Jivin J’s Life Links 5-20-09
by JivinJ
She said one woman from Kern County first called ACCESS when she was 11 weeks pregnant. The woman said her insurance wouldn’t cover an abortion and she had tried for weeks to enroll in Medi-Cal, the state’s healthcare system for the poor.
“She waited 5 weeks for the Medi-Cal. . . . By that point, she felt it was too late to personally go through with it,” Lopez said. “This is a really good example of the barriers that are put in front of women who are trying to make responsible decisions early on.”…
I guess what the poll shows is that pro-lifers aren’t the oddballs that we’re cracked up to be. It also is a pleasure to see pro-choicers squirm, after they have spent years in the comfort of their perceived majority. One commentator counseled that the poll, combined with the objections to the University of Notre Dame honoring Obama, constitutes some sort of incomprehensible “frenzy” against sexuality. Wow.

Perhaps the Obama economic disaster is a way for him to secretly reduce the number of abortions?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Poll released today:
The 1973 Roe versus Wade decision established a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion, at least in the first three months of pregnancy. Would you like to see the Supreme Court completely overturn its Roe versus Wade decision, or not?
30% Yes, overturn
68% No, not overturn
So yeah, obviously you anti-choicers are still oddballs.
Obama economic disaster
On January 20, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7849 points.
Today, it closed at 8422.
Obama economic disaster? Really? He seems to be doing a fair bit better than your pal, Bush.
that new poll is pretty close to the other when you consider that some people who said they are prolife are actually not prolife according to the strict definition.
The idea that the economic recession is causing more women to have abortions has been assumed in at least a few news stories, but I don’t know of any evidence to back up that claim.
“Reality” cites a poll showing most Americans don’t favor overturning Roe v. Wade. But most Americans don’t realize that Roe, together with Doe v. Bolton, effectively legalized abortion for any reason at any stage of pregnancy — a position clearly opposed by the majority of Americans. The poll question on Roe, as usual, was misleading.
reality: Wow, you’re sheltered.
Hmm, yeah, conveniently they left out the FACT that Doe vs. Bolton legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy.
Most people have no clue about that, and most believe in significant restrictions on abortion after the first three months.
Not that it matters to pro-aborts. Telling only part of the story is what they do best.
I find it interesting that the woman in the first story above did not want to abort past the first trimester. Wonder why?
I’m betting that if pollster had phrased their question differently, they’d have gotten some very different answers.
“The Center for Genetics and Society’s (a pro-embryonic stem cell/anti-human cloning organization) blog notes that an ethics committee in NY has approved women to be paid for their time and the burden of removing their eggs.”
Just wait, the next thing they’ll be approving will be paying women for their time and the burden of removing their fetuses.
I’m betting that if pollster had phrased their question differently, they’d have gotten some very different answers.
Posted by: Kel at May 20, 2009 4:54 PM
yep. That’s true of all polls.
Exactly. Saying it established a “constitutional right” makes it very hard to say “no” to.
“Americans United for Life provides information on the leading candidates for the opening on the US Supreme Court”
What a fantastic list. You’ve made my day again. I haven’t been this excited since the day McCain picked Palin as his running mate.
Don’t make me embarrass you on the subject of the economy regarding the effect of securitization, inflation, money supply, etc.
The market rebounded because it was oversold, not because of anything Obama did.
In fact, I expect the Dow to drop to 5,000 in the near future, unemployment topping 13%, and inflation at 10% a year from now.
Oh, and if the media reported half the lunatic stuff Obama was doing, the Dow would already be at 5,000 but won’t get there until the proverbial crap hits the fan, when the rubber meets the road.
Oh, and I just read in the WSJ that the all compassionate, all knowing Obama is witholding his illegal alien amnesty plan to take effect because he knows that would immeduaaily push the unemployeent rate to about 15%.
I lived through Carter, you didn’t. Get a clue. Obama is a working man’s nightmare.
Agree with you HisMan. I think after 4 years of Barry the Carter years will seem like the good old days.
I was reading an article about California which said in some areas unemployment is at 35%. Probably true in many other areas around the country as well.
I suspect “reality” is no older than 20.
“..all knowing Obama is witholding his illegal alien amnesty plan to take effect because he knows that would immeduaaily push the unemployeent rate to about 15%.”
Is this because the unemployed illegals are flying under the radar, so to speak?
I’m betting that if pollster had phrased their question differently, they’d have gotten some very different answers.
Posted by: Kel at May 20, 2009 4:54 PM
yep. That’s true of all polls.
Posted by: Hal at May 20, 2009 5:04 PM
Of course. Especially if one puts a deliberate spin on the facts, which can and has happened on both sides.
Neither Bush nor Obama were responsible for the economy. Neither of them.
And, furthermore, let us say that pro-lifers stand alone. So what? Because there are more people filled with hatred we should surrender what we believe for them? I do not believe in going with what people are cruel and full of pure hatred as you do, Reality. I hope that you can find something better in yourself- you don’t have to loathe people different from yourself.
But I don’t intend to abandon what is right because the majority says so. Never, ever go with something just because the majority says that it’s right- always question why.
I’d rather be with Christians than 2 faced, often back stabbing pro-deathers! If you PCers would agree to kill a baby, what more wouldn’t you do? Fine. Put me in the minority!
I do not DO evil!
We are not in the minority. I don’t believe that at all, despite the propaganda from the pro death side.
The Obama amnesty plan makes all illegals citizens, with all accompanying “rights” bestowed upon citizens.
The right to health care, Medicare, public education, courts, tort, property, etc., etc., etc.
There’s no way the all-compassionate, all-knowing Obama wants to do this because ultimately the 12 to 15 million extra people added to the welfare, and other entitlement role statistics will eventually make him look like the ass he really is.
Now, with a narcissistic egomaniac pro-abort now in power, who believes that he is the center of the universe (I know quite a few two-year olds like this as well), do you think he is going to do anything that hurts his false image?
Vannah: Huh? Have you ever heard of Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Revolution? We went from Jimmy Carter to Reagan, from economic defeat to glorious prosperity. Have you ever heard of marginal tax rates? How about investment tax credits?
Now we’re going in the other direction, back to the Carter abyss, however, this one we may never recover from. This is the Obama black hole.
“This poor woman! When the economy recovers she’ll be stuck with a live child to love, and with the knowledge of how resilient and resourceful she could be when she was doing it for her child. Unlike all the lucky women whose babies were killed and have the knowledge that they took permanent and fatal steps to address a temporary problem.”
His Man, Nope. No recovery coming this way. I pray every day for God to heal our nation, but their are so many evil people out there who still insist on ruining our nation. Some people are just hell bound. The sad part about it is that we will have to suffer right along with everyone else.
“The market rebounded because it was oversold, not because of anything Obama did. ”
Then explain why every time Obama or Geithner or Bernake speaks about anything, the market tanks. Look at it today and remember Obama is speaking today.
Answer me that, thanks.
The sad part about it is that we will have to suffer right along with everyone else.
Posted by: heather at May 21, 2009 8:44 AM
Why shouldn’t you? United we stand, Heather.
Apparently in this case it is more a matter of the drowning man who brings down the person trying to rescue him by dragging him/her under the water as well…
Divided we fall, Hall. Stop attacking your fellow countrymen, no matter how small and insignificant you find them to be. Stop dividing them from their mothers before they are ready to leave the womb. Start advocating for the return of a just society, one that protects the temporary union between a human fetus and its mother.