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  • Sharon Hughes at Changing Worldviews draws our attention to Pastor Rick Warren‘s recent backpedaling regarding CA‘s Prop.8.
    According to OneNewsNow, Warren claimed on CNN‘s Larry King Live this week…

    During the whole Prop. 8 thing, I never once went to a meeting, never once issued a statement, never — never once even gave an endorsement in the two years Prop. 8 was going… I sent a note to my own members that said, I actually believe that marriage is — really should be defined, that that definition should be — say between a man and a woman.”

    However, Warren did, in fact, comment weeks before the election:

    “Now let me say this really clearly: we support Prop. 8 — and if you believe what the Bible says about marriage, you need to support Prop. 8….
    Now here’s an interesting thing. There are about 2% of Americans [who] are homosexual or gay/lesbian people. We should not let 2% of the population determine to change a definition of marriage that has been supported by every single culture and every single religion for 5,000 years.
    This is not even just a Christian issue — it’s a humanitarian and human issue that God created marriage for the purpose of family, love, and procreation.

    Some are troubled by Pastor Warren’s latest comments, questioning his motives. Pastor Jim Garlow of CA states:

    Historically when institutions and individuals back away from convictional biblical truth, it is driven primarily by one single factor — and that is the respectability of other people. In other words, …caring [more] about what other people think about them than what God thinks about them.

  • Tanya Zaleski at ProWomanProLife reports on a Washington Times article that comes down heavily against adoption. She asks:

    Why is Juno-style adoption — an unwed mother places her newborn with an unrelated couple — so rare? Legal abortion is part of the answer… [a]doption, meanwhile, has become unthinkable.
    Infant adoption is a “barbaric” practice, said one of many anti-adoption web sites. “With abortion, grief has closure. With adoption, the grief intensifies over time,” is a common warning.

    She continues:

    It is not my intention to deny the full range of emotions associated with adoption. Rather, I’d like to shout… that there is no closure involved in the act of abortion….
    There are anti-adoption organizations out there that preach [that] [a]doption…is “an industry” in which “young, unwed… parents are persuaded, through force, coercion or outright lies, to transfer parental rights of their children to older, more affluent couples.”
    You know, feminist abortion advocates swear to us up and down that abortion is empowering, and that the idea of coercion is ferociously exaggerated. But when faced with the option of adoption, suddenly women are weak, powerless victims [whose] babies are being ripped from their arms.


  • John Jansen and Mark Shea both share their thoughts on a recent LiveScience article which claims that children contribute to marital dissatisfaction. Shea states:

    For our culture terminal narcissism, this is a big deal, since it conceives of marriage, like everything else, as a tool for self-fulfillment and instant gratification. That’s why it bothers to undertake studies like this.
    Of course, there is another way of seeing it: kids force adolescent narcissists to grow up and realize it’s not all about Me. Those who submit to this process of “growing up” discover newer and deeper forms of satisfaction than the pleasure of being a newlywed. Part of that whole “lose your life and you will find it” paradox that is soooooo out of step with our consumer culture.

    Jansen adds:

    I’m going out on a limb and guessing that maybe, just maybe, decades of increasingly ubiquitous contraception — and the anti-child ethos from whence contraception cometh — might have something to do with couples’ attitudes toward having children.

    The LiveScience article also notes that:

    Couples who lived together before marriage experienced more problems after the birth of a child than those who lived separately before marriage, as did those whose parents fought or divorced.

    Interesting. Perhaps if a marriage is already strained due to “unresolved baggage” brought into it by both parties, children can add to the stress of the situation by the sheer demand of their parents’ time and attention. A strong, healthy, communicative marriage should be the foundation for children, not the other way around.
    [Image courtesy of]

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