Roses or rubbers? Gift options this VD
Two very different fundraising efforts this Valentine’s Day couldn’t more starkly show the ideological difference between the pro-life and pro-abortion communities.
First we have TN Right to Life’s Valentine’s Rose Sale. Click on the link to see additional offers for pro-life pins and stuffed animals (and also click on the graphic to enlarge)…
Then we have Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region’s offer to send your special someone designer condoms for a $25 donation (click to enlarge)…
According to the pro-abortion mentality: 1) love means sex; 3) romance means sex; and 2) everything points to sex.

Well, the rubbers are appropriate. If one is committed to a use of sex that rejects the radical self-donation between a husband and wife, then nothing so epitomizes that sterile existence than a gift box of rubbers.
For once PP has gotten it right.
EWWWWWWWWWW! Why does Planned Parenthood have to RUIN Valentines Day?!?? Every year its about sex, sex, sex and more sex. Its not about LOVE to them.
Designer condoms?!? This I have to see…
Let’s see they come in basic, color, dots, and XL. Dots? Dots?!?
Ahahahahahahahaha!!! Pardon me while I go die laughing.
Actually, those “dots” are kinda nice. If you’re using condoms as birth control, dots are the way to go.
I do, however, think that’s a really tacky gift for Valentine’s Day, and I would be pissed if gifted with that.
Gives new meaning to the phrase “connect the dots”…
And there must be some kind of discrimination suit in there….XS condoms weren’t even mentioned.
Sorry to go off topic, Jill, but have you guys seen this?
Pretty interesting! Wonder what NOW says about that!
My husband’s getting me pregnancy tests!
Hands off, ladies, I found ‘im first.
No, really, I’m serious. I can’t think of a more useful, appropriate, and romantic gift.
Planned Parenthood is confused in thinking VD stands for ‘venereal disease.’
I had to laugh when I saw the “VD”. I’m old enough to remember when this was “venereal disease”. Of course “VD” the letters or the disease, was never discussed in polite company, any mention and you were shushed by mom and dad and grandma would probably faint.
Condoms have always struck me as more utilitarian than romantic…
Jennifer – GREAT op-ed by an otherwise misguided individual. Thanks for posting it! I will certainly pray for her conversion as she already seems to be half-way there…at least she NOW sees the stupidity in her side’s argument in regards to this ad. And, she readily admits NOW’s true intentions. I love that she used the term “pro-abortion.” I might have to write to her to commend her courage.
Yeah, condoms are about the least romantic thing I can imagine. If my husband bought me that for valentine’s day, I would be a little worried about our relationship.
Also, I’d be confused. Uh? Are you trying to tell me that you’ve been cheating on me and need to protect me from STD’s?
“According to the pro-abortion mentality: 1) love means sex; 3) romance means sex; and 2) everything points to sex.”
Jill, so true!!
Is this gift meant for a man, a woman, or either one? Personally, I’d like to know more about the chocolates I’m getting for a $25.00 donation. They’d better be some pretty nice ones at that price. Maybe a pro-choicer could let us know. :)
* * * *
Maybe they are chocolate condoms, Janet.
Consumer Reports, just a couple of years back, ranked condoms on their effectiveness. Guess who’s product came in dead last out of the many that they tested? Gee, any correlation between the fact that if it did fail, they have a back up plan???
You want to see something really vile re: Planned Parenthood. Go to their sponsored website called I am not easily shocked but this is too much. And to think they get tax money and are welcome in our schools.
I’m all for safe sex, but this is just tacky.
Reminds me of Tom Robbins’ book,’Even Cowgirls Get The Blues’.
“One of the ancillary characters in the book, Countess, a male homosexual feminine-hygiene tycoon, has a remote retreat know as the ‘Rubber Rose Ranch’.”
[Hey, I am just cutin’ and pastin’ from the book review.]
Some how the color ‘red’ is inherently connected to ‘roses’ and ‘rubber. Maybe it’s that 60’s song with the line, ‘The sun is slowly sinking like a ‘red rubber ball’.
Any way when I read of ‘roses and rubber’ that was the first thing that popped into my mind.
I read the book and laughed and laughed, but I never saw the movie.
The Da Vinci Code kind of popped up as well with the references to the ‘rose’.
I don’t believe my wife would be appreciative of the books or the rubbers, but she does like roses.
Almost as bizarre as PP.
yor bro ken
You notice they say ‘In honor of a loved one’…people usually say that about someone who has DIED…hmmmm…IRONIC, PP.
Thanks for posting the link to the op-ed. Although this gal is pro-choice at least she can clearly see the ludicracy of the pro-abort stance on this ad.
Go Tebow family!!!!
I was expecting little hearts not little dots. LOL There’s nothing more symbolic of Valentine’s day that a condom covered in dots. lol
@xalisae: The dots may be very nice indeed, but I just have these mental images now of dot-covered condoms and…
*dies laughing again*
The only use I have for condoms is water bombs and making piñatas.
yor bro ken
wow… I can’t think of a less romantic gift. I’d rather get a vacuum or Jenny Craig membership.
Thanks, PP, for continuing to tell young girls that they’re only good for sex. Really advancing women’s rights!
I think that’s a great/funny gift idea. Obviously I don’t support Planned Parenthood, but I also support the idea that people won’t abort children who aren’t conceived.