Pelosi prays to St. Joseph to pass “life affirming” healthcare bill
If you haven’t yet grabbed your 1st cup of coffee this morning, you won’t need it after viewing the following 1:34 clip from a news conference House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held yesterday.
For starters, it is verboten to interject religion into politics – unless you’re a Democrat trying to pass pro-abort legislation. At this beginning of this little political homily Pelosi name-drops St. Joseph and at the end, supportive liberal nuns.
The Catholic saint from whom Pelosi invokes help is ironically Joseph, Jesus’s adoptive father, who accepted Mary as his betrothed during her crisis pregnancy as an unwed teen and raised Jesus as his own son….
I’m not one to pray to saints, but this sure seems like the wrong guy to reach out to for help passing legislation including public funded abortion.
An objective observer would wonder why Pelosi goes out of her way to claim the bill being voted on is “life affirming,” a strange and unnecessary phrase needed to describe legislation providing blanket healthcare coverage to Americans. But of course, right?
No, we all know what was up with that. Pelosi was portending her touted legislation is the opposite of what it really is, going so far as to recall, “Some of the you present earlier in the week when we started with little children, babies as young as 6 weeks old, to talk about what it means to them.”
Fortunately for some of them, public funded abortions in Pelosi’s healthcare bill wasn’t yet available.
Finally, Pelosi highlighted a letter received from a group of liberal nuns in support of her healthcare bill that includes public funded abortions. See this post for more on them. Surprise, surprise, Pelosi discloses 2 of them instructed her in her whacked out belief system.
So here you go…
Pelosi should watch herself. Heaven can’t be manipulated by her cynical appeals to life-destructive agendas from pro-abort Catholics whose lives place them beyond sanctifying grace.
That said, I sincerely hope that through the intercession of St. Joseph (who took his young family to Egypt in order to escape another murderous politician 2,000 years ago) Heaven will answer Nancy’s prayer and give us a truly life-affirming healthcare and political system.
Saint Joseph is NOT a fool. God is NOT to be mocked! Pelosi is showing more and more that she is NOT an authentic Catholic.
Everyone calm down,
The only “Joseph” she would be praying to is the Soviet dictator and mass murderer Josef Stalin and I seriously doubt he resides in heaven.
Not to mention that the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker is May 1, NOT yesterday! Yesterday was the Solemnity of St. Joseph…ouch… I suppose we should expect nothing less from the woman who claims that it has never been a universal teaching of the Church that abortion is intrinsically evil…
So where are the seperation of church and state police?
Have you noticed that its perfectly fine when religious people support liberal causes? Somehow this never violates seperation of church and state.
Is it me or is “concern” for church/state seperation highly selective?
Ms Peelousy is making an self emoluating effigy of herself.
Don’t criticize her, encourage her!
Give her more straw, gasoline and matches.
What was the name of those cigarettes targeted/marketed at women.
Virginia Slims?
I am going to mail ms peelousy a package with a Bic lighter enclosed.
I may even send her some medical marijuana from her home state of California.
I just want her to keep close to an ignition source.
The botox has permeated her cranial cavity and what ever cells that reside there have been contaminated.
Maybe that is why ms peelousy is pushing so hard for B.O. hellth scare. Her current insurance policy has exceeded it’s ‘cap’ for cosmetic treatments.
Buy this woman a life time supply of transfat saturated french fries and/or a reverse liposuction procedure.
I nominate her to be the worlds first recipient in a brain transplant procedure. Lady Ga Ga has a brain she’s not using.
yor bro ken
yes, such a good catholic…doesnt even know that it was the solemnity of St. Joseph. The foster of father of Jesus protected his innocent child, showed mercy to his mother Mary when he could have divorced her, instead followed God’s plan. He is a model for fathers. Wish Ms. Pelosi would stop speaking for Catholics who actually try to live their fatih not rebel against it.
I am at a loss for words. She can’t even get the feast days right. She invoked St. Joseph the worker to promote this bill, when it is the Solemnity of St. Joseph who fled to Egypt to protect his wife and child from those seeking to murder children.
The worst thing is, is that “Catholics” who look to her as a model for their “Catholicism” probably won’t even notice that she got the feast day wrong.
How does she get away with this? God will not be mocked. There are few times I hope God’s patience wears thin, but this is one of them. This surely has to be the last straw.
Lord, please show this woman to be the fool she is.
Hi Scott,
As I suggested, she was probably invoking the communist saint Josef Stalin. She sounds more like a follower of his philosphy than that of the Catholic Joseph.
Posted by: Scott at March 20, 2010 10:52 AM
“Lord, please show this woman to be the fool she is.”
I am certain no one could best the LORD should HE choose to expose ms peelousy, but she is doing a journeyman job herself.
She is extinguishing herself everytime she opens either/both sides of her mouth.
One reason the mad-dame speakeress is pushing so hard for natioanlized health care is to ensure she will always have sufficient cash available to keep all her faces bottoxed, strethched and painted.
At least the late former governor of Texas, Ann ‘wrinkles’ Richards, was NOT vain like Nancy.
When Richards put on her game face it was all her and it was the only one she had.
yor bro ken
Posted by: Scott at March 20, 2010 10:52 AM
“Lord, please show this woman to be the fool she is.”
I am certain no one could best the LORD should HE choose to expose ms peelousy, but she is doing a journeyman job herself.
She is extinguishing herself everytime she opens either/both sides of her mouth.
One reason the mad-dame speakeress is pushing so hard for nationalized health care is to ensure she will always have sufficient cash available to keep all her faces botoxed, strethched and painted.
At least the late former governorness of Texas, Ann ‘wrinkles’ Richards, was NOT vain like Nancy.
When Richards put on her game face it was all her and it was the only one she had.
yor bro ken
I am not a Roman Catholic and have never prayed to the saints. But as a Biblical protestant, I have a high regard for Joseph as well as the Virgin Mary. From the time that the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary and Jesus Christ was conceived in her womb, the eternal Christ became a human person. Joseph, with the assistance of divine dreams, did a faithful job in protecting the babe Christ in both his preborn and postborn state from the King Herod’s and Nancy Pelosi’s of the world.
I am not a Roman Catholic and have never prayed to the saints. But as a Biblical protestant, I have a high regard for Joseph as well as the Virgin Mary. From the time that the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary and Jesus Christ was conceived in her womb, the eternal Christ became a human person. Joseph, with the assistance of divine dreams, did a faithful and commendable job of protecting the babe Christ, in both his preborn and postborn state, from the King Herod’s and Nancy Pelosi’s of this world.
So March 19th isn’t the Feast of St Joseph – or as it is called by the Italian Americans in Rhode Island, La Festa di San Giuseppe. Not only do folks wear red on this day; but the Governor (currently Republican, pro-life Don Carcieri) sponsors a combination St.Patrick/St Joseph party at the RI State House. This year there was a “joint St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Day Celebration, in support of John Loughlin, Republican candidate for United States Congress, on Thursday.” There are other St. Joseph’s festivities in cities and towns. Zeppolles, an Italian puff pastry made to honor St. Joseph’s Day, are found in bakeries around the state during this week – particularly in the Italian neighborhoods. The Roman Catholic Chancellor of RI sent a missive to parishes about eating meat on “St. Joseph’s Day.”
The following Catholic site lists March 19th as St. Joseph’s feast day.
Hi Artemis.
Yes, March 19 is the feast of St. Joseph. It is NOT the feast of St Joseph the Worker. That date is May 1.
Oops, and March 19 is not a feast day- it is a Solemnity of St Joseph.
More proof that Pelosi is in bondage to Satan himself.
May the Kingdom of God stand against her, her president and all of the pro-death representatives she presides over.
Not to mention that the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker is May 1, NOT yesterday! Yesterday was the Solemnity of St. Joseph…ouch… I suppose we should expect nothing less from the woman who claims that it has never been a universal teaching of the Church that abortion is intrinsically evil…
Posted by: Bobby Bambino Author Profile Page at March 20, 2010 9:19 AM
haha – so typical of a liberal Catholic eh?
Trust me, St. Joseph will not be happy that this “woman” is using his holy and good name to promote the killing of innocents.
For heaven’s sake, the poor man fled to escape this very thing!
“For heaven’s sake, the poor man [St Joseph] fled to escape this very thing!”
Wow… I didn’t even make that connection… good grief that is sick. How much more obviously can the words from Isaiah “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” be fulfilled?
I forgot to note that Zeppolles are really, really good (the ones with a touch of Galliano are the best!). Obviously not diet food; but it’s only once a year!
Check out everyone. Looks like the Administration Actuary cannot get a cost analysis done in time for tomorrow’s vote.
@Mary: Ironically, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker was placed on May 1st to replace the Communists’ Labor Day/Workers’ Day celebrations.
Hi Coutney,
Interesting, thank you.
That might explain Pelosi’s confusion as to what Josef/Joseph she was praying to.
For the record, Catholics do not pray to saints- we ask for their intercession- in other words, we ask them to pray for us.