(Prolifer)ations 2-2-10
by Susie Allen, TN pro-life activist
… Which view of children do you want? Mother Teresa’s inclusive value of all children or Barack Obama’s selective value given to only some children?
Both Mother Teresa and Barack Obama received Nobel Peace Prizes. Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 after more than 30 years working with the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize in October 2009, after a mere 9 months in the White House for his vast accomplishments, doing, – well, er, not much. Who deserved the Nobel Prize more: Mother Teresa or B.O.?
One of the things briefly mentioned was the blow-back in the comments at their blog post highlighting Maddy’s American Idol audition. I so understand where Maddy’s Christian critics are coming from. I would have been here myself in 1990 when I had a very secure idea of how God wanted his believers to act, dress, sound, behave….
Those days were easy because we never had to think for ourselves or learn to discern God’s purpose for our family or our individual lives. And it was certainly easy to judge everyone else according to our ultra-righteous standards.
She contends the story of Tebow’s birth is untrue – that doctors never recommended an abortion for Tebow’s mom Pam because she contracted a dangerous disease and that the medicine would affect Tebow during the pregnancy….
In an open letter to Les Moonves… President and CEO of… CBS… Allred bases her contention on the mere fact that abortion is illegal in the Philippines.
According to Allred, the doctor would never have suggested Pam get an abortion because he could lose his license for doing so…..
It is amazing to see Allred, who attended Tiller’s funeral wearing 1 of his “Trust Women” buttons, take this approach. This is compartmentalizing at its best. She once emphasized the humanity of the preborn with the killing of Laci and her preborn son Conner Peterson to get the result she wanted but now wants to throw Tim Tebow under the bus.
Daly counters Ms. Alred with the fact that abortion was legal in the Philippines at the time and can be easily researched…. Megyn Kelly does a fine job here with Ms. Allred. I especially like her comment when she asks Ms. Allred that isn’t the right to free speech more speech, not less….
Throughout this whole episode, the mainstream media have resisted the temptation to link legitimate pro-life activists with the likes of Roeder. That’s a significant positive development.
First time listening to Maddy’s singing audition. Beautiful girl – beautiful voice – beautiful song. Praying for her as she takes on this new adventure on American Idol.
Allred had me chuckling.
Miss Thing is so rattled and shrill.
The Invisible Dead
The grisly truth about the Super Bowl abortion ad.
By William Saletan
Posted Monday, Feb. 1, 2010, at 8:06 AM ET
Saletan is NOT referring to the more than fifty million prenatal children who died at the hands of ‘dead babies r us’ crowd.
Neither is Saletan referring to the women who die from ‘safe and legal’ abortions.
Saletan is referring to women who chose unsafe and illeal abortions and/or those women who died from complications associated with pregnancy and/or child birth.
“Being dead is just the first problem with dying in pregnancy. Another problem is that the [human] fetus you were trying to save dies with you. A third problem is that your existing kids lose their mother. A fourth problem is that if you had aborted the pregnancy, you might have gotten pregnant again and brought a new [human fetus]baby into the world, but now you can’t. And now the Tebows have exposed a fifth problem: You can’t make a TV ad.”
Then Saletan regales us with the percenage of women and human fetus/babies who die and suffer serious complications from ‘choosing’ to reject their physcians counsel and instead continue with the pregnancy.
What Saletan fails to note, a glaringly relevant omission, is almost 100% of the prenatal children who are aborted die. Of course Saletan also neglects to mention the rare survivors like Jenna Gessup, who though incurring serious disabilities as a result of the ‘safe and legal’ aborion are grateful to be alive.
It would really be nice of Jenna was incuded in the Tebow ad.
yor bro ken
I thought Allred was going to literally explode. Someone please ask her ….. why she personally has such a vested interest in legal abortion!!! Why do we as a society need to validate ANY woman’s choice to abort? Why can’t we just say, no, abortion is never the right choice and procede from there to find solutions
I think she and so many of these pro-aborts are confused about which medical procedures are medically necessary and which are purely elective abortions. These are problems the pro-life medical community need to address. It doesn’t seem that progress is being made in this area. If the language of the debate is not clear, then the debate won’t move forward. Where are the pro-life doctors on this???
kbhvac, I love how the author of the article you posted seems to think that women who refuse abortions are idiots who have not thought through the implications of doing such.
Uh, when my water broke I knew that there was a chance that I could get a dangerous infection. I also knew that I was in a hospital where my temperature was being checked every 4 hours, I was on antibiotics, and I could have a c-section in 30 minutes.
Yet according to the wise author, I was just an idiot. Gotcha.
I guess Ms. Alred was in the Philippines and just happened to be in the exam room with Pam when her diagnosis was given????
What a stupid stupid argument to make that legal vs. illegal abortion in the Philippines dictacted what Pam Tebow was told.
By stating that a mere suggestion of abortion in the Philippines would be cause for losing one’s medical license and would never be done, then proves that NO illegal abortions (which were performed by medical doctors in most cases) were taking place in the US prior to Roe V Wade, since performing these abortions surely would have resulted in medical license revokation. I am no attorney, but Am I right by her logic?
I wonder how much $$$ she is being paid by these pro-abort groups.
But Lauren, your kids are a dime a dozen! You could just have more. Every human being is interchangeable with any other. Danny DiVito is Robert Palmer is Tori Amos is Scott Bakula is Bill Gates is Rosy O’Donnell is George Washington is Billy Graham is my mother is your cousin is BB’s next door neighbor is Hal’s aborted son.
And this is the mindset that lets abortion persist. People have become incapable of thinking from any one of these perspectives for just 5 minutes…even their own children, sometimes. What have we become?
No money, Sandy, as far as I know. I think guilt is her principal currency these days.
The dr. could have advised her to go home to the US to get her abortion. How does Gloria know that was not the case.
Ken @5:09 PM,
Good peek into how the other side thinks.
They hear ONE pro-life family’s story with a happy ending and they lose their minds. It was just luck….
Could they be happy for the Tebows? I sure am.
As you’ve pointed out before, Jill, “pro-choice” groups are revealing themselves to be pro-abortion with the whole Pam Tebow mess. I’m reminded of Abby Johnson. She liked the P.R. message of choice and prevention, but as soon as she realized that they don’t adhere to their “all choices are equal” rhetoric, her eyes were opened. The attempts to censor this ad may save as many lives, if not more, as the ad itself.
I think the main reason Allred is against this ad is because it is coming from a Christian person with a Christian perspective and is funded by Christians.
The fact of the matter is that Allred is a religious bigot who believes in free speech but only for atheistic secular humanists. It’s that simple.
How DARE Christians put forth their views.
And about life and death – yes it’s about life and death, Gloria.
Life and death for the baby who ALWAYS dies during an abortion.
It seems like Allred doesn’t quite have all her facts. Surprising coming from an attorney of her caliber.
She hasn’t seen the commercial. She isn’t certain about Phillipine law. Certainly Ms. Allred would agree that speech, be it religiously or otherwise motivated, is protected by the First Amendment. Why would the Filipino doctor, if it was a Filipino doctor, advise an abortion if it could mean a prison sentence for him/her? Uhhhh, maybe because abortion is legal in the Philippines when the life of the mother is at risk?
Gloria is concerned that people watching the Super Bowl don’t want to see this ad? Since when does anyone want their program interrupted for commercials? Gloria, certainly you know that remote controls have “power”,”channel” and “mute”.
No one will be forced to observe and/or listen this ad.
Go right ahead, Allred and co., keep getting upset. Free publicity.
And when the ‘tasty’ ad gets aired, you will look even more like the hateful, death-loving and angry people you are.
Hey Gloria,
Since you’ve suddenly become a crusader for truthfulness in advertising and have such “concern” for Americans being offended by certain ads would you do me a big favor?
Would you check out the veracity of those male enhancement commericials? You know, the one with the guy and his frozen smile who apparently has become a sexual superman. If there is no truth to it please get that smiling idiot off the tube.
Since you seem to think we Americans should not have our programming interrupted with questionable advertising, and that we’re too stupid to use our remotes, then I hope you will take my suggestion into consideration.
Thank you.
Hi Mark,
Allred has already succeeded in making herself look foolish. There have been times when I have actually respected her and the legal actions she took so I have to admit this surprises me.
To admit she hasn’t seen the commercial, has limited knowledge of Philippine abortion law, and doesn’t know the facts concerning Mrs. Tebow only portrays her as someone acting on emotion. Before saying anything, much less charging into the arena, Allred should be well armed with the facts. It surprises me that an attorney of her caliber is not.
Hmmm, I wonder what will happen at the super bowl next year?
Mary, 9:51…perfect! LOL
I think the main reason Allred is against this ad is because it is coming from a Christian person with a Christian perspective and is funded by Christians.
The fact of the matter is that Allred is a religious bigot who believes in free speech but only for atheistic secular humanists. It’s that simple.
How DARE Christians put forth their views.
And about life and death – yes it’s about life and death, Gloria.
Life and death for the baby who ALWAYS dies during an abortion.
Posted by: angel at February 2, 2010 9:04 PM
You know, I think you’re right. A quick “Google” search brought up the fact that she had an abortion after being raped (pre-Roe v. Wade), it wasn’t performed by a doctor and nearly cost her her life. A horrible thing – but rape can’t justify killing an innocent child.
Eric S. is a good man, and a hero to the pro-life cause, but Scott Roeder is also a hero; to all the innocent babies who have been killed by abortion. Different, but both good men. Some may Roeder’s ways as “illegitimate”, but he didn;t kill anybody who was innocent. And Eric, for all his peaceful efforts, could not have saved the babies Tiller would have killed since Roeder “x’d” him.
Those who are opposing the Pam and Tim Tebow pro-life ad for the upcoming SuperBowl are claiming that there are untruths in their story. They are saying that SINCE ABORTION IS ILLEGAL IN THE PHILIPPINES (since the 1800s, I read in one of the articles), NO DOCTOR FROM THE PHILIPPINES would ever suggest that Pam Tebow have an abortion. The argument is flawed. If only those opposed to the ad would go to the UN website, they will see that “TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE WOMAN” is GROUNDS on which abortion is PERMITTED.
Furthermore, it states, “Although the Penal Code does not list specific exceptions to the general prohibition on abortion, under the general criminal law principles of necessity as set forth in article 11(4) of the Code, an abortion may be legally performed to save the pregnant woman’s life.”
Oh, and if people who are reading this don’t believe that this came from the UN website, click this link: http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/abortion/doc/philippines.doc
Now, for those who oppose the ad on the grounds that what Pam Tebow claims in the video is untrue, can we put this issue to rest?
I actually read a pro-choice argument today about the Tebow advertisement. While I personally don’t support Focus on the Family, this argument made me laugh. It went, more or less, like this:
Well, see, we pro-choicers have been getting a lot of flack recently for this anti-choice ad because a lot of people are saying, “If you don’t like it, just press mute” and, “Buy your own ad,” and, “Why are you trying to censor people?” But I want to point out that not a single person is against the content of the ad- we don’t ever censor the truth. Ever. It’s not that we’re mad that the ad is going on the air- we’re mad because CBS allowed it on the air. See the difference?
We’re mad because it was allowed to be viewed, not because it’s going to be viewed. Like, duh. I mean, CBS has been rejecting political ads for years and, yeah, like, they totally changed that rule and stated if you pay for the time, you get it. And, like, we totally could have bought our own ad- it’s not like we don’t have the dough- but, it’s just…like…they allowed it to be viewed…even if we could air a commercial of our own, too…and…I think that this sort of half-baked logic is just be kvetching and trying to cover our clear blunder.
And I read this and thought, Yeah. Nice save.
Scott Roeder isn’t justified and he is certainly no hero. Life is life. It’s a circle and we cannot remove another person from the circle. If we do, we are no better than people like Carhart or Hern. Guns can kill people but only life and love and peace and patience can kill the evil in people. Guns and surgical tools, in this case, were both used to bring death. Scott Roeder is no hero.
Scott Roeder stopped the murder of a bunch of innocent babies. Like it or not he may be a hero to them, even if he isn’t a hero to you.
“Guns can kill people but only life and love and peace and patience can kill the evil in people.”
Some people, I believe, are just rotten to the core. They ARE evil. Period.
All people are evil. This is the doctrine of total (comprehensive) depravity. It was also the belief of the first Americans. Their children’s spelling books taught A with “In Adam’s fall, we sinned all.”
I don’t mean every person is as evil as he could be. God has restrained evil in various ways, our short lifespan being one of them. However, every one of us is a potential Hitler.
Guns do not kill people; people kill people.
The use of the atomic bomb ended the Second World War and saved the lives of a multitude of Americans and Japanese, so President Truman should have received the Nobel Peace prize.
Scott Roeder was a murderer; God gave the power of the gun and lethal injection (Romans 13) to the civil government, not to ordinary citizens. Defense of one’s self, family, or friends is another issue, but Scott Roeder’s extreme action cannot be justified by it. “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord (Rom. 12:19).
NW 2:12am
Please enlighten me. Exactly what did Obama do to win the Nobel Prize? He called for a reduction in nuclear weapons? BFD. I’m sure that makes a great impression on the Iranians who are giving Obama the finger while they rattle their swords, and continue their nuclear weapons program.
Was it George Washington who said that to preserve the peace we must be prepared for war?
Where do you think Obama is trying to take our fine country?
Hi Carla,
Down the path of socialism and destruction. I’m convinced he wants to turn us into some second rate banana republic. I do not for a moment believe he loves this country, but rather loathes it.
This KSM trial in NYC was to convince Europeans(who would be speaking German if not for us) and Muslims(who are only laughing at him) of our justice and fairness. Hanging the SOB is what would truly win us a little more respect.
Obama is deliberately destroying our economy, making more Americans dependent on gov’t, and seeking to undermine our military. I have no issue with gays in the military but there is a reason for the strict social control our military must exercise, over heterosexuals as well as homosexuals.
Remember first and foremost that he is a sociopath. I will not back down on that one. The most important rule in dealing with a sociopath is to remember first and foremost this person is a sociopath. Expect to see Obama lash out and blame others for his failures and portray himself as a victim, enjoy and abuse the trappings of wealth and power with no regard for the difficult circumstances of the average American(i.e. taking his wife on “dates”), and continue to seek the adulation he receives at townhall meetings.
My perspective for what it is worth.
Hi Jon,
Gracious me didn’t you hear Rev.Wright, the minister Obama listened to for 20 years but never heard a thing he said?
The good reverend was just so distraught over the “injustice” of the atomic bomb by the eeevil “white” United States. I don’t recall that Rev.Wright expressing outrage over the “Rape of Nanking” in which hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children were randomly raped, tortured, and massacred over a period of several months by marauding Japanese troops in Japanese occupied China. He also expressed no outrage with the “medical” experimentation that was inflicted on Chinese citizens with a brutality and efficiency that Josef Mengele would have envied. Let’s not forget the Bataan Death March. Apparently its fine when non-white people inflict atrocities on non-white or white people.
I understand the Chinese had little in the way of sympathy for the victims of the atomic bombing. Imagine that!
For that matter, so did the soldiers fighting in the Pacific, including my late father in law.
I didn’t want to believe it at first that he hates this country but he has learned so well under his “teachers.” It is becoming more and more apparent. Well, not to those still under his trance. I think he is insidious. Oh, and a sociopath. An insidious sociopath.
Yes, Mary, the Japanese were extremely cruel. They were also extremely brave and patriotic (or religious, worshipping their emperor), and the point I wanted to make was that the atomic bomb actually saved far more lives than it ever took. If the United States hadn’t dropped two–note that two were dropped, with time between them to allow Japan to respond–then Japan would have continued to fight until the bitter end. Bill Whittle of PJTV has an excellent video (May 7 Afterburner), which I once saw but now apparently must pay to see again: “Jon Stewart, War Criminals, and the True Story of the Atomic Bombs.”
So Harry Truman would have been a worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (if its worth receiving).
Eric Liddell, one of the two British athletes portrayed in the film Chariots of Fire, was born in China. He became a Christian missionary to China and died in China as a prisoner of war during the Japanese occupation. Wikipedia reports that “[i]t was recently revealed by the Chinese authorities that Liddell had given up an opportunity to leave the camp and instead gave his place to a pregnant woman. Apparently, the Japanese did a deal with the British, with Churchill’s approval, for prisoner exchange. Therefore, because Eric was a famous athlete he was one of the chosen as part of the prisoner exchange. However, he gave his place to another. This information was released near the time of the Beijing Olympics by the Chinese government and apparently news of this great act of sacrifice came as a surprise even to his family members.”
Hi Jon, 11:41am
I couldn’t agree more that lives were saved. The Japanese would have fought to the last man, literally. My late father in law who served in the Pacific was overjoyed when the bomb was dropped and was also convinced it ended the war.
People conveniently forget the indiscriminate bombing of cities by the Japanese as well as their brutality when they whine about the atomic bombs. Certainly their victims were as brutalized and dead as any atomic bomb victim.
Given that, I would have to agree Truman did deserve the Nobel.
What grates me is the Rev.Wright’s selective concern about war “crimes”, overlooking that the Japanese started this war, were brutally racist(they would have viewed the Rev. as a racial inferior), and inflicted atrocities so horrendous that even Hitler’s ambassador in China was appalled.
Remember first and foremost that he is a sociopath. I will not back down on that one. The most important rule in dealing with a sociopath is to remember first and foremost this person is a sociopath. Expect to see Obama lash out and blame others for his failures and portray himself as a victim, enjoy and abuse the trappings of wealth and power with no regard for the difficult circumstances of the average American(i.e. taking his wife on “dates”), and continue to seek the adulation he receives at townhall meetings.
My perspective for what it is worth.
Posted by: Mary at February 3, 2010 10:19 AM
It’s worth the value of your medical school education. In other words, nothing. You are not qualified to make such a diagnosis, and it certainly doesn’t fit the facts. First of all DSM-IV doesn’t even use that term anymore. It’s now an “Anti-social personality disorder.” Second, do you have any evidence that Obama suffered from such a disorder before the age of 15? Otherwise, by definition, he can’t have it. Third, I don’t see any relationship between the behavior of President Obama and anti-social traits. You can disagree with his policies, but do you have to slander him as well?
Do your research. Start with “The Sociopath Nextdoor” by Dr. Martha Stout. The term “sociopath” is indeed used. Anti-social personality, sociopath, and psychopath are terms used interchangably to describe the same disorder.
Oh and Hal, one of the most prominent traits of a sociopath is his/her ability to charm and manipulate people. Sound familiar? Dr.Stout warns that this is a trait to watch for and be very wary of.
BTW, personality disorders, including sociopathy, often do not manifest until adolecense and early adulthood, that would be age aroung age 15 on up, though signs may…may be apparent in childhood. I have seen children I suspected were sociopaths and was proven correct later in their lives. A friend of mine who is a special ed teacher has had known sociopathic children in her classroom so the disorder can manifest early. She has described these children as incredibly charming and manipulative. Sound familiar?
I’m not slandering him Hal, just observing his behavior and giving my opinion of what I observe. Google “is Obama a sociopath” and you will find I am not alone in my assertion. BTW, Bill Clinton is also a sociopath, just a FYI. Sociopaths aren’t axe murderers, they’re people you encounter in every day life. My advice to you Hal is to read Dr.Stout’s book and thoroughly inform yourself on how to ID sociopaths. Its not rocket science and will be hugely beneficial for you to have such info. It seems to me you were already taken in by one bigtime but don’t be embarassed, in retrospect I have as well.
Okay, fine. George Bush and Sarah Palin are sociopaths too then.
(Gee, I feel better already)
Fine. Whatever gets you through the day.