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In fact, Planned Parenthood Eastside is 1 of 7 PP clinics now closed in El Paso, TX.
Apparently chopped and dropped by the non-mother ship, the first sign of trouble came in early June…

According to Medical News Today, June 5:

The PP Center of El Paso has begun to refocus its services on family planning and women’s health, and likely will shift its HIV/AIDS support programs to other providers….
Lynn Salas, board president… said, “The [Planned Parenthood Federation of America] felt our AIDS/HIV programs had grown so much we were not focusing enough on the core mission, and we began in mid-March to plan the changes we are still working out.”

Guess they didn’t. The El Paso PPs apparently didn’t commit abortions but were certainly feeders to mills.
You can read details about the mass PP closure in the El Paso Times, Catholic Online, and WorldNetDaily.com.
I found this little factoid interesting, from the El Paso Times:
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When the organization was founded in 1937 as Mothers Health Center, the planned parenthood movement’s founder and controversial women’s rights advocate Margaret Sanger visited El Paso to speak about the need for birth control.

Apparently that’s what Sanger called most, if not all, of her first clinics. Yes, at some point a name change was in order.
And given our many conversations on the fact PP targets minorities, here was this nugget, also from EPT:

Diane Quest, a spokeswoman for PP nationally, said the organization would like to continue to serve TX, particularly along the border, and could look for opportunities to return to the area.

Also, recall it was only last December that PP scuttled the last of its 19 clinics in the TX panhandle.
houston pp.jpgBut on the other hand recall PP is currently building the largest late-term abortion mill in the western hemisphere in Houston, scheduled for opening in 2010. It will be 6 stories and 75k sq ft.
[Photo attribution: PP of NYC; graphic attribution: Houston Chronicle]

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