(Prolifer)ations 6-04-09
by intern Bernadette P.
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…
“People were staring at us from the windows; they couldn’t believe we were actually marching in this weather,” stated one participant.
As pressures to make abortion more available are increasing from the U.N. and EU, the marchers felt the need to take a stand.
A recent LA Times article reported only 8,482 late-term abortions were performed in 2005 (citing CDC figures), but Fr. Pavone stated:
The Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood) reports that abortions of pregnancies at 21 weeks or later comprise about 1.1% of the nation’s abortions, which that same institute also indicates are in the area of 1.21 million. That means over 13k babies a year are killed at 21 weeks or beyond.
That is far more than 8,482!
“This research suggests that young, unmarried women are confronted with a number of social, financial and health-related factors that can make it difficult for them to act according to religious values when deciding whether to keep or abort a pregnancy,” said the study’s author, sociologist Amy Adamczyk, an assistant professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center, City University of NY.
The study found that, “conservative Protestants were the least likely to report having an abortion, less likely than mainline Protestants, Catholics and women with non-Christian religious affiliations.”

It’s important to note that the women having abortions at these religious private schools are actually less likely to be religious themselves.
What we’re really seeing is that women at private schools are more likely to abort than women at public schools.
I expected this backlash. Went out to the abortion clinic today, and 2 teens got out of their car. The girls looked at us and one screamed, “You guys like to kill doctors in churches!”
And that’s how the media twists the truth.
I am sure Hitler’s tactics did the same to turn Germany against Jews, Poles, etc.
You should have retorted.
“Well, you guys like to kill unborn children inside their mothers”.
Strange wording to this article: “more likely to REPORT having had an abortion.” Okay, so women attending private schools, which are more expensive and usually ineligible for government funding, are having abortions–for whatever reasons. How religious they are is not described, like how often they attend religious worship, etc. And between conservative Protestants (whoever that includes) mainline Protestants and Catholics, the latter two are “more likely to REPORT” that they did something that the religious denomination of the school disapproves of. To me that indicates that the first group of women might be more AFRAID to report–or confess–that they committed the sin of abortion. The article is vague and misleading at best.
His Man, that would have been a great reply! One of the girls was there to abort. You can always tell b/c they are wearing sweat pants or PJ bottoms. {nothing tight around the uterus after the procedure]….then they began cursing like drunken sailors, drowning out or replies. They want to do what they want to do.
I wasn’t sensitive. I expected it.
Bystander, how many children were in their mother’s wombs today?
*oops* should say killed.
These teens were misinformed. It’s people like Bystander who go for the shocking goobly goop.
Heather you really sound like you have the personality to really change someone’s mind…. Eyeroll.
Posted by: Anonymous at June 4, 2009 7:25 PM————————————————————- Thank you. I’ve changed a few.
I expected this backlash. Went out to the abortion clinic today, and 2 teens got out of their car. The girls looked at us and one screamed, “You guys like to kill doctors in churches!”
Posted by: heather at June 4, 2009 5:24 PM
God bless you Heather, I don’t know if I could stand hearing the things you hear.
I am meeting the head of our pregnancy crisis center in our city next week and our church is going to be taking an active role in helping them out. Of course, they don’t get a dime of government money. So they rely totally on the donations of others.
Did anyone see OReilly this evening? He had a great segment on the news media handling of the Tiller killing. He says he is going to keep speaking out against the abortion issue especially those rabid pro aborts who believe in abortion at any time for any reason. Bill’s a hero.
Joanne, thanks. Believe it or not, you get used to it. I’m going to get an audio recorder. I’d love for all of you to hear these evil, vile, disgusting, sinister, pro-deathers for yourselves.
Dr. Tiller’s blood is not on my hands.
Anonymous posts will be deleted.
And, since we already know who you are, and that you’ve already been banned, “asitis,” it’s kind of given.
I hope you are doing well, though.
Our president told the Egyptian audience today that his prime responibility is to protect every man, woman and child in our country.Dismembering our unborn children while being sucked out of their mother’s womb is the ultimate definition of “torture”. Abortion slaughters.
Joanne, thanks. Believe it or not, you get used to it. I’m going to get an audio recorder. I’d love for all of you to hear these evil, vile, disgusting, sinister, pro-deathers for yourselves.
Posted by: heather at June 4, 2009 8:02 PM
And they have the gall to call us “haters.” It’s sickening.
Diana….. you are right. He also said he forbids torture. Obviously he wasn’t talking about the unborn there either.
Pro aborts are cowards too. I notice almost all of them are “anonymous” or they take the name of a political leader or some well known person.
They are too cowardly to identify themselves.
They do abortions on Tuesday and Fridays (for awhile they did them on Tuesday, THURSDAY and Friday) in Lincoln. My parish says the Rosary at 9:30 AM on Fridays at the house next door to the abortion mill. I am afraid to go tomorrow just because I am sure there will be a LOT of angry pro aborts driving by in cars yelling profanities at the peaceful protesters or the sidewalk counselors. I say this because school is out for the summer now and they’ll have nothing better to do.
Kel 8:11PM
As do I. I always liked asitis despite our differences.
Are you moderating? There seems to be some problem with my getting posted.
Hello Mary
yor bro ken
Hi Ken
Always good to see you.
Heather, and Liz,
Please be careful, go only in pairs and bring a camera for documentation purposes! God bless you!
Heather and Liz,
I second Janet.
This just in from another thread:
Advocates for prenatal children must adopt at least one child before they can even speak or write about child killing.
And advocates for ‘choicing’ children to death, must save at least one abortionist before they can speak or write about saving abortionists.
yor bro ken
Posted by: Anonymous at June 4, 2009 9:59 PM
Stupid is as stupid does.
yor bro ken
Anon 9:59PM
Have a shot and a beer. It will help you calm yourself.
ken, you aren’t making sense.
Mary, ken,
I need a shot and a beer.