ABC News: “Controversial” Planned Parenthood gift certificates
On last night’s ABC World News, Charlie Gibson spotlighted the “unusual… controvers[ial]” story of IN Planned Parenthood offering Christmas gift certificates for all services, including abortion.
IN PP, yes, where employees help sexual predators get away with raping minor girls, as Lila Rose exposed only yesterday. Since these gift certificates can be used for all services, rape felony cover-up must also be included.
Read my previous post on this here.
The story reported:
“It’s about basic health care. It’s about annual exams, it’s about pap smears, it’s about birth control,” said [IN PP CEO Betty] Cockrum. “I would be amazed if a dime of it goes toward an abortion.”
Why? What’s wrong with using a Christmas gift certificate for abortion?
The story concluded…
Planned Parenthood chapters in IL, NY, AK and MI are considering similar gift certificate programs for the holidays.
But if the organization expands this program, the more it is likely to inflame the never-ending fight over abortion during what is intended to be a peaceful holiday season.
In general, I thought the ABC story tilted against PP.
The Chicago Tribune on the other hand spun the story PP’s way with this lead yesterday:
What do you get the person who has everything – except adequate health insurance? If you live in IN, consider this offering from the state’s PP affiliate: gift certificates….
The Associated Press was even more flagrant, not mentioning until the 11th paragraph in its story (4th from the bottom) that the gift certificates can be used for abortion. Here’s a sample of the uberspin:
The network of 35 clinics across the state announced it is offering holiday vouchers for basic health care services “or the recipient’s choice of birth control method.”
The organization decided to offer the vouchers because so many people are uninsured or are putting off health care because of prohibitive costs….
Most see this for what it is, however, blasphemous and disgusting, even if they’re not sure why. Wrote TooXquisite on
… [T]he fact that the gift certificates can be used to get an abortion just doesn’t sit right, I guess it’s that it seems kinda impersonal and too damn personal at the same time…
[HT: proofreader Laura Loo]

Next thing you know, they’ll have coupons for Buy One Get One Free Terminations.
That would be stealing from Payless Shoes. BOGO!!
Maybe an abortion sale for the holidays??
Oh for heaven’s sake. I don’t see why PP wouldn’t accept these certificates as part of an abortion payment, but these things are obviously intended for birth control and health care services. Abortions cost way more than $25.
Yes, PP is the U.S.’s biggest provider of abortions, but that is not the only thing they do. In some parts of the country, they are the ONLY reliable place where women can get birth control and reproductive health care.
I think these gift certificates are a great idea. With the economy the way it is, a lot of women are going to put off or skimp on their own health screenings to save money for their families. This is a good way to remind a loved one not to.
“I would be amazed if a dime of it goes toward an abortion.” Why?
Because an abortion costs $500-900, and most people don’t spend that much on Christmas gifts.
And because only a tiny fraction of Planned Parenthood’s patients have abortions.
Most see this for what it is, however, blasphemous and disgusting
Oh please. You hate everything Planned Parenthood does, from their free condoms to their mammograms. Planned Parenthood could open an adoption agency right inside their clinics, and you’d say that they’re “only doing it to lure in abortion customers.” Get over it already.
Why not give cash to our strapped female friends?
Er, reality, PP’s “free condoms” are the absolute worst on the market. Here’s a true story about one of my friends.
Let’s call her Sarah.
Sarah isn’t on hormonal birth control, but uses condoms reguarly. She gets the condoms from PP. Well, one day the condom breaks. So she goes to PP for emergency contraception. While there they give her more condoms. Of that batch, another breaks and she goes back in for emergency contraception.
Free condoms are there to give a false sense of security that will eventually lead to a much higher sell, be it emergency contraception, or abortion.
PP may provide other services but they make big money from abortions. They lure people in with their other (quasi-benign) services but they count on the fact that bc is going to fail and then they make their big profits from doing aborting the subsequent pregnancies.
er, erase “doing”!
Oh please. You hate everything Planned Parenthood does, from their free condoms to their mammograms. Planned Parenthood could open an adoption agency right inside their clinics, and you’d say that they’re “only doing it to lure in abortion customers.” Get over it already.
Posted by: reality at December 4, 2008 8:28 AM
Pretty much. I’m sick after looking at this video which shows the inside of a Planned Parenthood where abortions occur. What a cold, cold, place. If PP started handling adoptions, while doing abortions as well, I wouldn’t be anywhere near that building (except praying outside).
What’s to keep PP from handing out free gift certificates to teens at their educational events? A teen who wants an abortion gathers up enough gift certificates from her friends and wala! she has enough to pay for the abortion.
I think this is a slick way to pass out coupons …. but it sounds better to call it a “gift certificate”. To start this at Christmastime is pathetic.
Members of the general public may report suspected child abuse and neglect if they choose. However, state law mandates that workers in certain professions must make reports if they have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect. Mandated reporters include:
Medical Personnel: Physicians, psychiatrists, surgeons, residents, interns, dentists, dentist hygienists, medical examiners, pathologists, osteopaths, coroners, Christian Science practitioners, chiropractors, podiatrists, registered and licensed practical nurses, emergency medical technicians, substance abuse treatment personnel, hospital administrators and other personnel involved in the examination, care or treatment of patients.
School and Child Care Personnel: Teachers, school personnel, educational advocates assigned to a child pursuant to the School Code, truant officers, directors and staff assistants of day care centers and nursery schools, and child care workers.
Law Enforcement: Truant officers, probation officers, law enforcement officers, and field personnel of the Department of Corrections.
State Agencies: Field personnel from the Departments of Children and Family Services, Public Health, Public Aid, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Corrections, Human Rights, Rehabilitation Services. Also includes supervisors and administrators of general assistance under the Illinois Public Aid Code.
Others: Social workers, social service administrators, substance abuse treatment personnel, domestic violence program personnel, crisis line or hotline personnel, foster parents, homemakers, recreational program or facility personnel, registered psychologists and assistants working under the direct supervision of a psychologist, members of the clergy.
Just remember friends. these abortion providors are felons.
It is a level 4 felony to not report child abuse.Rape, incest molestation. That is how the little sweeties gor preggers. These folks that support choice are no different than those that support sex trafficking. I am ok if you look at the supporters of abortion ans people that support crime. Killing the baby is sin. Not reporting rape is still a felony for certain groups.
It would hamper planned parenthood if the word got out that they started reporting rapes.
Next thing you know, they’ll have coupons for Buy One Get One Free Terminations.
Ha! Carder, I knew there’d be some good comments on this thread.
or get one abortion get half off your next abortion.
Next thing you know, they’ll have coupons for Buy One Get One Free Terminations
“Next” thing? You alleged pro-lifers should be ashamed of yourselves for underestimating the depravity of Planned Parenthood. I’m pretty sure that Planned Parenthood Golden Gate did exactly that two or three years ago, possibly even offering an extra discount for a mother/daughter combo. And earlier this year Planned Parenthood of Southeast Virginia was offering a 10%-off “bring a friend” discount.
or 6 months free BC with an abortion.
or parking validations.
Hey, taxpayers are footing the bill. Why not?
or get one abortion get half off your next abortion
Does that mean half off the price, or that the second one is a half-completed partial birth abortion?
“I’m pretty sure that Planned Parenthood Golden Gate…offer[d] an extra discount for a mother/daughter combo”
You can not be serious…
The Planned Parenthood staffer has been suspended…
Well, Bobby, I was pregnant at the same time as my step-mom last year. If we were sick, depraved individuals we could have take a trip to San Francisco to kill our kids.
What is wrong with our society?
I just finished reading Dr. Nathanson’s book “The Hand of God.” All I can say is that I feel the urge to continually pray for that man. He has come go Christ, and is such a force in the pro-life movement, but he will forever live with the knowledge that he personally had his hand in all of this. Of course, as he’s stated, God’s hand has also been there, turning hearts to Him.
Wait a minute — aren’t these poor, uninsured women already entitled to free or reduced cost basic health care at “reproductive health clinics” through state and federal funds?
So this would either be buying “health care” for women who can afford it — who would do that? — or FOR ABORTIONS.
What is the source of funding for these “gift” certificates? Federal law prohibits PP from using any of the $835,000 dollars we taxpayers so graciously endow them with each and every day to be used on providing abortions. We can pretty well guess (wink wink) how closely PP adheres to this stipulation, but it is there nonetheless. Those objecting to the use of their tax dollars to pay for the dismemberment of unborn babies ought not to be surreptitiously dragooned into paying for abortions by the use of certifcates, if indeed those certificates are funded all or in part by tax monies.
The taxpayers are not footing the bill for these gift certificates directly, although indirectly the revenue from their sale would be contributing to the operating costs of providing abortions or used to free up other PP funds for providing abortions since funds are fungible. Many states use their own funds as explained below.
According to the Guttmacher report of Dec. 2008,
State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid
BACKGROUND: First implemented in 1977, the Hyde Amendment, which currently forbids the use of
federal funds for abortions except in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest, has guided public funding for
abortions under the joint federal-state Medicaid programs for low-income women. At a minimum, states must
cover those abortions that meet the federal exceptions. Although most states meet the requirements, one state is in
violation of federal Medicaid law, because it pays for abortions only in cases of life endangerment. Some states
use their own funds to pay for all or most medically necessary abortions, although most do so as a result of a
specific court order.
32 states and the District of Columbia follow the federal standard and provide abortions in cases of life endangerment, rape and incest.
4 of these states also provide state funds for abortions in cases of fetal abnormality.
3 of these states also provides state funds for abortions that are necessary to prevent grave, long-lasting damage to the woman’s physical health.
. . . . . . .
1 state provides abortions only in cases of life endangerment, in apparent violation of the federal standard.
. . . . . . .
17 states use state funds to provide all or most medically necessary abortions.
4 of these states provide such funds voluntarily.
13 of these states do so pursuant to a court order.
A state by state chart appears on page two of the report.
Also see:
Public Funding for Abortion Map (year unknown)
Bobby, you are both an enigma and one of the most awesome people I’ve ever heard of.
Posted by: Christina at December 4, 2008 4:01 PM
Good point Christina – absence of cash for abortions usually means clinics close – not for lack of potential clients, but non-payment doesn’t reflect well on the bottom line. Notice that when shifting the burden to another, whether through “gift certificates” or by state mandated support, you won’t find PPA’s major donors willing to pony up hard cash to support abortion habits.
They keep as far away from that allegation as they can.
Do you know about 990’s?
Theres nothing wrong with abortion, and furthermore if a woman chooses or chooses not to report a rape that is her choice. The issue is woman’s decision the whole way though. Whats next? Are you going to throw women in jail who don’t report that they have been raped?
Sick, sick, sick. Mocking their evil in a sing-along —
Posted by: Yo La Tengo at December 5, 2008 9:18 AM
You’re sounding like a lunatic…
(Pathetic actually.)
Posted by: Chris Arsenault at December 5, 2008 9:22 PM
you’re the extremist, all I’m doing is playing the logical extremes of your rhetoric back to you. I thought you would like a syncophant, even if it was a sarcastic one.