People, Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, Reille Hunter.jpgUPDATE, 8:10p: People magazine is not the only news outlet reporting John and Elizabeth Edwards have separated:

After meeting the love child that rocked her 32-year marriage to one-time presidential candidate John Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards has had enough.
“She said, ‘I’ve had it. I can’t do this. I want my life back,'” her sister, Nancy Anania, tells People in the latest cover story. Last December, Elizabeth met the 23-month-old Frances Quinn Hunter – the baby John fathered with mistress Rielle Hunter – in a mediated visit at a NC hotel….

The couple now occupy separate residences; she in their Chapel Hill mansion, while he divides time between an annex they call “the barn” and their beach house 160 miles away. Elizabeth, who is still undergoing cancer treatment, has had divorce papers at the ready for a year. Whether or not she files likely depends on her health, a source says.

You think it can’t get worse? The CBS News blog is reporting there is a sex tape. This was also mentioned yesterday in the WSJ article.
10:24a: As Jivin J wrote on his blog this morning, “This shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone.”
john edwards, the politician, reille hunter, andrew young, abortion.jpgYesterday the Wall Street Journal posted excerpts from the forthcoming book, The Politician: An insider’s account of John Edwards’s pursuit of the presidency and the scandal that brought him down.
The book was written by former Edwards’ confidante Andrew Young, who for a time even took a bullet for Edwards and claimed he was the father of baby. Last week Edwards finally manned up and admitted his paternity.
WSJ described an excerpt from the book indicating Edwards wanted Hunter to abort:

According to Young, Hunter called him in May 2007 to say she was pregnant. Young says that when he informed Edwards, the senator told him to “handle it,” to which he replied: “I can’t handle this one.” Young writes that Edwards unloaded on Hunter as a “crazy slut,” said they had an “open relationship,” and put his paternity chances at “one in three.”

reille and baby, john edwards, abortion.jpg

Young says that Edwards asked him for help persuading Hunter to have an abortion. Young writes that Hunter believed the baby to be “some kind of golden child, the reincarnated spirit of a Buddhist monk who was going to help save the world.”

Fortunately, Hunter resisted this all too typical coercive attempt by a sexually exploitative and irresponsible man to abort his own baby.
Of course Edwards is a pro-abort, which as we see is incredibly self-serving for men.
Edwards was ready to sacrifice his own baby for political and personal expediency.
This is all the more unimaginable when remembering Edwards’ 16-year-old son Wade was killed in a car accident, and Elizabeth had to undergo fertility treatments to conceive their youngest 2 children, Jack and Emma Claire.
John Edwards demonstrates the pro-abort mentality: Only wanted, convenient children are precious.
[Photo via the Los Angeles Times]

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