Ellen Malcolm, EMILY's List, abortion.png
The feminist Old Guard continues to hobble off into the pro-choice sunset (where facing death panels in old age would be quite just).
The latest to go is Ellen Malcolm, who founded the pro-abort PAC EMILY’s List (Early Money is Like Yeast) in 1985….

EMILY’s List focuses on electing pro-abort women. It brags to having helped elect 80 congresswomen, 15 senators, 9 governors, and “hundreds” of pro-aborts at the state and local level.
Stephanie Schriock, EMILYs List, abortion.png62-year-old Malcolm’s replacement is 32-year-old Stephanie Schriock, an impressive choice, actually.
It’s just sad that such an obvious talent is so wasted on the wrong side of history.
Malcolm is not fading away quietly. Feminists rarely do. She’ll remain on as her barren brainchild’s chairwoman of the board.
I can’t imagine what accomplishments people like Malcolm reflect back on with satisfaction over their lifetime. I can’t find any record of Malcolm marrying or having any children.

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