Jivin J’s Life Links 4-08-09
by JivinJ
So while the people in that video cringe at drinking milk from a cloned cow, they probably support therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning is the cloning of human embryos to harvest stem cells that, in theory, will treat every disease under the sun. And scientists all over the world are rushing to make it a reality….
I don’t know… drinking milk from a cloned cow or injecting myself with stem cells from my dead embryonic clone? I say pass the Oreos!
I am puzzled that people are instinctively repulsed by drinking milk from a cloned cow, but not instinctively repulsed by being treated with stem cells taken from a cloned human embryo. And not just any cloned human embryo, but their clone. Can someone please explain this to me?
EXCELLENT comments by Wesley Smith on the Bush conscience protections. I’m not a medical professional, but he makes perfect sense to me. You can download the full text of his comment to the Department of Health and Human Services. The link is on his website.
Another item for thought: a clone of yourself is actually your genetic identical twin. So, receiving stem cells from your clone would be to receive cells that your own twin had been created and killed in order to harvest.
Let’s test the conscience clause. I would be in trouble if Spitzer check into a hotel where i am the conceirge and in good conscience do not want to set him up with a sex partner?
Would I violate the law and in conscience refuse to refer Barney Frank a boy toy?
Can someone please explain this to me?
Sure. As Mark Shea is wont to say, “Sin makes you stupid.”