Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby intern Heather B.
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs and elsewhere…

  • The Guardian discusses figures extracted from a 2008 UK census which reveal more than 5k English women under 20 and more than 15k aged 20-24 had a repeat abortion. All those involved were single….

  • Julie Bentley, chief executive of the Family Planning Association, admitted that the “concerning” statistics were the result of a “complicated issue.” Her solution? That women begin “receiving the level of contraceptive advice and services necessary – and that they are entitled to.”
    If this theory has a history of failure, then why will increasing the production and distribution of contraceptives change anything about the physical and psychological health of young women and their unborn children in the future?

  • MintheGap has some notes regarding the issue of courtship:
  • I believe that part of the way to fix the current erosion of the institution of marriage lies in not only speaking out about those that would change the definition, but helping those that are going to be or are in marriages to respect it as well.

  • On the AUL blog, Dr. Charmaine Yoest expresses her disappointment in the December 8 Senate decision to table the NelsonHatchCasey amendment, which would have maintained current legislation by “prohibiting both federal funding of abortion and government-mandated abortion coverage”:
  • A majority of Senators effectively endorsed the abortion lobby’s goal of mainstreaming abortion as health care…. The Senate had the opportunity to follow the House’s lead in ensuring that federal dollars are not used to pay for abortions.

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