Jivin J’s Life Links 5-07-09
by JivinJ
It seems noteworthy that the leading pro-choice voices like NARAL‘s Nancy Keenan and NOW‘s Kim Gandy are participants while no one from National Right to Life is participating.
Jason Bryant Shireman, 42, of [Fayetteville] is charged with aggravated assault, a class D felony that carries a prison sentence of up to six years and a fine of up to $10k upon conviction.
During an interview with police, Shireman said that he drove onto the sidewalk to show the demonstrators “what he thought about them.” He denied trying to run over them.
When I see that picture, the first thing I think of is how special and lucky I am to have God use me that way. I feel very thankful that I was in that picture…
A lot of babies would’ve lost their lives if that didn’t happen.
Michael Clancy, the photographer of Samuel’s “Hand of Hope” photo, was pro-choice until snapping the shot that changed everything. He is now a motivational speaker for pro-life events.
[Photo courtesy of FoxNews.com]

I’m so glad that it’s good news today.
It’s so great that Samuel is so excited about his pro-life story.
Great news about that young boy. That’s a very touching story.
From the WSJ Article referenced above:
“Participants say that suggestions included: improving education about use of contraception; better access to emergency contraception (which can be used after sex); improving education about sex, relationships and the “sacredness of sex”; stamping out employment discrimination against pregnant women; improving family-leave policies; and encouraging adoption.”
Are we to believe that Obama will allow any serious discussion about the “sacredness of sex”? Is this the politically correct way to suggest waiting ’til marriage?
Hi Janet, 9:24PM
I’m afraid I see the same old same old. For years I’ve heard these “solutions”. I remember when abortion was the “solution” to all these problems.
PL long argued to get the “hardened arteries” out of our adoption practices. This is no novel concept. A black woman once said that any single black woman who wanted to adopt children would be “laughed out of the adoption agency”. How many children lost out on a parent, home, and family because of some dimwit prejudice?
Employment practices concerning pregnant women are vastly improved in my lifetime. I remember when women could be fired because they were pregnant.
Could it be that abortion is used as birth control? Why shouldn’t it be? How is it that women suddenly became so blissfully ignorant of birth control after Roe v Wade? Why was there suddenly such a “need” for abortion?
Is it our society’s glamorizing of illegitimacy? Ya think maybe, just maybe this is sending the wrong message to very impressionable teenage girls and young women?
The real questions and issues are being avoided. We want to have our cake and eat it too.
A sincere question: Are groups like National Right to Life not part of the Obama working group because they aren’t being asked (implied and probably the truth), or because they are declining the invitation?
To put it another way, Jill (or anyone else on this board), if someone from the White House asked you to be on a “unwanted pregnancy reducton panel,” would you accept? Why or why not?
Personally, I don’t know if I would or not. On one hand, I would want to try to mitigate the horrible ideas that could surface, knowing that proposals that would really work wouldn’t be approved. On the other hand, I really don’t know if I could work civilly with NARAL and PPFA officials on anything. I think I would end up turing down the invitation to avoid being used like Notre Dame tried to use Mary Ann Glendon; I don’t want to be a token pro-lifer who is included for a semblance of “balance” and “dialogue.”
Excellent points. Reading your post sends me back to 1973, and I’m in a state of total disbelief all over again. How could it happen?
“Could it be that abortion is used as birth control? Is it our society’s glamorizing of illegitimacy? ”
Silly, isn’t it? Of course, abortion was about women taking power over men. The feminists were unhappy (to put it mildly) being female in what they perceived as a “male world”. The most militant of mothers have passed this anger on to their daughters who also see the right to abortion as a symbol of power. I agree with you that society is sending the wrong message to teenage girls and young women. Men are deemed unnecessary and children are playthings to be enjoyed and entertained, not cherished. The humanity of the child becomes secondary.
Is stricter governmental regulation of the abortion industry and its reporting practices part of Obama’s new plan? Do state health departments regularly inspect abortuaries, and audit their records? Without these, how will they gauge whether the new plan is working?
How about the elephant in the room?
The men who don’t marry and care for their wives and children.
People are all over Bristol Palin who seems competent enough to be a mom. Throughout history the vast majority of women had their first baby before age 20. It is normal and healthy.
I have seen the father of Bristol’s baby on tv. I don’t seen any reason that an able bodied grown man can’t marry and take care of his family. He could work a couple of jobs. Millions, no, billions of other men do it.
Abortion and illegitimacy largely can be laid at the feet of the men who made abortion legal and the men who abandon their wives and children, and the men who pressure their wives, daughters, girlfriends to get abortions, and the men who perform abortions, and men who support abortion.
Without these types of men, we would have a lot less abortion and illegitimacy.
Samuel’s story just touched my heart. He is a warrior. :)
hippie 10:50, agreed.