National Right to Life vs. Democrats for Life
As Jivin J yesterday agreed with the Democrats for Life of America issued a fundraising appeal, making harsh accusations against NRLC in the process. Click to enlarge…
As Jivin J yesterday agreed with the Democrats for Life of America issued a fundraising appeal, making harsh accusations against NRLC in the process. Click to enlarge…
I was on a conference call with Congressman “It’s a baby killer” Sunday night during Bart Stupak’s speech imploring his members to oppose the Stupak Amendment (
I’m not getting worked up about this – unless Bart Stupak has lost control of his pro-life band of brothers, in which case they might do something stupid, as The Hill article below suggests some might. Even if talks are indeed ongoing, affirmation should hinge on a promise (surely written) from a majority of Democrat […]
Here’s amazing news. Did you know the Stupak Amendment in the House’s healthcare bill actually bans private insurance companies from covering abortion? That’s what Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards claimed in an email today: Now that Congressional leaders and the White House are pushing for a final vote on health care reform, Congressman Bart Stupak […]
by David Prentice writes in the Family Research Council’s blog on the call for more embryonic stem cell lines created from African-American embryos: Of course, it’s also not a surprise that the embryonic stem cell researchers want more embryos, especially minority embryos, from whom to wring their embryonic stem cells. It’s never enough with some […]
by intern Heather B. Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs and elsewhere…
by New York Daily News reports Towanda Wimms is going public with her disappointment that her pregnant daughter’s alleged murderer isn’t also being charged for the death of her unborn grandchild. Niasha Delain was allegedly stabbed 6 times in the stomach by her boyfriend Derrick Redd after refusing to have an abortion…