7 Planned Parenthood clinics shut doors
In fact, Planned Parenthood Eastside is 1 of 7 PP clinics now closed in El Paso, TX.
Apparently chopped and dropped by the non-mother ship, the first sign of trouble came in early June…
According to Medical News Today, June 5:
The PP Center of El Paso has begun to refocus its services on family planning and women’s health, and likely will shift its HIV/AIDS support programs to other providers….
Lynn Salas, board president… said, “The [Planned Parenthood Federation of America] felt our AIDS/HIV programs had grown so much we were not focusing enough on the core mission, and we began in mid-March to plan the changes we are still working out.”
Guess they didn’t. The El Paso PPs apparently didn’t commit abortions but were certainly feeders to mills.
You can read details about the mass PP closure in the El Paso Times, Catholic Online, and WorldNetDaily.com.
I found this little factoid interesting, from the El Paso Times:
When the organization was founded in 1937 as Mothers Health Center, the planned parenthood movement’s founder and controversial women’s rights advocate Margaret Sanger visited El Paso to speak about the need for birth control.
Apparently that’s what Sanger called most, if not all, of her first clinics. Yes, at some point a name change was in order.
And given our many conversations on the fact PP targets minorities, here was this nugget, also from EPT:
Diane Quest, a spokeswoman for PP nationally, said the organization would like to continue to serve TX, particularly along the border, and could look for opportunities to return to the area.
Also, recall it was only last December that PP scuttled the last of its 19 clinics in the TX panhandle.
But on the other hand recall PP is currently building the largest late-term abortion mill in the western hemisphere in Houston, scheduled for opening in 2010. It will be 6 stories and 75k sq ft.
[Photo attribution: PP of NYC; graphic attribution: Houston Chronicle]

Ugh, I didn’t know about the Houston clinic.
Got to love that tagline “Abortion foes target clinc where later procedures will be offered.”
I wonder if they get sick from all the spin?
Honestly though, I’d really like to know what other group of activists gets labled “foes.”
What a load of crap.
They’re consolidating. My guess is eventually PP wants to be in the hospital business. They’ll bring all their lab testing operations in-house, and do innoculations etc. to bring in traffic. This pattern has been pretty common across numerous states.
As soon as “national healthcare” kicks in they are going to be able to run their own research centers. By that I mean they will canalize the children they kill for parts and experiment on them within the walls of the PP compounds. We all know that the abortion industry is the least regulated medical operation in the world.
Right now the price of abortions are limited by what women are willing to pay for them. The price is generally around $400.00. If the price goes up much more than that, abortionists will price themselves out of the market. When national healthcare is forced upon us, PP will find all kinds of waya to hike the price up and there will be no questions asked. So, my guess is, instead of $400.00 per abortion they’ll be raking in $1,000 to $2,000 per first trimester abortion. Without regulation, (I’m not advocating regulations.) and more money than some countries, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand how dangerous they will become not only to the unborn, but to the entire human race.
I have a friend who is praying every week with her children outside of the Houston site. Does anyone know of a group that is actively working on protesting or praying near this planned clinic?
It looks like Joel Osteen’s church is about 7 miles from the new mill. Apparently their attendance is now running around 40,000/week.
You would think someone down there would feel it was their duty to jump in the fight to try to save precious innocent unborn children from dismemberment and murder.
I hope they’re not too busy thinking nice thoughts. I’m sure someone down there is doing something.
Check with http://www.operationsaveamerica.org out of Dallas.
Also have her check with Houston Coalition for Life.
I found this on American Life League’s Map Room of lists of protests:
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Texas Surgical and Comprehensive Health Services, Inc.
3601 Fannin Street
Houston, TX 77004
Leader: Houston Coalition for Life
Wednesdays at 7:00am – 2:00pm
Fridays at 7:00am – 2:00pm
Saturdays at 7:00am – 2:00pm
Now wait a second.
Didn’t they get huge sums of $$ from the guvmint?
Thank you Jo and Liz!! Will pass on the info to my prayer warrior friend!! :)
Honestly though, I’d really like to know what other group of activists gets labled “foes.”
What a load of crap.
Posted by: Lauren at July 2, 2009 7:34 AM
Here’s some more for your load of crap:
Gun foes fight over assault weapons
By Michael O’Brien
Posted: 04/19/09 11:44 AM [ET]
Friday, January 23, 2009
Gun foes hopeful as Gary,Indiana suit allowed to proceed
Fox News reports:
‘Hate speech’ foes forget First Amendment is the law at MSU, too
By Ed Brayton 3/10/08 10:34 PM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Tufts tops list of free-speech foes
The Boston Herald
Posted by Steve Bartin
Phares: Harsh Regimes, Foes Won’t Go Away
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 8:00 PM
By: Kathleen Walter
Obama’s Speech Applauded — By Republican Foes
GOPers and Conservatives Say Candidate’s Speech Didn’t End Wright Controversy
March 19, 2008
Hal the words preceding “foes” are what we are supposed to side with. In your cases free speech and gun rights. Setting an argument up with X and “X’s foes” isn’t balanced journalism.
Would you be cool with calling choicers “fetas foes”? It has a great ring to it.
Doesn’t hearing about a clinic getting shut down give you the warm fuzzies?
Which are quickly stifled once you realize they’re just gonna build another, bigger one?
Ah boy. Let’s hope Texans are more conservative when the clinic gets finished.
Abel, to be fair El Paso is quite a ways form Houston. It’s not exactly the case of one clinic replacing another.
Six stories high? They’ll be bussing women into Houston from all over the Southern United States AND Mexico. What a sham of a business. Lord, I hope national healthcare doesn’t go through. We need to pray for a hurricane.
Did they get their permits in the name of PP?
“We need to pray for a hurricane.”
Or maybe a tornado, less damage to the city.
I’ve been to the Houston building going up. It’s all black, black windows, black foundation. Fitting. The remodel is specifically designed to kill older babies with greater efficiency for more profit margin. More people must know what’s really going on, beyond the popular terms.
Just heard that PP is targeting my small town, Katy, TX (W. of Houston). Does anyone have specific steps I can take to head them off?
I don’t know why I’m not hearing more pro-choicers being ticked off about the big center in Houston occurring at the same time as the closing of all the El Paso clinics. I’ve heard plenty of mention of the clinics closing, but not a word about the big new clinic opening. From what I’ve read, El Paso is a low-income area and HIV rates are on the rise there — it seems to me that anyone who doesn’t oppose birth control (which most pro-choicers obviously do not oppose) would want basic-service clinics in a place like that. Both because of the potential for STI transmission, and because of the problems associated with traveling to a far-away clinic when you don’t have your own car.
I don’t pretend to know Planned Parenthood’s reasons for either of these decisions — I don’t think that the financial consolidation of seven small clinics which do not provide abortions in a low-income area, into one large clinic farther away that does provide abortions, NECESSARILY indicates that Planned Parenthood cares about abortion at the expense of the health of low-income men and women rather than as a consequence of caring about the health of low-income men and women. For all I know, PP in these two cities is entirely separate; or there is some totally legit, sensical reason for channeling money from non-abortion care for low-income clients into abortion-inclusive care.. But I find it hard to believe that there would be no outcry from plenty of pro-choice people if this involved low-income health clinics in general (ie, not PP clinics) being closed at the same time that a shiny massive full-service mini-hospital was being built, not absurdly far away but far enough away to pose a problem for the now clinic-less low-income people. I don’t know.
“I’ve been to the Houston building going up. It’s all black, black windows, black foundation. Fitting.The remodel is specifically designed to kill older babies with greater efficiency for more profit margin.”
Lord Have Mercy.
Hi Jodi!!
So glad to see you here!! :)
Good points. I’m not surprise we haven’t heard about the new Houston MEGA-BUILDING. You know, PP likes to keep their building projects under wraps until finished. (Remember Aurora, IL?)
* * *
“I hope they’re not too busy thinking nice thoughts. I’m sure someone down there is doing something.”
Posted by: Ed at July 2, 2009 9:46 AM
Coincidence or not? Joel Osteen’s wife, Victoria, wrote an article at their website today entitled “Choose Life”. Unfortunately it’s about having a positive attitude, not abortion. I couldn’t find anything regarding abortion on their site. I wonder if they are pro-life or pro-choice on abortion. They might be pro-choice….
Please contact everyone in town!! :) Churches, friends, neighbors to let them know what is planning on moving in!! You can also write an editorial to the newspaper, make yard signs, call the mayor, contact American Life League, and pray.
Praying for you!!
I’m also praying for you and the people of the city of Houston. At least a building of that size could be turned into a hospital, or doctors’ offices if PP doesn’t open. This reminds me of how PP offered free contraception to Katrina victims – let’s keep the poor population down. Sick.
Posted by: Janet at July 2, 2009 1:36 PM
Coincidence or not? Joel Osteen’s wife, Victoria, wrote an article at their website today entitled “Choose Life”. Unfortunately it’s about having a positive attitude, not abortion. I couldn’t find anything regarding abortion on their site. I wonder if they are pro-life or pro-choice on abortion. They might be pro-choice….
They are neither.
The Olsteens are pro-Olsteen.
yor bro ken
I live in El Paso. I was very excited to hear that one of the clinics is closing. I’ve seen two here although more might exist. Judging by the picture you have here, it’s not the incredibly seedy-looking one near the Holocaust Museum (ironic, I know). I think that one’s on the west side. Anyway, I’m glad that one at least is shutting down.
I agree with that, kbhvac!!!
Interesting how PP can’t cope with rampant SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE and would rather outsource that problem–but still wants to hand out birth control, condoms, and perform chemical & surgical abortions on their “sexually liberated” clients. Either way, they are certainly decreasing the population. Has anyone wondered if that is the only reason abortion rates will ever decrease–fewer women left to abort!
I am from El Paso, and none of the PP’s do abortions but they do abortion referrals. battle isnt over, more prayer and action is needed because now those clients will turn to the 2 abortion clinics we have in town for services. There are many other clinics and places that offer std testing and pregnancy tests. the PP’s and abortion clinics cater to mexican and new mexico citizens as well. please keep us in your prayers.
This is the medical center that is “all black.” Just a tip, if you want people to respect your movement you should tell the truth and not spread lies.