Just attended the session, “The new celebrity,” about how social media like Twitter have impacted the lives of pop stars.
On the panel were Robin Antin of the Pussycat Dolls, rapper and record producer Jermaine Dupri (also apparently on-again boyfriend of Janet Jackson), actor Anthony Edwards, and singer Matt Goss.
Celebrity panel Blog World Expo 2009 Anthony Edwards, Jermaine Dupri, Robin Antin, Matt Goss.JPG
They maintained social networking either brings them closer to fans, takes them from national to global, or helps them publicize their causes. (Moderator: “Causes are the new black.” Read my observation from Day 1.)
An Anthony Edwards lol: “I would have reconsidered making Revenge of the Nerds had I known I’d be speaking at this event.”…

Anthony Edwards at Blog World Expo 2009.JPG
Edwards impressed me as working to build a large public hospital in Kenya.
Jermaine Dupri was interesting and funny but way full of himself:

  • “My life is about more than Lamborghinis, money and girls. It’s about this, too.”
  • “I was just a domestic god for so many years. Social networking takes me global.”
  • Jermaine Dupri at Blog World Expo 2009.JPG
    After the event…
    celebrities after Blog World Expo 2009 1 Anthony Edwards, Jermaine Dupri, Matt Goss, Robin Antin.JPG
    celebrities after event 2 Blog World Expo 2009 Anthony Edwards, Robin Antin, Matt Goss, Jermaine Dupri.JPG
    Every Blog World Expo session periodically runs tweets posted in real time on its big screen (categorized by #bwe09). Note the tweet 3rd from top (click to enlarge)… :)
    Blog World Expo Tweet screen.jpg

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