Ann Straley 2, planned parenthood, abortion.png
From the Telegraph Herald out of Dubuque, IA, December 20…

ann straley, planned parenthood, abortion 3.jpg

Mary, Joseph, a llama, and a few donkeys and sheep crowded around a manger outside Dubuque’s St. Peter Lutheran Church for the annual live Nativity scene….
Ann Straley, also known as Mary for the first shift of the Nativity scene, said the event serves as a creative way to spread the Christmas message.
“And it’s great to see the kids,” she said….

Only problem with that sweet scenario is Straley needed to clarify, “And it’s great to see the kids chopped up,” since she is or at least was at the time a Planned Parenthood of Eastern IA board member, as this article indicates as well as this PPEIAutumn 2008 newsletter (click to enlarge)…
Planned Parenthood, Ann STraley, abortion.png
No surprise, St. Peter’s is an affiliate of the pro-abort Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
[HT: Steve Brody, executive director of Dubuque Co. Right to Life; photos via the Telegraph Herald]

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