stop stupak, abortion, healthcare.jpg
The pro-abort Stop Stupak Rally is today, and above is a fresh photo of their petition with the latest # of signers.
The focal point will be DC, but pro-aborts are apparently holding similar rallies in other cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.
For all the build-up (I’ve been watching their Twitter and blog posts), The Hill reported laughable anticipated numbers:

The lobby day is expected to draw around 500 abortion-rights advocates to rally in the Dirksen Senate Office Building and door-knock on Capitol Hill, said Tait Sye, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood.

500? They’ve got to be kidding, what a joke. We get 500 supporters at our local tea parties. We shall see.
The MO rally, I think in Jefferson City, has 11 confirmed attendees.
Lesbians are also participating, although I don’t know why they’re sticking their noses into the abortion debate. If men can’t, why can women who don’t naturally reproduce?
Follow pro-abort tweets at #StopStupak.

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