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Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…

  • 2 Seconds Faster reports on breaking news from the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute, claiming that human sperm cells have been created from embryonic stem cells. Hypothetically, in the future, men need not apply when a woman chooses to have a child.
    According to the Telegraph, leading the “research” is stem cell biologist Professor Karim Nayernia, whose team has already used the technique in mice…
  • Professor Nayernia, who is calling for a debate on the use of his breakthrough, said the sperm created was not perfect but had all the essential qualities for creating life.
    He said: “This is very amazing and very exciting. They have heads, they have tails and they move. The shape is not quite normal nor the movement, but they contain the proteins for egg activation….”
    Nayernia said the work was in its early stages and more investigation was needed to decide whether such sperm would be safe or suitable as a fertility treatment – although this is currently against the law.
    The mice [conceived] in his earlier experiment all died shortly after they were born.

    Nayernia also claimed, “within a decade such a treatment could be offered to, for example, young boys who had received chemotherapy which can leave them infertile.”
    Additionally, Sarah Norcross, director of the Progress Educational Trust, an assisted conception and genetics charity, mused, “This would be a novel way to solve the shortage of donor sperm in the UK.”
    The only voice of reason in the Telegraph article came from Josephine Quintaville of Comment on Reproductive Ethics:

    This is man at his maddest. I think that sometimes we have to stop meddling and accept infertility. Science must be totally ethical and totally safe – this is neither.

  • LaShawn Barber writes that the National Education Association vetoed a measure constituting neutrality on the issue of abortion. From the original LifeNews article:

    [T]he defeated proposal would have had the NEA take “no position” and would have prohibited the group from filing a Supreme Court brief supporting Roe v. Wade if the Supreme Court ever considers a case that would overturn the decision allowing virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy.

  • Parenting Freedom comments on the results of a teen pregnancy prevention initiative in the UK, the Young People’s Development Programme, conducted from 2004 to 2007.
    Teen pregnancy occurrence among participants was 16%, a full 10% higher than participants in other such initiatives. According to the Daily Mail:

    Experts said the scheme failed because it introduced girls “at risk” of becoming pregnant to promiscuous girls they might not otherwise have met.

    The pregnancy prevention methods utilized? “The Government-backed scheme tried to persuade teenage girls not to get pregnant by handing out condoms and teaching them about sex.”

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