Flyer2009Symposium(P2Top)-762059.jpgThe 2nd International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide entitled “Never Again” will be held at the National Conference Center in Landsdowne, VA on May 29 – 30, 2009 (near Dulles airport) and is possibly the most important conference ever on assisted suicide.
Register now for this event before the deadline closes on May 11!…

  • Registration: $199 ($139 for students or persons with disabilities). Includes 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch and break time refreshments.
  • Special rate conference center rooms: $139 per night (single); $179 per night (suite). A conference center airport shuttle is available.
  • Flights: Book directly with United Airlines or with Conlin Travel (1-800-783-9559). Use meeting ID: 585JQ to receive the discounted flight rate.
    Every group in the US, Canada, and the UK specifically focusing on euthanasia/assisted suicide is sponsoring this important event. The purpose of the symposium is to educate, network and motivate attendees and global leaders, strategize effective plans and a unified direction in the fight against the assisted suicide movement, and build solidarity to stop this dangerous political/cultural trend.
    Featured speakers are global leaders in the anti-euthanasia movement, including experts in law, health care, bioethics, and history:

    Bobby Schindler, Wesley Smith, Rita Marker, Alex Schadenberg, Dr. Margaret Cottle, Dr. Bob Orr, Dr. William Toffler, Lionel Roosemont of Belgium, Dr. Peter Saunders of the UK, and many more.

    The time to act is now, as pressure to legalize assisted suicide has never been greater. In the US, 2 states have legalized assisted suicide, with 7 more states considering similar legislation. In Europe, Luxembourg is the first country to do so. It’s time to turn back the tide.
    To donate, register, or sign up for the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition newsletter, go to
    [HT: Bobby Schindler]

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