always try to stress what feminism really means, is all. Anyone can be a feminist: feminists simply want equality amongst sexes. What people too often see in the image of feminism is really female chauvinism, ie: people who want female superiority over men.
My brain has been over-computered (my linguistics professor says it is perfectly acceptable to invent such words). I shall go practice piano now. Ciao!
I invent new words all the time. I invent new grammar as well. Dangling participles and all.
yor bro ken
Phylucifer, it’s already been explained in this thread, but there is no evidence that Sarah Palin ever charged anyone for a rape kit, or even that she supported such a policy in any way.
There are four votes, however, which give evidence to the claim that Barack Obama supports infanticide.
Sarah Palin might say “nuke-u-lar”, but John Kerry says “idear”. Too bad we don’t condemn people for having a New England accent. I guess New England accents are “smart” while Alaskan ones are “dumb”? Kind of like how people seem to think that people with English accents are smarter just because they have an English accent?
John, “nuke-you-ler” isn’t “Alaskan” anymore than “jew-ler-ree” is.
Kmiec is not Catholic. He is more like a hard core Satanist.
How many hard core Satantists have worked for Reagan and Chief Justice Roberts?
“How many hard core Satantists have worked for Reagan and Chief Justice Roberts?”
Somewhere around a dozen.
:: laughing ::
Go Zeke….
I think he is a normal guy. He is the relief for preachers that got caught with their pants down and were married. King David had Uriah aborted. He speaks for those that are “PUNISHED” BY AN UNWANTED PREGNANCY.
I am sorry but the remedy is wrong.
Believers don’t go for obama because of abortion being wrong and a sypmtom of wrong behavior.