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  • Mary Cannon reminds us of Jack Kemp‘s pro-life convictions in a piece in the Weekly Standard.
  • The Chicago Tribune writes an update on Scott Boie, the AK USAF officer who put an abortifacient into his wife’s food.
    Boie has been sentenced to nearly 10 years in jail after being found guilty of attempting to force his wife to miscarry after putting misoprostol (one of the drugs used in RU-486 abortions) into her food. He was found not guilty of killing his unborn child. It appears the jury couldn’t be sure his actions caused the death of the child after his defense attorneys noted his wife’s history of smoking and troubled pregnancies in the past….

  • Ed Whelan highlights a couple of rulings by possible SCOTUS pick Diane Wood in the case of NOW vs. Scheidler:

    Might Wood have been driven to such mischief by what President Obama would laud as her own “deepest values,” her “core concerns,” and the “depth and breadth”and “focus” of her “empathy?”
    Well, consider that in its editions from 1996 to 2005, Sullivan’s Judicial Profiles stated that Wood was a member of NOW, the lead plaintiff in the litigation, and of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Chicago, part of the plaintiff class of abortion clinics.

  • Recordnet reports that a CA woman, June Hartley, has been arrested and charged with assisted suicide after allegedly assisting in the suicide of her brother. She has pleaded not guilty even though she doesn’t deny helping in his death. Hartley was joined in the courtroom by about 75 supporters, many of them from her church.
  • According to MyCentralJersey, a Catholic church in NJ has replaced its pro-life signs after they were defaced several times.

    Police have made no arrests in the December vandalism incident and [deacon Robert] Gerling isn’t looking to throw the culprit or culprits in jail.
    “Our intention is not to arrest anybody,” he said. “The person who did it needs our prayers.”
    Gerling said he believes the signs were defaced by someone who has had a personal experience with abortion in some fashion.

  • The Catholic News Agency writes that pro-lifers in Spain will be touring the country with buses to educate the public about abortion and efforts to liberalize their nation’s abortion laws.
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