Surprise, surprise: Edwards wanted mistress to abort their baby
UPDATE, 8:10p: People magazine is not the only news outlet reporting John and Elizabeth Edwards have separated:
After meeting the love child that rocked her 32-year marriage to one-time presidential candidate John Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards has had enough.
“She said, ‘I’ve had it. I can’t do this. I want my life back,'” her sister, Nancy Anania, tells People in the latest cover story. Last December, Elizabeth met the 23-month-old Frances Quinn Hunter – the baby John fathered with mistress Rielle Hunter – in a mediated visit at a NC hotel….
The couple now occupy separate residences; she in their Chapel Hill mansion, while he divides time between an annex they call “the barn” and their beach house 160 miles away. Elizabeth, who is still undergoing cancer treatment, has had divorce papers at the ready for a year. Whether or not she files likely depends on her health, a source says.
You think it can’t get worse? The CBS News blog is reporting there is a sex tape. This was also mentioned yesterday in the WSJ article.
10:24a: As Jivin J wrote on his blog this morning, “This shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone.”
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal posted excerpts from the forthcoming book, The Politician: An insider’s account of John Edwards’s pursuit of the presidency and the scandal that brought him down.
The book was written by former Edwards’ confidante Andrew Young, who for a time even took a bullet for Edwards and claimed he was the father of
WSJ described an excerpt from the book indicating Edwards wanted Hunter to abort:
According to Young, Hunter called him in May 2007 to say she was pregnant. Young says that when he informed Edwards, the senator told him to “handle it,” to which he replied: “I can’t handle this one.” Young writes that Edwards unloaded on Hunter as a “crazy slut,” said they had an “open relationship,” and put his paternity chances at “one in three.”
Young says that Edwards asked him for help persuading Hunter to have an abortion. Young writes that Hunter believed the baby to be “some kind of golden child, the reincarnated spirit of a Buddhist monk who was going to help save the world.”
Fortunately, Hunter resisted this all too typical coercive attempt by a sexually exploitative and irresponsible man to abort his own baby.
Of course Edwards is a pro-abort, which as we see is incredibly self-serving for men.
Edwards was ready to sacrifice his own baby for political and personal expediency.
This is all the more unimaginable when remembering Edwards’ 16-year-old son Wade was killed in a car accident, and Elizabeth had to undergo fertility treatments to conceive their youngest 2 children, Jack and Emma Claire.
John Edwards demonstrates the pro-abort mentality: Only wanted, convenient children are precious.
[Photo via the Los Angeles Times]
Jill opined:
This is all the more unimaginable when remembering Edwards’ 16-year-old son Wade was killed in a car accident, and Elizabeth had to undergo fertility treatments to conceive their youngest 2 children, Jack and Emma Claire.
My guess is that Edwards doesn’t acknowledge the humanity of the unborn. His unborn child was “potential” life, while his son Wade was “actual” life. If that’s how he feels, then there wouldn’t be any contradiction.
On the other hand, given the phony psychic stunt in which Edwards pretended to “speak for” an unborn child who had cerebral palsy:
So he knows that unborn children are human beings when he can make big bucks on their behalf … but he’s completely clueless when it comes to killing them.
Bottom line: Edwards is a flim-flam artist. He’s truly Fakey McFakerson, and I think that everyone has noticed his veneer is gone….
Edwards is about as creepy as they come. Of course he wanted her to have an abortion. Can you imagine if he had actually won the primary and the general election? A lovechild could completely torpedo his presidency. That didn’t stop him from playing with fire and risking creating the baby though…Nope. Better to just kill anyone that stands in your way.
Wow…my mother was a big fan of his until it came out that he cheated on his wife, the same woman who found the courage to help her husband run for office despite battling cancer. When it came out that he had an affair, she decided to vote for someone else.
I mean, I don’t think that his mistress is a shining beacon of morality seeing as how she wasn’t exploited by Edwards- she knew very well that he was married. She’s just as guilty for the affair as Edwards. But I am glad that she kept the baby. That was brave of her. I hope that this scandal doesn’t hurt the baby as he or she grows up. That would be tragic.
I have always loved this quote:
Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right.
-Gianna Jessen
I don’t care if you’re pro-life or pro-choice, anyone who’d dismiss a woman they impregnated as a “crazy slut” and try to pressure her into an abortion is a total piece of s***.
We keep hearing new things about John Edwards, the sleaziest of the sleaze. It’s scary to think he came that close to actually running for President, but it shouldn’t be surprising, considering the current occupant of the WH.
I met with a retired OB/GYN from California. His reference to abortion was “expediency”
Becoming a new baby daddy doesn’t fit edwards. It is all about Edwards.
I think Edwards was the only crazy slut in this picture!
Isn’t that what abortion is for men like Edwards, a giant human eraser that gets rid of their “mistakes”. Why do you think it is so important to them that abortion stay legal.
Jon Stewart had a few comments on this (NWS).
Apparently Edwards has said, “Hopefully, someday, when she’s old enough to understand, she can forgive me.” Yeah. First you tried to kill her, then you just pretended she wasn’t your daughter. I’m sure she’ll grow right out of that one, Johnny.
This guy’s a lawyer, like Obama, like most politicians who are trained in obfuscating the truth for their clients’ and their own sordid gain.
Hell waits for them.
I pray they all repent so that heaven can receive them.
OT, but Naral co-founder Ruth Smith died. She was also heavily involved with the assisted suicide movement. What a sad, wasted life.
Lauren, Oh wow!
“As a young woman, Ruth received her first public-speaking lesson from Gov. Alfred E. Smith, to whom her father was a close adviser.”
Governor Alfred E. Smith was a Catholic. He ran against Herbert Hoover, I believe and had he won would have been the first Catholic president, not JFK. I wonder if she had those ideas when she was young?
It looks like her mother was very involved in the euthanasia movement in the 30’s and 40’s. Death surrounded her.
Seems like she had a full and happy life. And not “wasted” at all.
Hey WOW, thanks feminists! We’ve come so far. Women are really respected now as you can see from this story. So Edwards, who made a VOW to be faithful to his wife breaks his vow and has sex with a woman but the woman (who made no such vow to Edward’s wife) is the crazy slut? What a double standard!
Hey Edwards, it takes two to tango you moron!
Abortion is the ULTIMATE display of sexism. Bill Clinton was very happy when Gennifer Flowers aborted their lovechild. He didn’t want an affair and a baby to mess up his political dreams either. Sick, vain, perverted, demented men…both of them.
Hal, her entire life was dedicated to killing the innocent. That’s about as wasted life as one can get.
This pretty boy is the same moron who thought he could sneak into a major Los Angeles hotel to meet his girlfriend and never be recognized. He ran for president for heaven’s sake! Dahhhhh, John, you’re suprised you got caught? In case you never noticed John, you’re not invisible. Next time try an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere.
Monica Lewinsky saved the semen stained blue drass as some sort of momento from her time playing hide the wienie with democRAT president ‘slick [I did not have sex with that woman… Lewinsky] willie’.
Reille Hunter saved her ‘love child’ as momento of her canoodling with former demorcRAT president wanna be John [cheatin on his cancer stricken wife] Edwards.
Aborted love children don’t provide any usefull evidence when you are suing to prove paternity and receive the accompanying child support.
If Rocko the garbage man was the father of this ‘luv chyle’ then re-incarnate Budha or not, the baby life expectancy would be less than a fruit fly.
I am thankful that the little girl lives to see another day. I hope her psychotic mom either regains her sanity or loses interest relinquishes the little girl to a family that will love and cherish her for who she is, not who her sire or dam were.
yor bro ken
Elizabeth Edwards knew about the affair while John’s presidential campaign was still active, but Liz leaned in way over the plate and took one high and inside for the team.
ms Edwards and ms Clinton both drank deep from the same well of self serving sacrifice to slake their unquenchable thirst for power.
Hillary subordinated not only the country’s best interest, but more importantly Chelsea’s, to maintain her acccess to power she could have attained no other way.
In both cases they were coldly calculated acts of cruel and ‘ruth’less ambition.
[ruth- from ruen to rue
1 : compassion for the misery of another
2 : sorrow for one’s own faults : remorse]
yor bro ken
Seems like she had a full and happy life. And not “wasted” at all.
Posted by: Hal at January 27, 2010 1:43 PM
Like Ruth Smith, founder of NARAL, I am sure Elizabeth Edwards and Hillary Rodham Clinton have both had full and happy lives……when they were not allowing themselves to be be publicly humiliated by their narcicistic sociopathic pretty boy philanering spouses.
You go gals.
The eyes of all the women of the whole world are upon you.
Show them how ‘real’ women ‘gitter done’.
I thought feministas had eschewed all this ‘leaning on’ and ‘standing by’ yor man’ to be sucessful.
What happened to ‘I am whoa-man/woe-man, hear me roar’?
Seems like it kind of devolved into ‘I am helpless, hear me whimper and whine.’
yor bro ken
How many formerly pro-life politicians began to support abortion because they pressured for or procured an abortion for a pregnant mistress or a one-night stand?
Even if they regret doing so, they face the threat of blackmail and exposure from the woman or from an unscrupulous abortionist. Conversion is off the table for many of them.
I guess Elizabeth Edwards WAS right. She IS married to a monster.
“Abortion is the ULTIMATE display of sexism.”
Posted by: Sydney M
Here’s the thing “Sydney” – denying women the right to determine their own biological destiny is the ultimate sexism because it infers that the “lil gals” just aren’t “grown up” enough to make their own decisions and Big Daddy needs to do it for them. Yeah, let’s force women to breed. They’ll love it and be grateful. Forced breeding – talk about denigration of women….
Men need to stand up for LIFE, in word and deed. Many feel they are obligated as men to call themselves pro-choice. The pro-abort women have intimidated them. . Many men haven’t give it much thought at all. Wake-up men. Don’t be intimidated. Take a stand.
A woman has a right to her body, even if she is still in the womb!
I support a woman’s right to be born!
I think those are from Live Action faceboook page. I forget.
You are so full of it, Artemis!!
Choice is only about one choice and you know it.
“Many feel they are obligated as men to call themselves pro-choice.”
Posted by: Janet at January 27, 2010 5:40 PM
The anti-abortion movement is aided and abetted by anti-abortion men because those are the people who have the political power. Those who shoot abortion doctors are men. Many of those who harrass women going into abortion clinics (love the guys with the plastic fetus “bling”) are men. So don’t worry be happy. Stand up guys – if your woman doesn’t want the baby, you can always beat the crap out of her and she’ll be forced to deliver. She might die but the “baby” (whose rights supercede everybody’s) lives. Ah, good times. Maybe, we can change the law to put those considering abortion in jail where they’ll be forced to have that precious “baby.” Ah, good times.
apparently John Edwards is separated from his wife.
He claims he’s sad.
You do realize that it was a male Supreme Court that did you guys a favor and legalized abortion. Right?
And just where would we be without all of the male abortionists??
Great comments from you BTW!
The men I have read about here beat up and kill their pregnant girlfriends because they WON’T abort their children. Where have you been??
Funny Artemis how most of the pro-lifers on here are WOMEN. Funny how the crisis pregnancy center where I volunteer is staffed by WOMEN who are against abortion. And if some men are pro-life, so what? You seem to have no problem with the Edwards of your little world. The men who use women for their own sexual pleasure and then try to pressure women into abortions. Thats fine and dandy with you isn’t it, because its all about killing babies. Its not really about women having a choice, is it?
See…you act like giving birth to your baby is being forced to breed. You don’t have to breed. Be celibate. Then you can’t get pregnant (don’t throw in the rape argument. Rape RARELY results in pregnancy and when it does it doesn’t change the fact that the unborn baby is a person who deserves to live)
Most abortions are performed for convenience/social factors or because birth control failed. These women didn’t have to breed. They chose to have sex. Its not like learning rocket science to know vaginal intercourse can lead to pregnancy. So if you really don’t want to “breed” then keep your legs closed. Very simple and no one has to die.
The thing is, all of my friends who have had abortions did NOT WANT THE ABORTION. One friend was pressured by her mom, another friend aborted twice because her boyfriend said he could not support kids. The third didn’t know who the father was…again, it was her bad choices (sleeping with 6 guys in one week) but the child paid with his or her life.
None of these women felt they had a CHOICE. They felt FORCED to abort. Forced by family, forced by finances.And they are pretty pissed off about it too.
Women are not at war with their babies. Stop trying to define the issue as mother vs. child, Artemis.
Yes, Artemis…it’s not as though people get pressured by their MALE spouses/boyfriends/lovers to abort (read as “kill”) any FEMALE babies, amirite? Talk about an abuse of women’s rights…I’m pretty sure having your life taken from you is a harsh civil rights abuse like no other.
Where are all the “Girl Power!” peeps to stand up for women in the womb?
When people like Artemis come around, I always find it so delightfully ironic that my first baby who I was pressured to abort turned out to be a GIRL.
Where were HER rights, Artemis?
denying women the right to determine their own biological destiny is the ultimate sexism
What about denying UNBORN WOMEN the right to determine their own biological destiny…to be BORN???
Artemis, sounds like you just hate men! Why are you so intolerent? This is 2010, stop with all the hate!
Artemis, do you have any children? Just wondering.
Anyway, Edwards is a CREEP FROM HELL. Elizabeth should have kicked him out long ago.
Artemis posted:
“Here’s the thing “Sydney” – denying women the right to determine their own biological destiny is the ultimate sexism because it infers that the “lil gals” just aren’t “grown up” enough to make their own decisions and Big Daddy needs to do it for them. Yeah, let’s force women to breed. They’ll love it and be grateful. Forced breeding – talk about denigration of women…. ”
Thing is Artemis, the “biological destiny” of the female body that is with child is to carry that child to term and deliever that child. Abortion is an unnatural, interruption of that process that results in the death of that child and sometimes the death of the mother. There are fathers & mothers out there who regret their decisions to terminate a pregnancy. What about the fathers out there who don’t get a “choice” for the life of their child? Speak up.The way I see it there are at least 3 lives involved in every pregnancy.
Oh,BTW, I am not a horse, and the children that I bore are not livestock. Please feel free not to spread your seed though. You might be forced to build a barn for them to live in….
Disgusting. What a lowlife (Edwards).
Yep. I remember when Gennifer Flowers spoke about her abortion after the affair with Clinton. That was what he wanted and that’s what he got . The Clintons are such slime buckets, yet women just go ga-ga for him! Don’t know why. Flowers is now beyond child bearing age. I wonder how she feels about that abortion today. That child would have been very well provided for, so we can definatly say that their baby was aborted because of a very selfish fater!