logo_dcrtl_med.jpgA third group will join Pro-Life Action League‘s buses (departing from Chicago/Aurora) and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society‘s buses (departing from Detroit) at Notre Dame in South Bend, IN.
Dubuque Co. RTL is now also hosting buses to protest Obama at Notre Dame, leaving from Dubuque, IA, at 7a CST on May 17, returning at 10p the same day….

Busees are to meet in the parking lot of Hobby Lobby on Hwy. 20 at 6:45a. 55 spaces are available.
To register, call Colleen Pasnik at 563-583-6117 or email bcpasnik@msn.com.
Cost: $35
The bus will make stops for lunch and supper. Sack lunches are optional. No large coolers, as storage and seating are very limited. You will have one seat and one overhead compartment for every two seats.
(NOTE: The bus will also be picking up some people in Davenport, so please notify others in the Quad Cities who would like to go.)

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