Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby intern Bernadette P.
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…

  • Life Site News reports over 2k marched in Poland in support of life this past Sunday, despite heavy rain. The march ran through Warsaw and took over 2 hours to complete. At some points, marchers were up to their shins in water….

    “People were staring at us from the windows; they couldn’t believe we were actually marching in this weather,” stated one participant.
    As pressures to make abortion more available are increasing from the U.N. and EU, the marchers felt the need to take a stand.

  • On the Priests for Life blog, Fr. Frank Pavone writes that the reporting of George Tiller’s murder has included misleading statistics about the frequency and prevalence of late-term abortions.
    A recent LA Times article reported only 8,482 late-term abortions were performed in 2005 (citing CDC figures), but Fr. Pavone stated:

    The Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood) reports that abortions of pregnancies at 21 weeks or later comprise about 1.1% of the nation’s abortions, which that same institute also indicates are in the area of 1.21 million. That means over 13k babies a year are killed at 21 weeks or beyond.

    That is far more than 8,482!

  • Forest Nymph reports on a story in the June issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. The article claims that young women who attend or have graduated from private, religious schools are more likely to get an abortion than their public school counterparts:

    “This research suggests that young, unmarried women are confronted with a number of social, financial and health-related factors that can make it difficult for them to act according to religious values when deciding whether to keep or abort a pregnancy,” said the study’s author, sociologist Amy Adamczyk, an assistant professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center, City University of NY.

    The study found that, “conservative Protestants were the least likely to report having an abortion, less likely than mainline Protestants, Catholics and women with non-Christian religious affiliations.”

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