Dodd: Healthcare “hanging by a thread”
Interesting blurb from US News & World Report January 11:
The Obama–Reid–Pelosi healthcare bill is, in the words of CT Sen. Chris Dodd, “hanging by a thread.”
The retiring Democrat told CNBC Monday that he was not at all sanguine that the House and Senate could resolve their differences to produce a single piece of legislation that would have the support of a congressional majority. “Everyone feels, I guess, to some degree who have been for this, that they would have liked something different, and that’s not uncommon when you’re considering an issue of this magnitude,” Dodd said….
Frustrating the Democrats’ plans for moving forward are a half-dozen issues on which the bills that passed the House and the Senate disagree – and none may be harder to bridge than the conflicting way in which the 2 bills treat the issue of tax-funded and taxpayer-supported abortions….
A switch of 3 votes in the House or 1 in the Senate could be enough to kill the bill, or at least force Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to start all over again. But it’s not at all clear that any of them have the stomach for that.
The shifting poll data, which continues to show a majority of the American people are opposed to the bill pending in Congress, also reflects a change in attitudes about Obama and the Democratic majorities.
Starting again would likely exacerbate the public’s discomfort with the current congressional leadership and could even produce bigger changes in the composition of Congress than are currently expected.
Glenn Beck isn’t buying it.
He sincerely believes that Dodd is just saying that to sway democrats. You know, “Do it for Teddy!”
“Starting again would likely exacerbate the public’s discomfort with the current congressional leadership and could even produce bigger changes in the composition of Congress than are currently expected.”
If that assertion is true then by all means start again and again and again.
yor bro ken
I’m not buying it either.
The “thread” it’s hanging on is the Dem’s strand of gold. We’re getting their healthcare even if we have to have it shoved down our throats.
As if!
Well we can hope that having a lame brain, uh duck, senate leader who has to explain his brilliant political insight into the importance of future black leaders being light skinned Negroes who don’t speak with a “Negro dialect”, will also tie things up a while. In the meantime Negroes of all skin hues can continue to serve Bill Clinton his coffee. Bill likes all colored people.
Shades of 1950’s Mississippi!
Can you imagine the uproar if a Republican had said what Reid said??
Hi Carla 10:02PM
Believe me, the MSM and liberals wish a Republican had said this! What a field day they would have! Instead we hear about Reid’s “political analysis” and “assessment” of the situation with Obama.
Let me translate from “Negro dialect” to liberal speak.
Hey, it would be great to have this Negro (some enlightened liberals haven’t learned that black people are called, gasp, black people)but its better if he’s lighter skin. Dark skinned people like Clarence Thomas, well, you know. Anyway, does he talk like you know, black folks do? “Negro dialect” I think its called. He doesn’t?! Well gee, maybe he can run for office after all! Black folk should always remember that no matter what their education and accomplishments, they are first and foremost black folk.
Why, we even remind those tea party people to put black tea party participants in front of the camera. You don’t get any more enlightened than that!
And to think a couple years ago this guy would have been fetching my coffee.
Mary you have just translated the elitist, liberal, leftist, racist, patronizing garbage of the real DemocRATic party. People canot even pay their bills, they have no jobs, they are struggling to make ends meet and they have decided to try to ram this down the taxpayers throat, no matter what.
We have to keep the prayers going Christian prolifers because God is able to expose every crooked, corrupt, bribe-taking, greedy and immoral politician. We need to fight spiritual warfare as never before. Catholics and Prostestants let us join together to bombard heaven with our prayers.
We don’t have to wonder. When Trent Lott said, at Strom Thurmond’s 100th birthday party, that the country would have been better off if Thurmond had been president, he was forced to step down from the position of Senate Majority Leader. Frankly, that was less egregious than this comment.
I know the double standard will never force this, but Reid should be stepping down, too.
Trent Lott was saying the country would be better off with segregation. That’s quite a bit different than what Reid said.
What he explicitly STATED was that the country would have been better off with Strom Thurmond as President. One can infer whatever they would like from that (especially as Thurmond publicly renounced his segregationist views many years prior to this comment).
I supported Lott stepping down from being the majority leader.
It is time for Reid to do the same.
Was he saying that, Hal? How do you know this? Wow, what would’ve happened if Lott had called someone a “light-skinned Negro?”
Oh, look, Lott even apologized (like Harry Reid has) to anyone who might have misread his comment and taken offense: “A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embraced the discarded policies of the past,” Lott said. “Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement.”
He also said: “My comments were not an endorsement of his positions of over 50 years ago, but of the man and his life.”
(Oh, but WE know BETTER. He MUST be racist, because he’s a Republican, and he’s from Mississippi!)
From the article: Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, said Monday he believes Lott did not intend for his comments to be interpreted as racist.
“There are a lot of times when he and I go to the mike and would like to say things we meant to say differently, and I’m sure this is one of those cases for him as well,” Daschle said.
Wow, Tom Daschle, voice of reason…who’da thunk it??!
Al Gore, however, genius of global warming and inventor of the internet (so obviously, he’s a mind-reader, too) had nothing to say about Strom Thurmond (the ACTUAL former segregationist who later renounced those views) himself, but he demanded that Lott apologize, which he did. The article continues:
(Gore) “To say that the problems that we have in America today, some of them, stem from not electing a segregationist candidate for president … is fundamentally racist,” Gore said…
“It is not a small thing … for one of the half dozen most prominent political leaders in America to say that our problems are caused by integration and that we should have had a segregationist candidate. That is divisive and it is divisive along racial lines. That’s the definition of a racist comment,” Gore said.
Wow, Trent Lott said “Segregation good, Integration bad. All problems caused by integration!” ?? Really? Wow, I’m impressed by Gore’s skills of interpretation here. *smirk*
Oh, and I’m sure thoughts of possibly courting the black vote had nothing to do with Gore’s statements at the time: During the CNN interview, Gore also said he will decide later this month whether to run for president in 2004 and will announce his decision early next year.
I read somewhere that Trent Lott was about 7 years old when Strom Thurmond ran for President.
Hi Kel,
Didn’t Obama argue that he was only 8 y/o when his friends the Ayers’, who he barely knew but were gracious enough to let him use their living room for his political sendoff, were involved in terrorist bombings?
As for Al Gore Jr.’s sanctimonious babbling, his father Al Gore Senior, was one of the Democrat senators who filibustered voting and civil rights legislation. Thankfully LBJ could turn to the Republicans for help.