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  • Dede Scozzafava, a pro-choice Republican congressional candidate, called the police on the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack after he asked her a couple of questions including her position on health care reform bills which fund abortion. The Scozzafa campaign originally claimed that McCormack yelled at Scozzafava but have now retracted that statement after audio recordings proved otherwise….
  • The Washington Times has an editorial calling on John Boehner, Newt Gingrich and the National Republican Committee to withdraw their support from Scozzafava based on her actions.
  • The RH Reality Check blog has posted a piece by Susan Cohen which attempts to defend the recent Guttmacher “study” on worldwide abortion. Nowhere in the piece does Cohen even attempt to respond to the main criticism of the study – that the numbers of annual abortions in countries where abortion is illegal or highly restricted are concocted statistics based on the dubious guesswork of abortion advocates.
  • Wesley Smith writes in the National Review about “an end-of-life protocol known as the Liverpool Care Pathway“:
  • The Pathway’s guidelines instruct doctors to put patients thought to be near death into a drug-induced coma, after which all food and fluids, as well as medical treatments such as antibiotics, are withdrawn until death….
    Angry family members are beginning to come forward, charging that their loved ones have been sedated and had food and water withdrawn — whether their symptoms warranted these measures or not. Indeed, some have alleged that their deceased relatives would have lived but for having been put on the Pathway to death. These stories have all the early hallmarks of a full-fledged medical scandal.

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