The love of money is indeed still the root of all evil, even at Catholic institutions.
On May 10 Pewsitter revealed many members of Notre Dame’s Board of Trustees have ties to President Obama and/or his agenda. Pewsitter portrayed ND’s president, Fr. John Jenkins, as somewhat helpless against them:
But Fr. Jenkins, like all university presidents, must consider the will of the school’s governing board.
The ND Board of Trustees is a powerful organization, comprised of top international business owners, chairs of rich endowments, academic leaders, judges, attorneys, faculty, and prominent clergy. These individuals are typically very wealthy, well-connected and highly accomplished; many with broad interests outside the university.
Many ND Board members have deep connections to Obama, some nefarious. Here’s a sampling from Pewsitter…
Richard (chair of ND Board) and Peggy Notebaert (pictured left): Received federal funding earmarks for the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum from US Senator Obama.
Arthur Velasquez: Received millions in earmarks for the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry from US Senator Obama. Also contributed to Obama’s ’04 and ’08 campaigns.
Ann Claire Williams: Appointed by Bill Clinton in 1999 to the 7th District US Court of Appeals. Ruled against the DOJ in 2004 to subpoena hospital abortion records to enforce the ban on partial birth abortions. Is on list as possible Souter replacement on US Supreme Court.
Philip B. Rooney: Former CEO of Waste Management, Inc., indicted in 2002 with Arthur Andersen and Enron for fraud. WMI settled for $30.8 in penalties. Now barred by SEC from being officer in a public company but retains his position on ND board.
Douglas Tong Hsu (pictured right): Chairman of Far Eastern Group, a 32-billion dollar Chinese conglomerate. Recently stated democratic governance is hindrance to investment while praising communist China’s system. Indicted in 2006 for breach of trust and forgery, involving Taiwanese First Lady Wu Shu-chen. In 2006, Fr. Jenkins led a delegation to East Asia, where they met with Hsu and travelled to communist Beijing to develop partner programs for ND.
Dr. Mary Anne Fox: Chancellor at UC San Diego and Vice-Chair of the National Science Board. Recently announced opening of new UCSD for human embryo experimentation.
Robert Conway (pictured left), head of Goldman Sachs (AIG); Philip J. Purcell, former CEO of Morgan Stanley and COO of Dean Witter; Enrique Hernandez Jr., on board of Wells Fargo Bank: All companies recipients of billions in bailout funds and stock purchases and under increasing pressure to appeal to the Obama administration, the Treasury Department, and the US Congress for survival.
Raymond G. Chambers: Serves on the ServiceNation leadership council, a political group that supports the enormous multiplication of federal national service programs in the Obama agenda. This includes the just-passed Kennedy Serve America Act, touted as “the largest expansion of community and national service since the launch of the Civilian Conservation Corps.”
Pewsitter concludes:
… [A] review of the Board of Trustees at ND does NOT reveal a particularly strong Catholic identity. There are board members whose actions and associations put them in a position directly at odds with Church teaching and in line with the Obama administration.
At the ND board, we see a group of well-connected well-heeled individuals from all sectors of society, and at the most prominent levels. Taking a stand against inviting the POTUS would likely jeopardize membership in the elite club where they travel….
[HT: Operation Rescue; Top photo attribution:; Notebaert photo attribution:; Hsu photo attribution: Far Eastern Textile Ltd.; Conway photo attribution: Notre Dame]
Now there’s a classy bunch.
That Notebaert Nature Museum is pretty lame too. I thought philantrophers like the Notebaerts had enough money on their own to create their little legacy projects, but apparently they need govt. money and soul selling as well. Why does a Catholic university board seem to have a pre-requisite of being on the who’s who list of Fortune 500 Companies. Notre Dame seems more an enterprise than a catholic institution.
So the spiritual decay has been there from the get go.
That explains everything. Good sleuthing, Pew People.
A number of us here in central Florida are getting together at the Adoratio Chapel this Sunday at exactly the same time that the commencement takes place. We will be praying in reparation for the obvious.
Has Mrs. Bambino had that baby yet?
I feel sorry for the people who blew so much money to send their kids there thinking that they were getting a Catholic education. I’m not religious myself, but if I spent that much expecting something in particular and found a situation was nearly opposite my intentions, I’d be very, very, VERY angry. Anyone going or sending their children there with the illusion of education with a religious flavor should leave immediately and take their time, money, and children elsewhere.
Posted by: Kyle at May 13, 2009 5:08 PM
“I thought philantrophers like the Notebaerts had enough money on their own to create their little legacy projects, but apparently they need govt. money…”
You made an honest mistake and assumed that philanhtrophists like Notebart take that government hand out and re-invest it in their philanthropic enterprises.
Money is fungible. Though they may deposit all the government payonff in their tax exempt playthings, that frees up an equal amount of cash to be contributed to partisan political purposes.
Think ‘moneylaundering’, then you will see through the sophisticated facade.
yor bro ken
You “forgot” to note that ND has 55 trustees. I guess the other 47 are “unholy” as well.
I think this new “war” on the Church, and on ND will not prove very productive, as it will alinenate thousands for every “convert” who wants to run off and join the circus.
sorry, “alienate”.
I also note that certain publicity seekers, not to be named here, are seeking a “hearing” as to the “sins” of the leaders of ND. Should work out well…
carder: she has indeed! But perhaps Mr. Bambino should give out the news!!
What I think this post confirms is that Obama’s payback list is long and deep.
Expect this sort of stuff to go on for some time.
I hope these people go straight to hell.
Spoken like a true Christian, Jasper. Keep it classy.
There won’t be any $$$$ in hell.
Spoken like a true Christian, Jasper. Keep it classy.
Posted by: Bystander at May 13, 2009 8:58 PM———————————————————- We try to. We just have to keep on reminding people like you about that pesky LAKE OF FIRE!
Enjoy your money on earth. This will be your best heaven. I’ve never seen anyone come back from the dead to spend money.
So….out of that entire list, the only two with any sort of connection to Obama were the Notebaert Museum woman and the Museum of Science & Industry guy. And, neither of them received money in federal funds; the museums did.
So, where are these “nefarious” connections to Obama? Unless supporting museums is nefarious in your mind? I knew you all were anti-education in addition to being anti-abortion, but seriously? Museums are nefarious? That’s just pathetically crazy.
Enjoy your money on earth. This will be your best heaven. I’ve never seen anyone come back from the dead to spend money.
Posted by: heather at May 13, 2009 9:14 PM
I’ve never seen anyone sent to Hell. (or Heaven either, for that matter) However, if your point is that some people value money to dearly, I agree.
Very revealing.
The so-called church is filled with wolves in sheep’s clothing like this.
There’s a special place in Hell for them.
Obma’s in Phoenix tonight giving the commencement address at ASU.
Not only is it hot here now but for some reason it really stinks.
I’ve never seen anyone sent to Hell. (or Heaven either, for that matter) However, if your point is that some people value money to dearly, I agree.
Posted by: Hal at May 13, 2009 9:33 PM
But I imagine Hal that you’ve seen a frog turn into a antelope?
Or a fish into a squirrel?
Liberalism..a mental disorder.
HisMan, what do you mean “mindless?” You should probably say “Godless.” I have a mind, but not a god.
HisMan, what do you mean “mindless?” You should probably say “Godless.” I have a mind, but not a god.
Posted by: Hal at May 14, 2009 8:40 AM
You have many gods. They are false gods. Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Do you want to begin having truth and wisdom?
So….out of that entire list, the only two with any sort of connection to Obama were the Notebaert Museum woman and the Museum of Science & Industry guy. And, neither of them received money in federal funds; the museums did.
So, where are these “nefarious” connections to Obama? Unless supporting museums is nefarious in your mind? I knew you all were anti-education in addition to being anti-abortion, but seriously? Museums are nefarious? That’s just pathetically crazy.
WOW!!! I don’t know how much more obvious it can be — are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really that naive?
OOPS! Forgot the quotation marks for the first 2 paragraphs!
Mindless/Godless….same thing.
zygotes and embryos are children. Get a biology book.
No good will come of turning this into a hate-fest. Let’s not condemn, but pray that hearts will be changed.
@ Heather:
Am crowning you “The Queen of Pithy”!
You’re a blessing!
Why thank you, Angela *bow*:]
Intelligence is simply a gift of God and represents the potential of a brain to properly use it’s functions for the glory of God.
Wisdom is the proper use of that intelligence and begins with he fear of the Lord as Jasper so eloquently expressed. You can’t fear who who don’t know and not knowing the ultimate truth, well, is extremely ignorant.
That’s why we’ve got so many intelligent Liberal idiots out there who have chosen to go there own way. As a result their destruction is deserved.
Get a clue. I suppose you’re a card carrying, Flood denying, evolutionist as well? Another Darwinist lost to the unscientific and unproven theory of evolution.
And I would suggest you change your blaspemous handle as your comments reveal you know nothing of your claimed boss’s character.
The truth provokes controversy. That’s why they killed your and my Lord. Get over it.
but we’re supposed to speak the truth in love, Hisman. And be humble, because we also have feet of clay (and once had the same stone hearts). Not that I myself always show love and humility. Bobby, Carla, Janet, and Bethany seem to (to name a few).
Below is a transcript of Obama’s Honorary Degree at N.D.
” The University of Notre Dame Confers the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on the 44th president of the United States, whose historic election opened a new era of hope in a country long divided by its history of slavery and racism. A community organizer who honed his advocacy for the poor, the marginalized and the worker in the streets of Chicago, he now organizes a larger community, bringing to the world stage a renewed American dedication to diplomacy and dialogue with all nations and religions committed to human rights and the global common good. Through his willingness to engage with those who disagree with him and encourage people of faith to bring their beliefs to the public debate, he is inspiring this nation to heal its divisions of religion, culture, race and politics in the audacious hope for a brighter tomorrow.”
We should all be profoundly proud of our University and our nation.
And this is Randall Terry’s response;
” “This degree reeks of the harlotry spirit shown by a teenage girl who is about to throw away her honor with a pervert. The fact that Obama promotes abortion around the world makes him the adversary—not the champion—of the ‘global common good.'”
How does it feel to be represented by such a class act ?
Let’s not condemn, but pray that hearts will be changed.
Posted by: Janet at May 14, 2009 10:25 AM
Agreed, Janet. But I have to admit, I am not having the most charitable of sentiments as I read this article, Notre Dame President Sits on Board of Directors of Pro-Abortion, Pro-Contraception Organization.
“How does it feel to be represented by such a class act ?
Posted by: Farslowe at May 14, 2009 12:49 PM”
Abortion kills 1.6 million unborn babies a year and Obama and his ilk support this holocaust…
How does it feel to support this group of soulless individuals? Oh wait..they do have souls…but not for long…
That nature museum has very little in it that one could not find outside their front door, even in a big city. It’s just a building that makes money; they host wedding receptions, galas, and all that fancy fundraising stuff. They keep the fees low because the value of the museum is low.
If the Notebaerts are such wonderful philantrophists, why do they even charge a fee? Also, if a big city poor kid goes to the museum one day a year, how does that matter a hill of beans for the remaining 364 days? Who names a museum after themselves when they are still alive? They’ve earned as much honor as Obama has. This is just a case of birds of a feather… I’d like to see the ND Board Meeting Minutes when inviting Obama came to a vote and review the Yeas and Nays. That would give us the entire story of who is who in this fiasco.
So, Kyle, you got to read my comment before it was removed. Nice, closed mind mods.
But, here we go again. The Notebaert Museum is a not for profit – therefore any money it makes must be returned to the museum’s purpose – not taken as profit.
They keep the fees low to acquaint as many kids as possible (like those who go to the nearby Lincoln Park Zoo) with nature. It takes an anti-choicer to want to dis something that benefits born children. What’s next – kicking old folks canes – beating puppies?
Wonder where you live – you can find butterflies in February, boa constrictors, turtles, and explanations of how those systems work? in a city?
But I’ll have to concede that once a year attendance may not have a lasting impression – after all many on this board purportedly attend a religious service weekly – and it doesn’t seem to have done much for them.
“Through his willingness to engage with those who disagree with him…”
Oh yes, AFTER he has reminded them, “I WON…” Very classy.
Yes, I sure have a closed mind, and I will stop at nothing to see that nature museum bulldozed. I didn’t know they had snakes, so maybe I was wrong and it’s really not so bad. Plus, maybe Chief, your the director of the butterfly room. Then again the zoo across the street has snakes too and it’s free. Plus there are not as many stairs at the zoo, so the old people won’t fall. Old folks and puppies are dear to my heart.
My main point is that there are too many self-promoting do gooders like the Notebaerts who build a pointless museum to name after themselves. Then they get on the board of a private Catholic University and find the need to repay political favors to politicians like Obama so tax money can flow to their little cash cow museum. The big political favor they are taking part in this year is selling the soul of a once Catholic University and defying the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops by honoring Obama.
It takes going to church every week for me to see the difference between good and evil, that’s all.
Chief of Staff,
There is no swearing allowed in posts. In my closed mindedness, I deleted your post. Thank you for using your big boy words.
Fed Up,
Gotcha. Call me Fed Up2.
“The love of money is indeed still the root of all evil, even at Catholic institutions.”
Perhaps I am getting weary of this topic – but I don’t understand your decision to tack “even at Catholic institutions” to the end of this sentence.. as though we Catholics should be held to a higher standard than non-Catholics. Believe me, we Catholics are as flawed as everyone else.
A review of the facts shows the “Obama Notre Dame Controversy” to be a complete fraud.
In the past 100 years, 10 sitting presidents have given the commencement address, and received an honorary degree (as has every commencement speaker for 100 years) the presidents were chosen without any apparent bias as to their political party or policies. ND has a tradition of inviting the newly elected president in the first term as a goodwill gesture from an eminent institution.
Many of the commencement speakers and/or honorary degree recipients over the past 30 years at ND have been openly pro-choice, including Benjamin Civiletti, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who received the highest honor, and was praised by speaker George HW Bush, Jane Pauley, Alan Page, Kofi Annan etc. etc. etc. There is no factual basis to assert a tradition of not allowing pro choice people to speak or receive honorary degrees.
So what is different about Obama? Just this:
This controvery was created by far right, religious right and RCC extremists who are desperate for attention and money, after an election that rejected their extremism. They hate Obama and want to turn this hate into publicity and money. Hence the publicity stunt/circus that is promoted by Jill Stanek and others.
The “Obama controversy” is as phony a a 9 dollar bill with a picture of Randall Terry, and anyone who has looks at the facts knows it to be a fraud.
BYSTANDER- You neglect to mention that none of the other proabort honorees were threatening to restrict the religious freedoms of the Church, its institutions, and its members the way PBHO is. Nice try.
we Catholics are as flawed as everyone else.
Amen to that, Janet! If it isn’t ND, it’s Georgetown. If it’s not a university, it’s the CINOs in Washington. The public exposure of our self-inflicted injuries gets tiresome. Times like this I have to remind myself that the Church was born in scandal (Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial, Thomas’ disbelief, the abandonment by all in the garden, etc)
RCC extremists
Now there’s a new phrase. Orthodoxy is now extremism? Alinsky would be proud of you, bystander.
BTW, I don’t hate PBHO but I admit having nothing but disdain for his policies. Big difference, not that truth matters to you.
Fed Up, since facts make you so angry, try this:
Terry and Keyes are demanding the resignation of Father Jenkins for “violating” the rules of the RCC and his Order. Unfortunately for them, the head of his Order, at the Vatican, sent Obama a letter of congratulations on being commencement speaker and receiving an honorary degree from ND.
Of course acknowleging facts doesn’t help put on a circus. Let’s soak Sponge Bob in ketsup.
Another uncomfortable fact- the Anti Obama hatred is largely racism- as the lack of any controversy over other pro choice speakers readily illustrates. The creators of this “contoversy” are to a great extent, far right ractists.
Lifesite news has indicated reports that Father Jenkins sits on the board of Millenium Promise, a proabortion, procontraception organization involved in Africa. Did you see this Jill?
Good God man, what is he doing? Does Fr. Jenkins believe in the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception?
Fed-UP: I feel as you do about Fr. Jenkins involvement on this board.
No Bystander, it is you who are angered by the facts. Your tossing of the race card into the debate is evidence of it. That is pretty despicable although not surprising.
Bystander, here is the letter I believe you are referring to. While it does offer polite congrats to the president, it is by no means an endorsement of his policies and in fact acknowledges the turmoil his upcoming speech/award at ND has caused. Hardly a blanket approval of the situation as you imply.
The letter states: “It is clear, however, that your positions on some of the fundamental “life issues” of our nation can neither be supported by the mission and ministry of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the University of Notre Dame nor the faithful Catholic community.”
Later he writes: “I sincerely want to rejoice in your presence at Notre Dame as President of the United States. But really, can I? In all sincerity, President Obama, how are we Catholics to deal with you, or any other government leader, who upholds what we believe to be the intrinsic evil of abortion and who is willing to sign the FOCA legislation? How are we to confront Catholic leaders in your own Administration by whom we feel so abandoned? Are we to use tactics of shunning you and dismissing you as we feel shunned and dismissed? This is a far from frivolous question. Shunning seems to be the growing trend among many Catholic leaders and institutions today. It seems to be the only recourse left open. It is, of course, a tactic many politicians have used on occasion, including yourself.”
Further in the letter: “Mr. President, may I be so audacious as to suggest that you have made a mistake in your position supporting abortion rights as the law of the land. May I suggest, with all humility for I am far from perfect, that you give your conscience a fresh opportunity to be formed anew in a holy awe and reverence before human life in every form at every stage – from conception to natural death. For we are all the Children of God.”
Angel- the only thing we can hope for is that Fr J uses his position on that board as a voice of dissent.
Angel- the only thing we can hope for is that Fr J uses his position on that board as a voice of dissent.
Posted by: Fed Up at May 14, 2009 8:44 PM
well, I simply can’t see him doing that.
If one can’t be faithful in small things, how can it be so in big?
If one can’t be faithful in small things, how can it be so in big?
I know, angel. I’m trying–really hard–not to judge :)
Another uncomfortable fact- the Anti Obama hatred is largely racism- as the lack of any controversy over other pro choice speakers readily illustrates. The creators of this “contoversy” are to a great extent, far right ractists.
Bystander is Jeaneen Garafalo!!!
“Does Fr. Jenkins believe in the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception?”
angel, I’d bet ya a zillion dollars he doesn’t. How could he?
LOL, Janet@9:22PM
the Anti Obama hatred is largely racism
So let’s look at what ISN’T racism and ISN’T hatred then, shall we?
1-None of the other speakers were able to implement the proabort agenda to the extent PBHO can.
2-None of them had as much lust for the blood of babies who survived abortion.
3-None of them were threatening to persecute the Church by forcing his agenda on Catholic institutions (health care, adoption, etc) with the potential of these institutions having to close.
4-None of them stated they intended to rescind enforcement of conscience protections for prolifers in health care.
Yup, sure sounds like a case of hate-based racism to me.
Fed Up, you illustrate insane Anti-Obama hatred far better than I could explain it. Thank you.
bystander, you’re welcome. If you want any more facts to refute your assertions of racism and hatred, just let me know ;) Have a pleasant evening.
Black or white is not relevant; it is Obama’s lost soul baby kilers agenda that I despise
Notre Dame president catches heat for Obama invite
(An excerpt):
The Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, the former president who offered words of wisdom to Jenkins, supported social causes ranging from civil rights to immigration reform and served as an adviser to presidents and popes. He was replaced as chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1972 over criticism of then-President Richard Nixon’s administration….
….. The 91-year-old Hesburgh said in an interview Thursday with WNDU-TV that the school was right to invite Obama and that universities are supposed to be places where people of differing opinions can talk.
Solutions to difficult problems are going to come from “people from universities. They aren’t going to come from people running around with signs,” he said.”
Is he serious? This statement is dripping with elitism. I bet he hasn’t spent much time on the front line “running around with signs”.
Ah, yes, we love the white pro-baby-killers here. That’s why Jill is always so fawning in her coverage of Hillary’s pro-tearing-babies-limb-from-limb antics. Yes, if Hillary Rodham were president, Jill would be lauding her. This website would be a fan club, and faithful Catholics would be proud to lavish honorary degrees on her.
Oh wait, I forgot–we’re all sexist, too, which is made obvious by the fact that well over half of the commenters here are female. Palin? hmmm…
There’s also our reverence for Clinton–wait, no, wrong again. First black president and all.
Never heard much good here about Carter. And let’s see, we all hate Justice Thomas for being black–no, wait, that’s liberals.
All these white men like Tiller, Morgentaler, Emmanuel–we don’t get outraged by what they do. No, we are just racists and misogynists here. Hence the reason we are okay with abortion when it’s black women killing their babies–no wait, that’s Planned Parenthood. Well, that’s why we support coerced abortion in foreign countries–no wait, that’s Obama. Or maybe it’s why we think it’s okay to kill little girls–nope, that’s Sweden.
Geeze, it seems that the only piece of evidence you have that pro-lifers are racist bigots is that we dislike Obama.
Isn’t it more bigoted to assume that one must like everyone who is black, and can only dislike white people? Are you a racist bigot when you make fun of Keyes?
By the way, how do you know we’re white? I haven’t seen pictures of all the mods, and I don’t know that they are all white.
Here’s a little irony. Notebaert, chairman of the ND board is a an alum of
Concordia University of Wisconsin a Lutheran university. There commencement speaker on May 16??
D’nesh Dsouza a christian pro life advocate.
which stronger Meridia or percoset
Too many people want to feel, then take action. This never works.
Very interesting site. Hope it will always be alive!
Beautiful site!